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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So what happens to PvE'rs?


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Ok so QQ'ers (I refuse to call them PvP'ers if they can QQ about gear difference in the first place) now they can get their gear faster, ok fine.


So basically now, the PvP get gear within a week while the PVE'rs need to do all the HM. Now I have a new question for you, why the hell would they even bother doing HM when they just sit losing and farming those commendations to get the Champion gear to start HM EV and HM KP?


Seriously who wants Tionese gear over Champion gear? And besides the point if they fail the HM with Champion gear, who the hell wants to play with these people to HM EV?


So what now? Will HM provide Columi gear instead? In that case will EV now contain Columi/Rataka gear.


If not this sounds pretty broken and will probably have people stop doing HM anyways since its pointless and stupid to do.


So what now Bioware? Tionese/Centurion gears are useless anyway, whats the next step?


And again I put the same QUESTION that I did and gotten no answer to the QQ'ers:


What MMO game besides Guild Wars that provide Skill > (Gear + Level + anything) in any game. I put money none, and I dont think SWTOR will EVER be that game, nor any new game. Hell I reckon that GW2 will probably force us to do PvE to get gear to do PvP.


INB4 I can gear up faster QQ, not that I care anyway, cause you'll still fail anyway and whinge about needing nerfs for all other classes anyway.

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Wrong section but I'll reply to it anyway.


HMs end bosses drop Columi tokens, unless we're talking HM Kaon in which the bonus boss also drops Columi on top of the normal end boss.


HM bosses, not end bosses, drop Tionese and Tionese equal gear.


HM mini bosses drop Tionese crystals (almost worthless).


While gearing through PvP it is the faster/easier method, using the PvP gear in PvE if you a DPS however makes you hit like a wet noodle compared with PvE gear. Not to mention that the set bonuses provides on PvP gear only have validity in PvP where as the PvE is more geared towards PvE (for the most part).


When gearing for HM/NMM Ops, I follow this method with recruits.


If they want to use PvP gear in PvE fine, but not in an HM Op they will gear for those using their PvP gear in Reg Ops or HMs. They must be in full Columi PvE gear to run with the guild in an HM Op unless they have **** luck with MH weapons. The only PvP piece I will except as viable is the Champion MH weapon since I know no current HM drops Columi MH weapons. Everything else must be had from HMs, crafting, NM Ops, or dailies.

Edited by Quikfox
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Seriously who wants Tionese gear over Champion gear?


Tionese gear was already pointless since you can get better gear (same ILVL but waaaaaaaay better itemized) by doing 3 quick daily quests for 5 days. PVP gear doesn't really change anything

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Ok so QQ'ers (I refuse to call them PvP'ers if they can QQ about gear difference in the first place) now they can get their gear faster, ok fine.


So basically now, the PvP get gear within a week while the PVE'rs need to do all the HM. Now I have a new question for you, why the hell would they even bother doing HM when they just sit losing and farming those commendations to get the Champion gear to start HM EV and HM KP?


Wow someone is doing hard modes to gear up for operations ?

I only did HM Black Talon with friend for dailis becouse all the other HM were so bugged and long. Then I started PvP dailis and I got geared so freaking fast for operations that hard modes were absolutly not nececery. I never did any instance higher then Foundry on normal even :)

PvP was always the way to go. And now it's even easier.

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Wrong section but I'll reply to it anyway.


HMs end bosses drop Columi tokens, unless we're talking HM Kaon in which the bonus boss also drops Columi on top of the normal end boss.


HM bosses, not end bosses, drop Tionese and Tionese equal gear.


HM mini bosses drop Tionese crystals (almost worthless).


While gearing through PvP it is the faster/easier method, using the PvP gear in PvE if you a DPS however makes you hit like a wet noodle compared with PvE gear. Not to mention that the set bonuses provides on PvP gear only have validity in PvP where as the PvE is more geared towards PvE (for the most part).


When gearing for HM/NMM Ops, I follow this method with recruits.


If they want to use PvP gear in PvE fine, but not in an HM Op they will gear for those using their PvP gear in Reg Ops or HMs. They must be in full Columi PvE gear to run with the guild in an HM Op unless they have **** luck with MH weapons. The only PvP piece I will except as viable is the Champion MH weapon since I know no current HM drops Columi MH weapons. Everything else must be had from HMs, crafting, NM Ops, or dailies.


But my point stands, right now, most ppl would go, hell I wnat to PvE but its quicker to get gear which is similar or better from PvP.


So what do you think ppl would choose to do, instead of choices we got ppl grinding gear in PvP to do PvE, now you might think thats good and all, but now the point of doing Hard Modes is for? Dailies? What you want to grind 1 columi per day?


Even Champion Gear = Columi, you might as well use Champion Gear on Hard Modes EV and be done with Rataka.


And btw Campion Gear is enough to do HM EV, hell you can down most bosses except maybe the last, but thats where those rataka and columi tokens come into play from EV.


WTG Bioware, thanks for letting us skip content :).

