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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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I quit reading this last night at around 8pm. I read the original thread through page 63 before everybody got off work and noticed this. Then the pages jumped to 104 and now we're on thread two. I honestly can't log into the game till they do something. I've NEVER had a problem with ANY game on ANY platform till NOW. It was honestly a little scary when my eyes started reacting the way they did.


Does ANYBODY know if they're going to change this or let us change it ourselves? I tried checking the dev tracker forum section and don't see any more responces there past the one I saw yesterday about them "looking into it." I'd like to know if I need to un-sub or not.


It's one thing to have vendors need a little love in being able to properly sort by "usable items" and get little response because imo it's a small bug. I can understand that. But it's a whole different issue when it is something that is affecting the health of quite a few of the players. It deserves a bit more vocal response on the Devs part. To me it seems a stupid solution to make those of who are getting sick, quit. It's a simple fix for everyone. Give us the OPTION to have it on or off. If the Devs take the side of those saying "just quit if it makes you sick" I'm afraid of their reaction to other important problems in the future. That approach seems extremely callous to me.

Edited by Azoic
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Strange, I have astigmatism too... and felt the exact same way you do when I tried to play. I'm sure you've seen my earlier posts... just sayin'


I get new glasses on Friday, so maybe that will cure my problem? I don't know...


Is there anyone else with astigmatism that is getting the same kind of headache/nausea?


I have astigmatism and played about five hours yesterday with no negitive affect at all. As a matter of fact, I actually like the new cooldown system a little better than the old. My eyes are also somewhat light sensitive.


That some people are having difficulties is not in doubt. My eyes have always been somewhat of a problem, but for some strange reason I am not having the reactions reported by others. My only issue has been that I, at times, have trouble picking up / seeing mobs in really dark areas. That is with a top notch monitor and gaming system. But that is me and not the game and it does not physically bother me except for my reaction when I die to a gold that I did not see.

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Its a nice change but still needs more work. The flashing can be dimmed a little more. Like other have suggested how about giving us an option for that display.



Im not saying move Moddable UI to the top of your list but you have already implemented multiple changes to the CD UI display. Why not give a an option in prefrences on your previous methods? The Code is already written by you BioWare!

Edited by whataboutbob
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The gcd is perfect! Working as intended. Thanks Bioware.


This isn't the same thing as the cooldown effect.


The GCD is actually more responsive than it ever has been. Abilities, even from people who hate the new cooldown effect, are being reported as more responsive than ever. That is good.


Not being able to see what abilities you can use and which ones you can't while the GCD is in effect... that's terribad.

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I'm not trying to be insensitive, but some of the "dude my face totally exploded" or "I have a rare condition where I can participate in space combat but blinking blue lights on my quickslots make me vomit" posts aren't really helping the cause.


Here, just copy and paste this:


Hi Bioware. We appreciate the effort. It didn't improve anything. It's distracting and annoying. Please revert it or utilize proven methods of other successful MMOs. Thanks so much. Your UI team kind of sucks right now.




(Your Name)

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As mentioned above, the new GCD effect is making it impossible to determine what abilities area available once the GCD has finished. Previous method was just fine and does not require any change. Please revert back soon.


Yea its not the flashing thats bothering me .. its the dimming of ALL abilities during GDC ! This simply must be changes ASAP, since it is ruining my marauders rotation/gameplay rhythm. I have no way to judge whether i have enough rage/in range to perform my next ability during GDC, and since im melee, im constantly on GDC .......

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So how many splits on this thread before anyone with EA/Bioware gives us an answer on whats being done? I would like to play the game i paid for but cannot due to onset of dizziness.


Dude stop torturing yourself and do what others have suggested... Make them listen via unsubbing.

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I am giving them until the 19th then I will unsub. I don't want to stop playing but I won't pay for something I can't. I think almost 2 weeks is a good amount of time. I actually think its much more simple then they are making it. Just roll it back. Pretty simple solution but whatever. They have 2 weeks.
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Dude stop torturing yourself and do what others have suggested... Make them listen via unsubbing.


already unsubbed, but they took 15 bucks from me at the beginning of the month so they are eating into time I paid for. I will gladly resub if/when this mess is handled and fixed and I can play the game without becoming ill.

