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MACHINE GUN like multiple group invites


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My policy is simple. I invite you to my group. If you decline I send a series of 4 more in rapid sucession. If after the fifth invite you still decline then and only then do I not send you any more invite. You snooze you lose as far as I am concerned.


Your loss.


If you do not like my policy I suggest you turn on your ignore invites option. Otherwise get ready to get machine gunned with a rapid burst fire of five in a row.


Thanks for your time!


(P.S. I have no clue why people decline invites when your working on the same exact questline. But I guess some people are just born to be rude.)

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Rude? The only rudeness here is you inviting someone 4 times after they declined. If you are doing blind invites, it's even more rude.


Do you just open your car door and tell someone to jump in for the ride?


Do you text random phone number expecting a full conversation?


Do you come to forums and make outlandish statements and threaten people with "machine gun" invites?


Oh wait...I guess you are that kind of guy. What server are you on? I want to avoid you.

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Rude? The only rudeness here is you inviting someone 4 times after they declined. If you are doing blind invites, it's even more rude.


Do you just open your car door and tell someone to jump in for the ride?


Do you text random phone number expecting a full conversation?


Do you come to forums and make outlandish statements and threaten people with "machine gun" invites?


Oh wait...I guess you are that kind of guy. What server are you on? I want to avoid you.



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Aww, that's cute. A troll. A troll that unsubscribed. Or did he?


All threads started by Madcuzbad: http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=845569


A selection thereof:


1.17 - No re-subbing for this guy

1.20 - I un-subbed and I can still post ROFL

1.20 - The adios thread. No re-subbing for this kid

1.21 - I just re-subbed but........

1.30 - I un-subbed but why can I still post?

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Aww, that's cute. A troll. A troll that unsubscribed. Or did he?


All threads started by Madcuzbad: http://www.swtor.com/community/search.php?searchid=845569


A selection thereof:


1.17 - No re-subbing for this guy

1.20 - I un-subbed and I can still post ROFL

1.20 - The adios thread. No re-subbing for this kid

1.21 - I just re-subbed but........

1.30 - I un-subbed but why can I still post?


A troll trolling a troll. This is epic!



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Dude, this is the interwebs. never get mad at the interwebs.


And I think you meant to say "you" and "definately". Try adding a spell checker to your browser.




Are you angered, brother?


No. People that can't be bothered to type out a simple question before sending a group invite don't register on my Give-A-Darnometer.

Edited by Ronamo
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Hey, everybody! We already have a great discussion thread dedicated to talking about this topic. If you'd like to share your thoughts, you'll find the discussion thread here:




We're going to close this thread and ask that this discussion continue in the existing thread, so we can keep the conversation a little better consolidated. Thank you!

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