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you and your attitude are part of the problem


game is only about gear for you, and quickest way to get gear is the only progression you can see


its no wonder the genre is so ****ed when the majority of the post-wow mmo player thinks like you do.

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you and your attitude are part of the problem


game is only about gear for you, and quickest way to get gear is the only progression you can see


its no wonder the genre is so ****ed when the majority of the post-wow mmo player thinks like you do.


Yea its my fault for Bioware to give us gear left and right, so instead you are now angry that I'm pointing out a simple flaw in "progression", yes Gear is part of that progression.


But how many ppl are going to really do content over progression now? Really?

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Yea its my fault for Bioware to give us gear left and right, so instead you are now angry that I'm pointing out a simple flaw in "progression", yes Gear is part of that progression.


But how many ppl are going to really do content over progression now? Really?


not your fault individually, but (I'm presuming you're a wow player here) collective fault for being one of millions who subbed to a game solely designed around the carrot of gear progression and letting that become the genre norm.


gear in mmos should never have been what progression was measured by, gear should be crafted, should never be permanent (should lose durability through repair or be lost on unrecovered corpses or looted by players) and there should be random (not guaranteed) exceptional loot drops.


i'm going off topic for your thread though, yes when losing warzones gets you rewards people will just lose warzones to progress, this was raised many many times prelaunch and totally ignored by bw because they are arrogant and know better than us.

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Its great, there are options, kudos to BioWare to not make gear 1 dimensional, or that you have to farm ceratin stuff gazillion times to get a piece.


You PVEer? Do HM FPs? Sick of them? Do some PvP. Or do both. Yah, thats progression. And fastest way.


Columi exclusive for EV HM? lol, gearscore people at their best, its perfectly doable in champion gear. How bad are you? Anyone requiring this should be avoided in large arc.

Edited by GrandMike
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not your fault individually, but (I'm presuming you're a wow player here) collective fault for being one of millions who subbed to a game solely designed around the carrot of gear progression and letting that become the genre norm.


gear in mmos should never have been what progression was measured by, gear should be crafted, should never be permanent (should lose durability through repair or be lost on unrecovered corpses or looted by players) and there should be random (not guaranteed) exceptional loot drops.


i'm going off topic for your thread though, yes when losing warzones gets you rewards people will just lose warzones to progress, this was raised many many times prelaunch and totally ignored by bw because they are arrogant and know better than us.


You have a point, but in an MMO-RPG style game, gear and skillset and attributes all count. If you take that all away then it becomes simply an adventure most ppl wont play for more than a month, maybe GW2 will be different, but I truly doubt that.


What I was trying to say was that I dont mind gear progression but dont feed what the PvP are QQing about with Gear difference too high that they cant complete. Should they do this, they should tweak the HM to make it worth while for the PvEr to be able to progress through to content and participate in PvP. Now I feel PvE have missed out because they didnt QQ as much as the PvP. Is that fair for them, I dont think so. And I feel sorry for them because most are thinking this might be a better option to gear up better, than doing HM anyway at this rate.

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Oh no, I can get gear easily and play what I want to play to gear up... how awful. I feel for you OP, you clearly love to pve... considering you don't want to do it.


What'll you do when you get your gear anyway? Complain that you have nothing to do until they put out new gear? It really feels like that with more and more whines- people could give half a **** about new content- it's new gear that gets them hot.

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Oh no, I can get gear easily and play what I want to play to gear up... how awful. I feel for you OP, you clearly love to pve... considering you don't want to do it.


What'll you do when you get your gear anyway? Complain that you have nothing to do until they put out new gear? It really feels like that with more and more whines- people could give half a **** about new content- it's new gear that gets them hot.


You know what u are right why dont we just give "Everyone" free champion/bm/rataka gear.


Good work, Sherlock!

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Hmm what should be more rewarding...


A. Something you kill that is always the same fight with very very limited AI


B. Something you kill that is never the same with human intelligence




Lets see how high your "human intelligence" is.

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Call my crazy but I'm under the impression that the new patch makes it easier to obtain Centurion gear but harder to obtain Champion gear unless you are Battlemaster.


Am I wrong?

From now on it will be nearly impossible to open a champion bag and find a champion item....


But it was the right move,making it easier to obtain Centurion gear I mean.Fresh 50s were getting destroyed in WZs and now they will stand a better chance



sorry for my bad english

Edited by tadro
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Call my crazy but I'm under the impression that the new patch makes it easier to obtain Centurion gear but harder to obtain Champion gear unless you are Battlemaster.


Am I wrong?

From now on it will be nearly impossible to open a champion bag and find a champion item....


But it was the right move,making it easier to obtain Centurion gear I mean.Fresh 50s were getting destroyed in WZs and now they will stand a better chance



sorry for my bad english


Yes, the patch basically makes it "easier" or make rather less random to get gear. OP is a drama queen.

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You know what u are right why dont we just give "Everyone" free champion/bm/rataka gear.


Good work, Sherlock!


It's allready "free"...


You can do a hardmode ops with several undergeared ppl, you can normal ops with just blue and green stuff. HM FP's are harder then the normal ops.

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