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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just a story.


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Just a little story from a PVP server that had me raging for a moment, but then I realized I've hit my limit today. Time to let it go. Now sitting back with a rum & coke in my hand, I can't help but laugh a little bit, and look forward to tomorrow.


So I'm a 47 Seer sage at the moment, but that's not where I began today. I had work off today, and I heard of a potential flashpoint run for some of our lower members in the wee hours of the morning. Usually I'm a late night guy, but the recent down time had me in bed early. So Since 6 AM this morning when the servers popped open, I've been running my quests, as the flashpoint runs fell through. After lunch I slowed a bit, got 3 levels from 44 to 47, and made my way to Voss.


So here it was about 9 o'clock, 15 hours (more like 12 after lunch/dinner/breaks) of SWTOR today. I'm burned out, already did my Bazaar run which I usually do before I log out, but decided to grind out a few more quests on Voss.


Get to my nearest hub, and take off on my speeder. I'm fiddling around a bit with my companion crew assignments, navigating by minimap, somewhat falling asleep.. I turn into a small valley, and that's when I see the red name atop a speeder, dead ahead.


And that's all it took. I instantly remembered I had not taken my buff stims. I had yet to turn on my class buff, Hell my companion's (nadia) helm and shirt were off (erm, for a previous conversation, uses a full facemask+hood and I don't like that in cutscenes, oops).


All in a flash it was, but I knew I was unprepared for this fight, not even bothering to see if he is coming at me or if I'm following him/her. I take my mouse and do a 180, I know I'm only about 30s from the quick travel hub that was republic controlled. If I have to run for it I have the abilities and....


After my 180 I see them.




I had been caught unprepared. All my time from 1-47 having only dealt with one imperial player out in the open had made me wreckless, and I was going to pay.


My speeder goes boom and I go flying. Instinctively I force armor myself and my companion, however health bars are dropping to fast... stunned I think so... I need these procs NOW... /clearstun, I'm looking at bars too much, tunnel vision... Lasting longer than I thought I would, how many are there really? A quick tab target to CC one of my attackers tells me one of the companions is 42, but I can barely see my character there must be at least 3 characters + companions, don't know... I try to get off my force speed, maybe knockback... Nadia's complaining that it hurts, I see her go down.. I'm just trying to get out of stun and get armor up so I can at least... no, can't run now.. HECK WITH IT FORCE QUAKE FORCE QUAKE FORCE QUAKE


Then I die.


Heart beating fast, I realize I just added to my mistakes. I insta-clicked Med-probe revive!!!





A few moments of reflection, I click on the TV, make me my drink, and think it all out.


I can't wait till tomorrow to see if it all happens again, damn that was fun.




_This_ is why I play on a PVP server. Yeah it was a gank, but it's what I would expect to happen in this game setting. I imagined I was tracked from the second I left the shuttle port, likely was anyway given how it looked. No hard feelings after it's all done, I give them, and even myself kudos, for now I have learned. Had I been prepared, and then paid more attention during the fight, I may have actually got out of that if not won somehow, who knows. I didn't even remember to use medpack, which could have given me time.


See yall on the battlefield, or maybe even out in the open. I won't forget this....


you can count on that





Edited by Maxil
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sigh, i miss being ganked.


last time i was ganked good was in Rift.


in tor i barely see opposing faction players, and I'm on the highest pop server


Aye.. I had seen imps before, but we both just glanced each other, and kept going, both busy doing our own thing. The time I had an open fight was 1on1 in the bonus area of Nar Shadda, in which we looked at each other and walked away, but I was jumped on by the same person shortly after while dealing with the mobs. Pulled that one out of my hat, but after that it was all peace and quiet except for the war zones I did daily.



Given the imp/repub ratio, I had really expected a lot more of the ganks, but they never came. I got complacent.. never again



My best gank memories stems from SWG, old days of course. Being overt, and landing into coronet... Unless you had intel, that was always a gamble, and if it was just the start of something, things usually flared up for a good few hours, good times good times.

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It makes me happy to see that there are people (other than myself) on these forums who use their posts to do something other than complain about what they perceive as wrong with the game.


Thank you. This is a refreshing drink of decency in an ocean of idiocy. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

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Ah, just kinda had to put it up there. It's been awhile since I had that moment of **** RAAAAGGGEEE, and 5 minutes later laughing about it.



Yeah I have gripes with the game.. Most of those, the devs have said are being addressed.. will they/will they to my expectations IDK... like war zones, I've been doing my daily since I found the terminal on the fleet, 1-49 has honestly been fun, but I hear a lot of bad stuff about 50 WZ's but I'll just see when I get there. But for the reasons that I play, PvP, entertainment, fun, this is most definitely one of those early great moments I'll look back on down the line, with hopefully more to come.

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Ah, just kinda had to put it up there. It's been awhile since I had that moment of **** RAAAAGGGEEE, and 5 minutes later laughing about it.



Yeah I have gripes with the game.. Most of those, the devs have said are being addressed.. will they/will they to my expectations IDK... like war zones, I've been doing my daily since I found the terminal on the fleet, 1-49 has honestly been fun, but I hear a lot of bad stuff about 50 WZ's but I'll just see when I get there. But for the reasons that I play, PvP, entertainment, fun, this is most definitely one of those early great moments I'll look back on down the line, with hopefully more to come.


I've got a 50 merc and a 23 operative. I will say this about pvp. I really wanted to pvp with my merc. 1-49 was frustrating at times (pre 50-only bracket) and awesome after 50-only bracket came around. I was around lvl 45 when it was implemented. As soon as I hit 50, WZ's became so frustrating that I created my op so I could actually enjoy pvp. I haven't played my merc since making the op except to do the occasional hard-mode.


I only played the op for about 2 weeks before the nerf and have mostly pvp'd from 10 to where I am now. I've only done class quests with the op.


With all that said, I have very few complaints about this game with regards to pvp.


For the 50-only bracket, I wish there was a way to gain some small amount of expertise straight off the bat to help make new 50's more competitive in wz's.


For the pre-50 bracket, I only wish there were more games to play. I absolutely love my operative and very much enjoy playing it. My only hope is that I learn my op well enough that when I hit 50, I can still be effective without having the gear. That, and store away enough commendations to get a couple pieces of gear as soon as I hit 50.

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