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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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I have to agree. When I first saw it, it looked really cool, but after a few rounds of WZs, I realized it was really irritating and I can't stand playing anymore. I play 20-30 matches a day minimum, but I haven't played since early today after 3 matches. I feel sick just thinking about playing another round.


This new system makes it significantly harder to tell what I can and cannot cast next, because everything looks grayed out 90% of the time while chain casting, and this is made worse with all the flashing. Also, many abilities are just grayed out (bugged) even though Im out of combat and nothing is on cd.


Anyways, I'm sure Bioware gets the point after all these posts, but I just wanted to add my $0.02.


Oooh they got this, bot even answered me on their twitter, so have no fear, month or two and we all set.

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I'm usually supportive of development processes and growing pains of MMO's, having played several... However, the GCD reset flash and the skill graying out are just too, too much.


The blue bar sliding down the ability is fine and good. It clearly displays that the ability is currently on cool down... The darkening just makes it look like I do not have enough focus, the target is out of range, etc (I play a Sentinel, btw). If the flash and darkening were removed, this system would be much better.


And having played many MMO's, I'm used to swapping between hotbars and what's going on - on screen. I'm currently unable to do that, because I have to look at something and see if it's actually off of cool down... Also, all joking aside, this literally makes me dizzy and gives me a headache.


Bioware I want to love this game, and I really do enjoy it... Just please address this.

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*grits teeth*


If I could curse you to have EXACTLY what I felt like 3 hours ago while I was playing, I would.


Why? Just to make you sympathetic to the dizzy/migraine/motion-sick/nauseated group.


Also because you're an inconsiderate jerk. That too.


This needs a +1

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Honestly, this entire thread has had to be split into 2 topics because the first one went past 1000 posts. Doesn't this say something Bioware? We don't want this flashy strobe effect! Either take it out or give us an option to switch it off, or I'll be forced to quit and take out a subscription with FFXIV instead because I can't play a game that makes me headachy, dizzy and nauseaus after playing it for just 10 minutes. Edited by MJHoyle
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This post is fantastic on many different levels.


You, sir, win the internet.


I appreciate your response, and I had alot of fun writing that post =)


But as wonderful as your ego-boosting support has been, and those above you, please take no offense when I say that I really don't want to be here talking to any of you.



I want to be in the game. I am not a forum hound, I have no desire to follow pages of threads and who's winning which flame war or what hot button topic is topping the chart.


Not that you guys are, I'm just sayin' and venting my frustration.


I am actually looking at renewing with Rift..... I like to chill at night and play some MMO, I'd rather be playing SWTOR but it is unplayable to me right now.



I'm sure they'll fix this, but I really hope its sooner rather than later.... they are going to cave-in to making the UI moddable eventually anyways, this should speed that along.

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I appreciate your response, and I had alot of fun writing that post =)


But as wonderful as your ego-boosting support has been, and those above you, please take no offense when I say that I really don't want to be here talking to any of you.



I want to be in the game. I am not a forum hound, I have no desire to follow pages of threads and who's winning which flame war or what hot button topic is topping the chart.


Not that you guys are, I'm just sayin' and venting my frustration.


I am actually looking at renewing with Rift..... I like to chill at night and play some MMO, I'd rather be playing SWTOR but it is unplayable to me right now.



I'm sure they'll fix this, but I really hope its sooner rather than later.... they are going to cave-in to making the UI moddable eventually anyways, this should speed that along.


Kingdoms of Amalur comes out tomorrow. I know what I'll be playing instead of this game.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I just don't understand why it's taken almost 15 hours of complaints and they still haven't done nothing about this except acknowledging we don't like it.




At least until you write a condition into the user interface menu where we can toggle it on/off.

Edited by MJHoyle
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Please make it stop.


Rather than try to explain it, I'll give you an example:


Three mobs await.


I cast Static Barrier on Kehm, then send him in.


I start dmging a mob with Force Lightning and Shock. Cast a Static Barrier on myself just incase.


His Static Barrier protection goes down due to dmg. That's cool cause I know the cooldown is almost up.


So far, all is normal and well.


I'm in the middle of force lighting, and I think it's time to cast another Static Barrier on Khem.. The cool down from the last cast on myself should be up. But I can't tell... the Force Lightning I'm casting is making the Static Barrier UI hotkey slot not show whether or not it's ready. Is it dark underneath all that flashiness or not? I have no idea. I have to stop casting FL, while only a fraction of a second, to see if SB is actually ready or not. If it isn't, I've slowed down my flow. Time to rev up FL again, and be slightly irked.


