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Good Bye Swtor


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13 more days and I will be uninstalling the game :(


Had high hopes for this game, but overall satisfaction from beginning to end is not where an MMO should be now days.


It's quite funny when I first started playing I was really excited and hyped to play. But diminishing returns set it very quick towards level cap (haven't made it to 50 yet, still 48).


This is the first MMO I've played where It didn't take over my life. I guess I should be thankful. On the other hand, I think it also shows that this game is not a good quality MMO. You couldn't get me off Everquest, WoW, and FFXI when I started to play them and for along time. In fact I was in a position where I "had" to cancel (against my will) because it was taking over all my time. This game on the other hand. I really have no problem hitting the cancel subscription button.

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13 more days and i will be uninstalling the game :(


had high hopes for this game, but overall satisfaction from beginning to end is not where an mmo should be now days.


It's quite funny when i first started playing i was really excited and hyped to play. But diminishing returns set it very quick towards level cap (haven't made it to 50 yet, still 48).


This is the first mmo i've played where it didn't take over my life. I guess i should be thankful. On the other hand, i think it also shows that this game is not a good quality mmo. You couldn't get me off everquest, wow, and ffxi when i started to play them and for along time. In fact i was in a position where i "had" to cancel (against my will) because it was taking over all my time. This game on the other hand. I really have no problem hitting the cancel subscription button.


adios contaminous

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Same for me,


The story was ok, but I started space-barring a lot as some parts are sooooo long. I think what the made better in the story aspect stoped the game from progressing in any other aspect and ended up just being a repeat mmo with more interesting story.

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Same for me,


The story was ok, but I started space-barring a lot as some parts are sooooo long. I think what the made better in the story aspect stoped the game from progressing in any other aspect and ended up just being a repeat mmo with more interesting story.


can i have ur stuff 2? please?

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Same for me,


The story was ok, but I started space-barring a lot as some parts are sooooo long. I think what the made better in the story aspect stoped the game from progressing in any other aspect and ended up just being a repeat mmo with more interesting story.



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Guess I can't express my opinion on here.


Sorry that you are all deceived. I will be on the other side when you finally see the light.


Am sorry, you need to understand that just because *you* don't like something, doesn't mean that everyone else has to as well.


Game is your thing. You don't enjoy. Good journeys.


I am sure in time I will drift off and go somewhere else as well. But for right now, I am enjoying the game and that really is all that matters.


(And could Bioware do stuff to make the game ever better? Oh yes, they most certainly can, but what they have put out there, for right now, is fun and keeps me entertained. :) )

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Hello everyone!


We do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. Allison's thread goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful. Please take a moment to read through that sticky which can be found here:


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic thread for suggestions and encourage you to continue your discussion there.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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