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Bioware, Your New UI Is Causing Me To Be Sick. Literally.


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hmm. Haven't noticed anything. With all the explosions, rockets, fire going on how can one possibly lock onto a small flash on the sides of the screen?


Is there something I'm missing in this thread?


Don't mind them, they're just displeased with the game and are, at this point, grasping at straws and grabbing for attention.


I very seriously think people are exaggerating their symptoms, if there are any to begin with. If you dislike the game so much, uninstall. If you want to continue playing, but still feel "sick", then consult a doctor because you may be epileptic.

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hmm. Haven't noticed anything. With all the explosions, rockets, fire going on how can one possibly lock onto a small flash on the sides of the screen?


Is there something I'm missing in this thread?


The3 issue is NOT the game effects those can be muted but the GCD flash cannot.

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hmm. Haven't noticed anything. With all the explosions, rockets, fire going on how can one possibly lock onto a small flash on the sides of the screen?


Is there something I'm missing in this thread?


2 panes on bottom and 2 on both sides flash so intense so i uncontrolablly blink every time it happens. And its happens every 2 seconds.


Sigh, still can't play game.

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I had a similar experience because of the UI


T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache.


T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens my body starts to twitch.


T+ 0:25:00- I feel nauseous and start spasming uncontrollably at my desk.


T+ 0:45:00- I start foaming at the mouth while vomiting and my ears and nose start to bleed.


T+ 0:55:00- My eyes begin to bleed and begin to have massive black outs.


T+ 1:20:00- My skin starts to peel off and I lose control of my bowels.


T+ 1:30:00- With my dying breath I turn off SWTOR. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.


Pls fix bioware.

Edited by VertisReaper
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Some of my guild members didnt even nortice the flas till I pointed it out, but tanking ev8 last night I got a bad headache and Ive never had that experience playing any video games. Every button push drives me crazy I have to quit
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I had a similar experience because of the UI


T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache.


T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens my body starts to twitch.


T+ 0:25:00- I feel nauseous and start spasming uncontrollably at my desk.


T+ 0:45:00- I start foaming at the mouth while vomiting and my ears and nose start to bleed.


T+ 0:55:00- My eyes begin to bleed and begin to have massive black outs.


T+ 1:20:00- My skin starts to peel off and I lose control of my bowels.


T+ 1:30:00- With my dying breath I turn off SWTOR. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.


Pls fix bioware.


Nah. Obviously food poisoning.

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I tried playing the game after the patch, with the new UI and after only 5 minutes of gameplay and a few fights with all the flashing going on, my eyes were going blury. I closed the game down, however it didn't clear up and had to then close off my computer, after a bit I tried again but then ended up getting the same thing.


In addition to this I then started to get a headache and feeling dizzy, I had a feeling then I knew what was causing it, but I gave it an hour or so away from the computer that time and came back to play a different game, no problem at all. So it confirmed that it wasn't my computer screen/s or something else causing it, but the new UI flashing at me all the time.


So at present, I simply cannot play the game, the previous UI was fine, I had no problems with it at all.

Edited by jamesxfftwo
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while Ive not had any ill effects, I do not personally enjoy the new look. It is nice that my skills show as being on CD when in fact they still are, but with all the flashing, everything going dark/reflashing for GCD and then the normal CD darkening, it is a lot of distractions going on for a sentinel.


What was so hard about simply having a system that shows normal abilities on cooldown greyed out, or even with a small timer on them counting down to when it can be reused? I don't see the need to have a GCD reminder on everything, and wish I could take it away.

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Who else is getting migraines from the flashes in new UI? I am. Many other people are too.



This is what I think is going on:


Although the flashes aren't too bright, the "flashing" UI lies directly on all fields of one's peripheral vision except the top. Peripheral vision disruptions like this are notorious for causing a motion sickness effect, which in turn cause migraines, dizziness, and nausea. Seizures could probably be triggered to those prone to them.



Many people on this forum, (myself included), are complaining about getting headaches, feeling dizzy, and nauseated since last patch while playing. Many of us think it is because of the new UI.


You're wrong. It's not. I rely on my peripheral vision more than you do and I get no headaches whatsoever from the UI. Why do I rely on it more than you do?


I wear a prosthetic in my left eye socket. The remaining eye has to handle all vision needs for everything I do. I literally use my peripheral vision to watch the ENTIRE screen while playing. Meaning, every peripheral need I have while playing SWTOR, is handled by ONE eye.


And? No headaches.






Last two times I tried to play, the repetitive buildup of flashes over 20 minutes started to hurt my eyes, gave me a headache, and caused minor nausea. Went away after logging and watched TV on laptop. It went away both times.


