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I would consider stopping a nuke a pretty high priority. and forgive me for asking but have you pvped? healer= #1 priority. stuns and dps should be focused on them. . should diminishing returns be put in place? I definitely think so. should you have 20/30s immunity? absolutely not.


we dont understeand each other probably..


stoping nuke? if they use AOE then its simply run away from it range. If they nuke by tracer missles.. then why to interupt if i can stun and kill?

once again im telling you i do not need to think about priority targets or using any kind of strategy.

In most cases simply call target = stun him = focus fire him = when he is death go another one.


this scenario is pretty much working 90% of the time and the point here is.. in 4man premade team im never out of stuns ! never! because every class has some of them and in addition we all have cybertech arsenal of CC.. thats is simply leading to game where i dont need to think.. i just follow one scenario and im winning..


so should we have 20/30 sec imunity? definitelly yes.. because then we will start to think when we will really need to use cc and when we dont need it.. after that it will be skill / timing / reaction game

Edited by Aragiel
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so you're complaining you can't beat two people by yourself? I don't understand why you feel like you should. not only that, but two people communicating with each other? the only way that should be possible is if you're 10 levels higher and have the best pvp gear


When you're critting for 3.5-4K every few seconds you don't expect the players to be geared. DoT damage but railshot for high crits and you should be expecting to take on 2 weaker opponents if you've got any sliver of ability.


I believe your first point was 'don't rush 6v1' or sentiment to that effect. Then a group of 4, now 2 guys are too much ... when you're hitting both for your max crits presumably making them less geared ... ?


The CCs in this game are the biggest skill equaliser you can have. They require spamming, not thought nor tactics. IMO, DPS shouldn't have them at all and I am a DPS. If a DPS can't at least expect to take out most people he sees in a 1v1 then it's time to reroll or go play COD.


I shouldn't have any CCs at all, and if I did all should break on damage. If I need CCs that don't then I'm a poor DPS :p I shouldn't need an extra 4s to have an advantage over my opponent because 4s may be 4-6K damage.

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The CCs in this game are the biggest skill equaliser you can have. They require spamming, not thought nor tactics. IMO, DPS shouldn't have them at all and I am a DPS. If a DPS can't at least expect to take out most people he sees in a 1v1 then it's time to reroll or go play COD.


I shouldn't have any CCs at all, and if I did all should break on damage. If I need CCs that don't then I'm a poor DPS :p I shouldn't need an extra 4s to have an advantage over my opponent because 4s may be 4-6K damage.


totaly agree..


im anyway off this debate as well..

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Well I don't think anyone is honestly planning the endgame PvP around warriors at level 24 lol so yea I would say that pvp is never balanced when you are going in before 50 because you are going in gimped with less gear armor etc then the rest. It's better than WoW though where people froze their levels used relic gear and then began to one hit everyone who didn't have ti everyday all day preventing anyone from getting good exp.


4 seconds actually. You use your CC break during the 2nd stun to make it go away instantly and then when your resolve bar is full (which it will be after the 2nd stun) you have about 10-12 seconds where you can't be stunned anymore at all.


10-12s is nowhere near enough. 20s at least it should be.


I can't understand why people seem to be advocating CCs so much for DPS chars. It just translates to 'I literally can't beat people without them being frozen in place and not able to fight back'.


Using them tactically would be, for instance, against a Marauder when they hit an ability that means they take 99% less damage for a few seconds. You're 1v1, winning the fight and they hit that. CC to 'put them on ice'. That's tactical. Being smashed by a better opponent but then CCing them twice is cheap, and a crutch, not tactics :p

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we dont understeand each other probably..


stoping nuke? if they use AOE then its simply run away from it range. If they nuke by tracer missles.. then why to interupt if i can stun and kill?

once again im telling you i do not need to think about priority targets or using any kind of strategy.

In most cases simply call target = stun him = focus fire him = when he is death go another one.


this scenario is pretty much working 90% of the time and the point here is.. in 4man premade team im never out of stuns ! never! because every class has some of them and in addition we all have cybertech arsenal of CC.. thats is simply leading to game where i dont need to think.. i just follow one scenario and im winning..


so should we have 20/30 sec imunity? definitelly yes.. because then we will start to think when we will really need to use cc and when we dont need it.. after that it will be skill / timing / reaction game





At no point do I look at an opponent and think ... I know that class pretty well from experience, and they're usually more powerful than me so perhaps I should evade and find a target that my spec is more adept at dealing with.


