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. People know to target me and I'm often ganked by 5-6 people at a time (However I almost always survive because I can heal myself endlessly for an un-interruptable 6k at a time xD)

You're making me jealous. My Operative healer can't do that :(

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Yah know id prefer if you just stopped posting,i mean really look at what you just wrote and i really feel for the people you and your most likely premade go up against daily with i bet nothing less than four Sorcs in your group.


I know huh? Dude saying hes never been chain stunned and died. I'll file that little tid bit right next to the Easter Bunny and the Toothe Fairie.

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PVE'er He is trying to point out some things that works with the one and only game that hasnt failed as a MMO. By the way beta testing that game was a joy compared to this. The reason why is we are still in beta, just like when warhammer was released. The only way things get fixed is by people expressing what is wrong with the game. Thats why WOW was and is sucessful. I guess you couldnt understand that because you think doing hard mode flash points its high end game content.


LOL at reading comphrehension fail. Oh, are you his boyfriend now? Cool, congratulations. PM me your address, I'll have my secretary send you some flowers.

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Yah know id prefer if you just stopped posting,i mean really look at what you just wrote and i really feel for the people you and your most likely premade go up against daily with i bet nothing less than four Sorcs in your group.


My main premade is two juggernauts an operative and a bodyguard BH. No sorcerers because they aren't very good unless played by the right people. Sorry to break it to ya =(


Maybe L2P?

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Never had a problem with CC's at all I'm afraid. Once I learned resolve and when to time my CC break it no longer became a problem.


90% of the people who have posted here are REALLY bad BTW due to your comments and would benefit from never PvPing again (Those who aren't know who they are).


If you want to say I chain stun I'm a bodyguard BH who gets 0 damage and 0 kills per match I heal and that's it.


If you want to say I never have been chain stunned I'm about the best healer (if not the best) on my server and make 500k per match like it's nothing. People know to target me and I'm often ganked by 5-6 people at a time (However I almost always survive because I can heal myself endlessly for an un-interruptable 6k at a time xD)


Learn to resolve or stop PvPing. You can't be stunned every 10 seconds and you can't be stunned for a minute. That is just the facts of this game and are simply not possible. L2P


probably a tracer round merc, and telling people they are bad.....lol

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Never had a problem with CC's at all I'm afraid. Once I learned resolve and when to time my CC break it no longer became a problem.


90% of the people who have posted here are REALLY bad BTW due to your comments and would benefit from never PvPing again (Those who aren't know who they are).


If you want to say I chain stun I'm a bodyguard BH who gets 0 damage and 0 kills per match I heal and that's it.


If you want to say I never have been chain stunned I'm about the best healer (if not the best) on my server and make 500k per match like it's nothing. People know to target me and I'm often ganked by 5-6 people at a time (However I almost always survive because I can heal myself endlessly for an un-interruptable 6k at a time xD)


Learn to resolve or stop PvPing. You can't be stunned every 10 seconds and you can't be stunned for a minute. That is just the facts of this game and are simply not possible. L2P


Sorry I dont believe that for a second. You should post your videos of the 1v6 we would all love to see them

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Spoken like someone who doesn't play melee.


Melee who start a fight at range? How exactly would they do that?


Melee who are attacked at range is 90% loss. And this is how most fights start and end in huttball.


Melee who attack at short range are knocked back, usually off a ledge, snared, and then whittled to death as they they are kited around.


There is very little fun in playing huttball as a melee class after level 50. Once in a while you get a team that is not 90% sorcs and snipers, and then it can be fun. But the rest of the time, it's constant rain of death and lightning from above.


My main is an operative, switching between heal spec and concealment. You're bad.

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My main premade is two juggernauts an operative and a bodyguard BH. No sorcerers because they aren't very good unless played by the right people. Sorry to break it to ya =(


Maybe L2P?


There it is "L2P" isnt it alittle late for you to be posting?

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RANGED stuns on RANGED classes shouldn't see the light of day unless they require setup, or last half as long as a soft CC.


See the MMO that didn't go out of business or go free 2 play *cough WoW cough*. Giving ranged classes hammer of justice is about the dumbest design decision I have ever seen.


The problem with sage/sorc is the hybrid spec. The pure balance spec is fine. No class has this much CC in any MMO and the classes/specs that do? Do mediocre overall dmg (never lead dmg in a warzone) and or can't heal/throw shields on other people and themselves. See frost mage in WoW. Frost mages can be countered with cleanse/diminishing returns. Cleanse has a cooldown in this game and you can be knocked back multiple times and not have a resolve bar fill.


See the MMO that didn't go out of business or go free to play.


People could care less about soft CC, except the knockbacks. Why?


In the game that didn't fail you can't stack classes with no penalty. Why? Diminishing returns.