Here is my log of how I felt when I tried a third time:




T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache. Thought it might be placebo.


T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens. Nope, wasn't placebo after all, was it?


T+ 0:25:00- I feel the need to take Tylenol but resist to try to do my little "experiment" here.


T+ 0:45:00- Headache is moderately bad. Noticed my left eyelid twitching every now and then around this point. Very obvious migraine.


T+ 0:55:00- Slight nausea noticed, headache remains moderate.


T+ 1:20:00- Nausea increasing somewhat. Headache the same.


T+ 1:30:00- I quit the experiment. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.


Later on: Headache went away completely, along with the mild nausea, after not playing for 30 minutes or so and watching TV.





All this indicates is that you were starting to get a headache, and you decided to sit down and play Star Wars, which exacerbated it. Brilliant move.


As a person who has had migraines that were so bad that the pain caused me to pass out in the past, let me point out to you that it's quite possible that you may have a headache and not realize it. There are quite a few things which cause headaches in our everyday lives we don't even realize, including diet, water consumption (yeah, H20 specifically), posture while sitting, and the list goes on.


I have quite literally spent thousands on doctors, medicines and consultations in regards to my migraines in the past before I found out how to handle mine personally, and I gained a enormous amount of insight and wisdom while doing so.


There are also those who get "trigger" headaches and you sound like of these people. Certain things can occur which can make all the conditions available for a headache, but the headache doesn't occur without a catalyst, or "trigger". To put it another way, the headache is there, but dormant. As soon as that trigger occurs, the headache is quite literally inevitable at that point. All the conditions for it to begin are present, and it's champing at the bit at the gate waiting to go.


Given this, I'd suggest that you go see a doctor and inquire about this and trigger or catalyst style headaches. Something in your daily life is setting up the bomb, so to speak, and lighting is causing it to go off.


I gain a similar effect to what I went through above by being under bad florescent lighting for any length of time greater than 15 minutes. And YES I was FINE before this patch.


Your UI LITERALLY makes some people ill. Call me a troll. Call me whatever. I Don't care.



Sorry, but it's not the UI, it's just you. As I said above if this occurs to you also because of florescent lighting, then you're got what very much sounds like propensity for trigger headaches.


Meaning, the issue is indigenous to you, not the game.

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Who else is getting migraines from the flashes in new UI? I am. Many other people are too.



This is what I think is going on:


Although the flashes aren't excessively bright, the "flashing" UI lies directly on all fields of one's peripheral vision except the top. Peripheral vision disruptions like this are notorious for causing a motion sickness effect, which in turn cause migraines, dizziness, and nausea. Seizures could probably be triggered to those prone to them.


It isn't about the brightness so much as it is about the repetition and centering in all but the top corner of peripheral vision.



Many people on this forum, (myself included), are complaining about getting headaches, feeling dizzy, and feeling nauseated since last patch while playing. Many of us think it is because of the new UI. It wasn't happening before the patch.












Last two times I tried to play, the repetitive buildup of flashes over 20 minutes started to hurt my eyes, gave me a headache, and caused minor nausea. Went away after logging and watched TV on laptop. It went away both times.


Here is my log of how I felt when I tried a third time:




T+ 0:00:01- Booted up game. Started playing normally.


T+ 0:10:00- Minutes in, noticed slight headache. Thought it might be placebo.


T+ 0:15:00- Headache worsens. Nope, wasn't placebo after all, was it?


T+ 0:25:00- I feel the need to take Tylenol but resist to try to do my little "experiment" here.


T+ 0:45:00- Headache is moderately bad. Noticed my left eyelid twitching every now and then around this point. Very obvious migraine.


T+ 0:55:00- Slight nausea noticed, headache remains moderate.


T+ 1:20:00- Nausea increasing somewhat. Headache the same.


T+ 1:30:00- I quit the experiment. Obvious enough that something besides the game wasn't causing this. It was the game.


Later on: Headache went away completely, along with the mild nausea, after not playing for 30 minutes or so and watching TV.






I gain a similar effect to what I went through above by being under bad florescent lighting for any length of time greater than 15 minutes. And YES I was FINE before this patch.


Your UI LITERALLY makes some people ill. Call me a troll. Call me whatever. I Don't care.


Here is a Screen-Capture of the log I kept where I would alt-tab out and write down how I felt.


http://i.imgur.com/4x4r4.jpg (Date is a day early by typo, did this today on the 7th).


I'm perfectly healthy, nothing else really does this to me, (although bright lights bother me a bit), (and please stop telling me to go to a doctor in this thread). Hehe. I'm alright. I just want the devs to be aware of how nasty this is for myself and some others.