Nope. It's OOOOH! Someone to kill! If going gets tough, CC that mutha :p


It reduces the whole learning your class, learning your weaknesses and those of others. Your only weakness as a DPS is when one of your CCs is on CD :D

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CC wouldnt be bad if you were not able to lose 50+% of your hp during said CC


Agreed, they should be an inconvenience and break on DMG. They shouldn't be an insta-SUPER advantage over someone.


People who need their opponent to literally be frozen and not able to fight back in order to best them are just bad players and the sort who don't see the problem with AFKers on the other team because it means a fairer fight for them :p

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Gosh there is tons more CC in WoW and no resolve bars. If your CC breaker(s) is(are) on CD you can be chained CCed for a minute or more.


Thing is close to no one bothers to dispel so far I can only see me using my dispel on a regular basis and that even as a non healer.


I like the CC system. What I do not like is when its all about pumping out brainless damage tunneling one target.


Agreed, they should be an inconvenience and break on DMG. They shouldn't be an insta-SUPER advantage over someone.


People who need their opponent to literally be frozen and not able to fight back in order to best them are just bad players and the sort who don't see the problem with AFKers on the other team because it means a fairer fight for them :p


People who cannot deal with CCs are bad.

Edited by Vales
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There's NOTHING worse in ANY GAME when you have no control over your character, avatar, vehicle, aircraft etc. Whether it's a glitch, bug, or in a game like this, BY DESIGN, then it sucks all the enjoyment out of the game in an instant.


I'm all for CC in certain situations. But to be snared/stunned/knocked down, then to hit your release ability AND THEN instantly be snared again and again, whilst everyone can nail you something rotten, that sucks balls!

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Yah but here's the deal that you are not comprehending and i know it is like this on my server and im sure it is on most others.


You imperials geared far faster than Republics,plus due to both heal and damage medals the Sorc's/Inquisitors were able to gear far and away faster than all other classes and guess which faction has a ton of those casters? the Imperial so you also benefitted for just being there,now the gear discrepency is even more apparent,if you dont realize or understand this i dont know what to tell you,like i said four to five casters per a group every group and with better gear is the norm now.


So what any debate you have is just pointless when there is this stunfest and damage being componded,but i believe you do know that and your just,i dunno what it is your trying to prove.


So now the problem is gear...and not the CC system? Make up your mind.


Not to mention it was Huttball and it was two Imperial teams. The other team was the one stacked with the Sorc's as well, not the guy who linked the picture.


I'm a Vanguard with one stun and one slow, and the same amount of CC breakers as everyone else, and the only time I'm chain 'stunned' is when I'm dumb enough to walk into 3+ opposition players with no support.


I'm also levelling a Sorc and for all the moaning I see I have to think that none of the poor people that get 'Chain CC'd' by Sorc's understand the difference between Crowd Control,Stunning, and Slowing.


Whirlwind is a 60 second Crowd Control ability that heals strong and above targets and breaks if damage is taken. It has a 60 second cooldown.


Electrocute is a 4 second Stun that deals a small amount of damage on cast. It has a 60 second cooldown (spammable rite?)


Force Slow is a 6 second Slow effect that reduces movement speed by 50% as well as dealing damage over it's duration. It has a 12 second cooldown.


It a group of say, 3 Sorc's are 'Chain CC'ing' one of our poor souls here, trapped away from their group and so woefully low on damage and kills that the healers are ignoring them anyway, To effectively keep you 'Crowd Controlled' they are burning successive 60 second cooldowns, on an ability that lasts 60 seconds... and breaks when damage is done. Now if that same group is 'Chain' stunning you, you may have something to complain about... but why are you trapped away from your team at the mercy of 3 hostile players?

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Enlighten me. How is CC supposed to work?


When I use my CC buttons my enemy has to stand still and can't use abilities for at least 4 seconds so i can pound my UEBER dmg on him. If my enemy uses CC it has to break on dmg so i can react and show my SKILLZ.


I can't stand to be paralysed! I am the almighty chosen one but i can't bash people while stunned and it ALWAYS happens to ME and only to ME! There's no chance it could happen to ANY OTHER PLAYER on the field and me beeing permanently cc'd doesn't mean I'm beeing focused by more than one DD. My team always plays better than the enemy team and uses their cc much more coordinated!


And why the hack is it alway impossible for me to stun the huttball-carrier when he's running over the fire pits! Those people always have their resolve bar up and are just impossible to stop. It can't have anything to do with my team using crap ccs uncoordinated to push his resolve bar.. NONO the System plainly works in the favour of my enemys no matter who they are. NERF NERF NERF :mad:





PvE kiddies in PvP taking things much too serious


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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


Actually the resolve bar system works pretty well with affected CC, like mez, stun or KB, you are indeed immune pretty early if people abuse from it.