You also don't make ranged classes as simple as they are in SWTOR (minus slinger/sniper) but I could care less about that. They want baddies to be able to compete? No problem.


We didn't quit WoW so that we could have even more loss of control of our character...In fact many people quit WoW because their was already so much CC that required a cleanse bot.


So we come to SWTOR and now we have stunfests, useless pvp trinkets, cleanse being useless because of the cooldown, oh and they want us (out of every 3 people that play) to have a tank (boring to play) guardina a healer (boring to play but we are used to having to jump around while spamming 1/10th our class buttons from WoW) in every 4 man group.


SWTOR took everything bad about WoW and made it WORSE. So why should we play this instead of WoW? Game performance? Sucks. Skill? Ranged stuns and no diminishing returns remove it. Classes? Some are fun and challenging like current WoW classes (marauder/sent) and others that are OP due to ranged stuns? Easier then classes in Vanilla WoW to play.


Is WoW perfect? Hell no. Is it better then SWTOR? Yup. I would pay to watch a SWTOR developer play a sentinel on any mature server where all empire plays is mercs/sorc.


When he is stunned for about the 100th time and throws his keyboard, I want them to tell me how good this craptastic stun/knockback fest is and why anyone should want to play this game for pvp.


Can it be fixed? Yup. Have they done anything to address it or even talk about it? Nope. They are clueless, obviously biased and should never be allowed to ruin or design a games pvp ever again.


They should all be fired and replaced by professional gamers who could/tell what needs fixing in this game within 30 minutes.


There is no excuse for a game to have this kind of budget and to hire FAILED developers from other FAILED games, and at the same time not make use of any of the multitude of professional gamers whom would work for peanuts compared to these FAIL designers whom should have never gotten the job in the first place.


Anyone who knows what balanced and fun pvp looks like can tell withing an hour of play in a warzone that this game sucks.


Why am I still playing? Waiting for the next WoW expansion. Why? At least they have a clue. If I am gonna play a gearfest at least I am going to play one where this doesn't happen...


If I don't trinket I die or can't pop defensive cooldowns which leads to death.


When I do trinket, I am instantly stunned again without resolve working before I die.


That right there = broke. The fact they gave MULTIPLE classes ranged stuns to do this? LOL at "skill" in this game.





I can't wait to see Caelrie's fail reply to this, I think he/she just got schooled.

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Sorry I dont believe that for a second. You should post your videos of the 1v6 we would all love to see them


It's not a 1vs6 as that would assume I killed them all by myself. What it does mean however is that I could heal myself and break the stuns of 6 people by myself for an extended amount of time until my team killed all 6 of them.

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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


Que with buddies. This game strives on group pvp and coordination.




















Plus.....backpedaling clicker lol. You have binds and the looks of your vid you use a Razor Naga....but you still click LOLOLOL

Edited by Evilbrood
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Yah know id prefer if you just stopped posting,i mean really look at what you just wrote and i really feel for the people you and your most likely premade go up against daily with i bet nothing less than four Sorcs in your group.


Honestly, complaining about sorcs is like a big neon sign that tells us you're bad or undergeared. At higher gear levels, sorcs aren't all that.

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There it is "L2P" isnt it alittle late for you to be posting?


Ah yes the old comment of if they are better than you they must be children. I would feel bad if that was my thought process that I had to think only kids could be better than me. lol.

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It's not a 1vs6 as that would assume I killed them all by myself. What it does mean however is that I could heal myself and break the stuns of 6 people by myself for an extended amount of time until my team killed all 6 of them.


Like I said please post a video of you and your team schooling six people who are focused on killing you and you breaking all their stuns. Thats the whole point of this subject is CC ablities and the lack of cc breaks

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I can't wait to see Caelrie's fail reply to this, I think he/she just got schooled.


I stopped reading it when he claimed WoW didn't give ranged classes stuns, when actually all of them have it. I figured his post wasn't worth reading after a mistake like that.

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Ah yes the old comment of if they are better than you they must be children. I would feel bad if that was my thought process that I had to think only kids could be better than me. lol.


Well the "L2P" is very telling signature in my eye's.

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I agree stuns should have diminishing returns, but if you're QQing about getting stunlocked by 6+ people my only question is: why the heck are you trying to take on 6 people?? as a melee I find that to avoid stuns from single players I must:


1.) know when to pop my 2 min cool down

2.)always try to stay behind my opponent (regardless of class/spec)

3.)put bleeds on them ASAP (continue the damage for those pesky stuns I can't break)

4.)use stuns/roots of my own.

5.) keep bleeds up


stuns 1v1 or even 2v1 aren't ridiculous as long as you use positioning and tactics

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I stopped reading it when he claimed WoW didn't give ranged classes stuns, when actually all of them have it. I figured his post wasn't worth reading after a mistake like that.




I can't wait to see Erishumlol's fail reply to this, I think he/she just got schooled.

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