For the group of other people feeling like this and getting similar headaches, dizziness, and nausea that I've seen on the forums: I'm going to try this experiment again soon, and I'm going to mess with the brightness settings and turn it down to see if I can make it better. I'll also experiment with smaller/larger resolutions and moving away and towards the computers.


Also, turning the lights on in the room help, for those looking to feel better and feeling similar to how I did, try this.







Possible work-arounds



~So far I find that sunglasses work, but then I can't see anything and it makes the GCD that much harder to see.


~I was able to mess with the resolution, forcing the UI to be tiny. That helps a lot too, but same problem: Can't read or see what is going on as well.


~Placing the computer further away had a difference I think. Less UI flashing in the peripheral vision really does seem to make a difference.


~Dimming down the gamma/brightness. Didn't seem to do anything for me.


~Turning the lights up in the room and being in a more open environment had a positive effect.


Hope these help.





Bioware, this is how you fix the problem:


Reduce the flashing. That is probably at the root of this. Perhaps some kind of mellow glow around the action ready to use would be nice? You guys use that elsewhere in the game, right?


Purely for game reasons, please make the GCD blacking-out effect more transparent. Better yet, scrap the effect you have, and go with counters or a "clock/pie" effect. I can't see who is in range and who isn't. Healing is hard. Neither can I see when certain cooldowns go off when they do.


OR allow us to have an option to revert to previous pre-patch settings. I never had any problems I was aware of with those.


Please fix this. All that is needed is an option to revert to previous UI. Those that like the new one can use it, and those of us who prefer the other version can use that.


Finally, apologies for being cranky. Understandably, I was a bit moody about this whole thing. Thanks.



Many people on this forum, (myself included), are complaining about getting headaches, feeling dizzy, and nauseated since last patch while playing. Many of us think it is because of the new UI.





I think some of out here knows what your trying to get at by this thread and this post.




Its the same thing as saying we should file a lawsuit because BW's game made me sit in the chair too long which caused a flare up in my hemorrhoids.


not sure if you're aware that warnings with headaches and seizures concerning games have been out since 1981.


Seems for every negative post on this forum, you are right there to fuel the fire..


the game causes you so much pain and suffering, but yet you continue to play..



just sayin:rolleyes:

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I have taped 3 pieces of cloth over my screen and I no longer get a headache!


However as a marauder this has serious repercussions, it's impossible to remember a piano tune that has an infinite number of varying sequences and makes a non optimal tune when played wrong.

Edited by Azranos
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You're wrong. It's not. I rely on my peripheral vision more than you do and I get no headaches whatsoever from the UI. Why do I rely on it more than you do?


I wear a prosthetic in my left eye socket. The remaining eye has to handle all vision needs for everything I do. I literally use my peripheral vision to watch the ENTIRE screen while playing. Meaning, every peripheral need I have while playing SWTOR, is handled by ONE eye.


And? No headaches.





All this indicates is that you were starting to get a headache, and you decided to sit down and play Star Wars, which exacerbated it. Brilliant move.


As a person who has had migraines that were so bad that the pain caused me to pass out in the past, let me point out to you that it's quite possible that you may have a headache and not realize it. There are quite a few things which cause headaches in our everyday lives we don't even realize, including diet, water consumption (yeah, H20 specifically), posture while sitting, and the list goes on.


I have quite literally spent thousands on doctors, medicines and consultations in regards to my migraines in the past before I found out how to handle mine personally, and I gained a enormous amount of insight and wisdom while doing so.


There are also those who get "trigger" headaches and you sound like of these people. Certain things can occur which can make all the conditions available for a headache, but the headache doesn't occur without a catalyst, or "trigger". To put it another way, the headache is there, but dormant. As soon as that trigger occurs, the headache is quite literally inevitable at that point. All the conditions for it to begin are present, and it's champing at the bit at the gate waiting to go.


Given this, I'd suggest that you go see a doctor and inquire about this and trigger or catalyst style headaches. Something in your daily life is setting up the bomb, so to speak, and lighting is causing it to go off.




Sorry, but it's not the UI, it's just you. As I said above if this occurs to you also because of florescent lighting, then you're got what very much sounds like propensity for trigger headaches.


Meaning, the issue is indigenous to you, not the game.


Wow. What a load of nonsense.

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Hello all,


In order to consolidate the feedback on the new cooldowns for the ability bars, we're going to close the thread and ask that you continue your discussion in the ongoing thread (which also touches on negative physical effects people are experiencing) which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=280675




Edited by Qishari
the OP wanted it closed, so just redirecting: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=282651
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