The problem is root are NOT affected by resolve bar so basically you can be chain root forever without any diminishing return. This is what needs to be adressed; the game must stop to consider root like 100% snares but instead include it in the resolve system at a reasonable rate.

Edited by zqsd
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Learn how resolve works.


resolve doesnt work. it only protects you from some of the cc some of the time. So why don't you learn how it works. If resolved actually worked like it is suppose to then we wouldnt have a problem. Only some CC actually builds resolve and only some of it are you protected against when it is full. Every CC should help build your resolve bar and once full every type of CC you should be immune to.

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Way too much CC in the game. It makes for boring PVP at best and excruciatingly frustrating PVP at worst.


Personally, I've resigned myself to just rolling my eyes when I get stun locked. The alternative is to rage and punch babies.


Is the resolve bar still bugged? I'm pretty patient with waiting out short stuns to fill up my resolve bar...yet even when it's white I still seem to get CC'd??

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Lmao, I have no intentions of quitting this game, I love it.


I just entirely focus my character on PVP and these things become evident the more I PVP. It's flat out annoying.


I can't really think of a fix, but it sucks for melee classes... And what really pissed me off today was after being CC'd, I got tons of dps on me without the CC breaking. That's not normal at all.


CC's are usually all the same, yes, you can avoid me for 10 seconds, but you shouldn't be able to deal damage on me without me doing anything.


Some CCs do not break on damage on purpose. These are usually the ones that either require close range, have a long cool down, and/or are meant for stunning a person for escaping so that if DoTs are on the enemy, they'll still be stunned. In a team setting however, these types of CC mean you will be destroyed during the short stun time frame lol.

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Yes, I think they should make a twenty second immunity after I get out of stun. This way in huttball, I can just grab the ball, trinket the incoming stun and continue to lol as i force speed across the goal line...


Do you guys even think about things before suggesting them?


As it is now, if a team mismanages their CCs, as happens frequently in pugs, you can end up with full resolve without even leaving the first stun. Ever seen two people cast stun on the same guy over a vent? Yep he trinkets it and is on his merry way with a nice white bar under his name. Ever been knocked back twice and stunned at the same time? I have, and I had a nice full white bar.


So what you are complaining about is a team coordinated their ccs well enough to make use of your entire resolve bar.


Maybe what should be suggested is something like a two sec cc immunity attached to the get out of CC ability for each class. This way it can be used preemptively or as it is now, without being able to be CCd right after you use the ability.


As it stands now, if you are using your CC break before having full resolve, except in certain situations, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Edited by SLRPSJ
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I seriously can't stand the CC's in this game. I've been observing this for a while now. People are just abusing CC's in PVP. I can't even play an aggressive play style without feeling like a tree half of the time. Literally run and stop and run and stop... Where's the fun ?You have any idea how this defies many laws of psychology?


The "ID", google it.


3 questions.....


1) what class do you play?


2) did you purchase your cc's?


3) did you learn how to apply your skills to the pvp enviroment or do you just do whatever you want and blame others for your failure?

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The pinnacle of just how ridiculous the CC is in this game is try healing in a WZ. I actually lol at the amount of time I spend white-barred. I had a 1v2 on my sage (heal spec) verses an sin and sorc. In 40 seconds I was white-barred 3 times. Two classes with enough CC to fill the resolve bar 3 times in 40 seconds is stupid and they aren't alone in that club.
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If your resolve bar has gone white, you're immune to CC (but not snares or roots) until it runs out 8-12 seconds later. If it hasn't gone white, you can still be CCed.


No, you're not immune to "CC". With a full resolve bar, you're immune to stuns and knockbacks, that's it. With a full resolve bar, you can still be rooted, slowed and, most importantly, paralyzed/incapacitated (allowing you to burn, your opponent to escape, or more people to come kill you while you're helpless, despite having full resolve), and while under these effects, your resolve bar will rapidly deplete in a matter of two to three seconds. There's far too much CC in this game and resolve is a broken system.

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being CC'd and killed isn't fun. fun combat is made up of attacks and counters.


you don't see 2 boxers go in the ring, and one pulls out a stun gun and then proceeds to wail on the other guy until he passes out. get a clue!

Edited by HBninjaX
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being CC'd and killed isn't fun. fun combat is made up of attacks and counters.


you don't see 2 boxers go in the ring, and one pulls out a stun gun and then proceeds to wail on the other guy until he passes out. get a clue!


If you watch UFC that's all they're doing, CCing each other - wrestling the guy to the ground and hold him in position. :p


If you want attacks and counter CC is counter. . . you come towards me attack, and I stop you. That's CC.

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