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force camoflauge


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I've seen very very few uses for FC.


One is to run around a group that i'd have to otherwise fight.. but it better be a small group and you better be running around a corner or something. 4 seconds just isn't long.


The other is to spec into 100% invuln and use it to avoid terminal damage. When you know something is gonna go boom and you just can't get out of the way- FC can help.


thats about it really.

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You'll learn to love it in two situations:


1. PvP - people get really annoyed when you melt their face off and camo out of trouble and back to the healers. You'll be surprised how often people chase around trying to find you; this is great for distracting the opposition from their objectives/the ball carrier etc. This is much funnier if you've just popped Transcendence to move at the speed of light.


2. Flashpoints. My guild's tanks have long since learned that it's best to pop guard onto the jedi death machine but sometimes tanks prefer to pop guard on other people and sometimes you pop your Rakata adrenal -> Relic -> Inspiration -> VC -> Zen and do all the damage in the entire world. Basically, sometimes you are going to pull aggro. Sometimes you're against a boss that aggro-switches at random. This is where Force Camo is awesome - *swish* and I'm gone - someone else can take the hits 'cos I'm invisible and positioning for my next attack.

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In PvP:

1. Breaks an enemy players targetting on you. Mostly beneficial when accompanied with teammates so you arn't retargetted right away.

2. Helps to cover the intial direction your escape for a few precious seconds. Surprisingly that's often all you end up needing.


In PvE:

1. Massive threat dump for when you've been hitting too hard for the tank/companion to keep the enemy focused on them.

2. Can be used as a precaution for bypassing the edges of aggro ranges to avoid fights. Can be both difficult and unnecessary. Only recommended for skipping fights you're too lazy for.



Can spec to take half or no damage while the ability is active. Of course fantastic for handling nukes. And saves wasting health for Guarded By The Force.



Can spec to have a 50% or 100% chance to delete all movement-impairing effects other than stuns. A useful alternative to Resolute as its cooldown is only 45 seconds.



Activating FC while holding the ball will cause the ball to reset to the center of the map. A method to consider if the enemy is about to take the ball by force or you need to get the ball away from your side urgently. Bonus if you already have someone waiting at the ball spawn.

Edited by Cooperal
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Force Camo is one of my favorite moves.


I've popped it as I break line of sight with Imps in Voidstar as I run behind a pillar. I've sat back and watched a Imp agent run around a pillar 2 times even after I was out of camo. I leaped back in to finish the kill. Or to flee them when they focus on me and I camo all the way to the health pick up and can jump right back into the fray.


Ilum its the only way I can do anything to the horde of imps outside our base as I leap in awe them and dip out in camo.


The movement freeing makes it 10x better than resolute, the CD is sooo much shorter.

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I've seen very very few uses for FC.


One is to run around a group that i'd have to otherwise fight.. but it better be a small group and you better be running around a corner or something. 4 seconds just isn't long.


The other is to spec into 100% invuln and use it to avoid terminal damage. When you know something is gonna go boom and you just can't get out of the way- FC can help.


thats about it really.


Solo Heroic 4 dailies on Belsavis. like a boss.

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Back when I was doing the final class quest for JK(before they nerfed the trash), I used it to get past a lot of the tough trash mobs. Was a godsend considering I was getting my *** kicked regularly by them.


Force Camo is such an awesome ability. One of my favorites for sure.

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