Before the patch, I knew WHILE I was casting FS when Static Barrier was ready; saw the cooldown on it. Now I cannot.


I wish there was a way to revert back to the UI yesterday when I was melting faces. Just seems more clunky and unnecessarily flashy.

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I'm just about ready to mail the game discs back to Bioware Headquarters inside a crate with a pissed off badger inside it. Or a cobra. Or perhaps both.


I am still FLABBERGASTED that a game can cause me physical harm. I haven't even heard of such in all the 22 years of my life.

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Bioware, with the new cooldown graphics on the action bar, I can still sort of tell what's going on. Could you please randomly replace action bar icons with flashing Christmas lights and/or forum avatar pictures? You shouldn't leave this job half-done.
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Bioware, with the new cooldown graphics on the action bar, I can still sort of tell what's going on. Could you please randomly replace action bar icons with flashing Christmas lights and/or forum avatar pictures? You shouldn't leave this job half-done.


Why not disco balls that sing "Play that funky music white boy"?

Basically the same thing to my brain right now anyway.

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Just my two cents, the animations are pretty and good-looking, but 90% of is it is just very very unnecessary. In my opinion, the final flash is all we need. Just so we know something has finished its cooldown. Re-designing the GCD is whats hurting the game, big-time.


Because of this change, it is very difficult for me to tell when things are actually even on cooldown, because if I'm in the midst of a GCD, it darkens all of my buttons to make them look like they're on cooldown, or unavailable for some reason, such as not being on Cover or not meeting the requirements (for example: Followthrough and Takedown)


As a Sniper, its almost impossible to tell if my Followthrough or Takedown are usable, as usually they would light up on their own when conditions were met, in this case, using Ambush or Snipe and 4.5s afterwards, or my enemy target being below 30% health. But the change has pretty much killed any buttons lighting up, at all. Mentally, I can remind myself that I can use these abilities, and when, but visually, it just doesn't work anymore.


This change is highly intrusive, and it needs to be toned down. I'm happy with just some animation that lets me know an ability is off cooldown, and just that specific ability. Redesigning the global cooldown is the problem here.

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I always had issues with FPS games. Something about them would send me running to nearest bathroom every time. I avoid them. I'm typically okay with strat games, or games that give you a third person perspective. The space battles in SWTOR don't generally sit well with me, but they aren't required so I don't have to do them.


But now just questing is making me sick and dizzy. Okay, I get that BW is waiting for feedback and the rest. And really, it's their game to change or not as they see fit. And I would much rather be playing with my friends that hitting refresh on the forums to see if anything has changed. I can't do that right now.


So as it stands, I'll give it a day or three. But if it's not adjusted, I really won't be able to play. It's not a drama thing, or a slamming the door on my way out thing. It's just a reality.


I don't get on boats because they make me sick. Boats operate just fine without me. I'm sure BW will too.

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this is just terrible... work on content to make it bugfree and to provide us new content with some challange... why you are trying to make game harder to play with such ridiculus thing I cant understand, are you doing this becouse people complain about how easy is current content and trying to make it harder for us with changing ui and making it harder to play?
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Just listened to it for the first time and I like. Ty, but I still think sandstorm goes better with the GCD flashing every second.


If you mean that in the, "They're both terrible and need to DIAF" sense, then I agree.

If not...I fear for your musical soul.

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Just my two cents, the animations are pretty and good-looking, but 90% of is it is just very very unnecessary. In my opinion, the final flash is all we need. Just so we know something has finished its cooldown. Re-designing the GCD is whats hurting the game, big-time.


Because of this change, it is very difficult for me to tell when things are actually even on cooldown, because if I'm in the midst of a GCD, it darkens all of my buttons to make them look like they're on cooldown, or unavailable for some reason, such as not being on Cover or not meeting the requirements (for example: Followthrough and Takedown)


As a Sniper, its almost impossible to tell if my Followthrough or Takedown are usable, as usually they would light up on their own when conditions were met, in this case, using Ambush or Snipe and 4.5s afterwards, or my enemy target being below 30% health. But the change has pretty much killed any buttons lighting up, at all. Mentally, I can remind myself that I can use these abilities, and when, but visually, it just doesn't work anymore.


This change is highly intrusive, and it needs to be toned down. I'm happy with just some animation that lets me know an ability is off cooldown, and just that specific ability. Redesigning the global cooldown is the problem here.


Could not explain the issue better, myself. I enjoy the game, and I hate be to "that guy", but I'm not looking at maybe playing another one.


Is there even an official response to this?


I'd probably just not play tonight and tomorrow or whatever if I knew they were going to revert back very very soon.

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