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Tbh, I think the devs are more worried about fixing the Ilum issue. Heck, even the 'How come old patch notes are always mixed in with new' issue has been given more acknowledgment from BW. Talk about getting your priorities straight. Edited by darthtoph
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Good for you and it not being a big deal. For others it IS a big deal, so don't go saying its not for those people.


Please point out where I said it wasn't a big deal for some people. I didn't. I said for me it isn't as eye-straining for me as others have claimed. That does not negate their opinion, rather says my experience differs from theirs.


You guys need to stop reading what you WANT to see and actually read what is being typed.

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You're playing a Sage, go play a smuggler or tank for that matter...and then come back and tell us about your awesome experience.


I am a guardian tank, awesome experience, I know which buttons to press, actually if I hide the UI I still know which buttons to press, but I am awesome too.


Adding an option to switch off the part that can cause headaches/nausea for those that are light sensitive should be in the pipeline though, maybe when the UI modding is done, probably faster if enough people complain though, which is what everyone (or 99%) of the people on these forums do anyway.

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already unsubbed, but they took 15 bucks from me at the beginning of the month so they are eating into time I paid for. I will gladly resub if/when this mess is handled and fixed and I can play the game without becoming ill.


OK in an agreement with you I do feel short changed, cost of edition and month of paid play time.


By yesterday the motion sickness and headache did not go away until I went into a dark area and slept it off.

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I play more than just my Sage. Did I say it was an awesome experience? No. Did I say this still needed to be fixed? Yes. Despite what you might desperately want to believe, some of us can still provide constructive feedback to Bioware without resorting to "the sky is falling" type posts.


Nicely put.

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I'm not trying to be insensitive, but some of the "dude my face totally exploded" or "I have a rare condition where I can participate in space combat but blinking blue lights on my quickslots make me vomit" posts aren't really helping the cause.


Here, just copy and paste this:


Hi Bioware. We appreciate the effort. It didn't improve anything. It's distracting and annoying. Please revert it or utilize proven methods of other successful MMOs. Thanks so much. Your UI team kind of sucks right now.




(Your Name)



Aside from some that may be exaggerated or sarcasm, it IS important to point out the medical effects this is having. It's not just a "they'll get used to it" or "they'll keep playing anyway" kind of thing. This is the sort of thing that will make people UNABLE to play.


I rarely ever suffer from headaches. I don't get migraines or seizures. Sometimes get eyestrain from looking at monitors too much but not really out opf the ordinary. Today my head is still aching (I think partly from clenching my jaw so hard because I am so stressed from having to watch the action bar so intently now to figure out if something is off CD or not), and for the first time I am dreading actually trying to play this game.

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It took me a little while to get used to it last night. But get used to it, I did. I guess it's because I know my rotation pretty much by heart now and even the timing of abilities coming off CD, so I don't really need to look at my bar much.


That being said, I can understand it being an issue for some people. I really don't know what the issue was with the old way.



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As mentioned above, the new GCD effect is making it impossible to determine what abilities area available once the GCD has finished. Previous method was just fine and does not require any change. Please revert back soon.


This is much true and is indeed a very bad change from that aspect although I do like the new system a little more than the old. I've never seen such a thing in an mmo and sometimes wonder about BW. I found that I did not have a lot of difficulty working around the problem yesterday. On most abilities and with the queue, I had a feel for when they were usable (even if dark) and a good feel if the resources were there. To some degree, abilities that did not fire when they should have are now firing. I played a JC (Shadow) and Smuggler yesterday.


To the poster who observed that the ability delay issues have been somewhat improved, i would say that I agree. On the other hand, if you watch the combat system and when damage is applied or recognized the system is still well broken. As two examples, I open with aimied shot on my Smuggler. The shot goes off and hits, but he mobs health bar does not register the effect for a second or two or sometimes never. It is not unusual to kill a mob and see their health go to zero and have them fight on for a second or more.


If you add things in like often screwed up targeting, imo BW needs to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire combat / UI system in game and fix it.

Edited by asbalana
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The new patch only made this problem worse. I just don't get. Why are you deliberately trying to force me to quit this game?


Why did you change this to begin with? Nobody was asking for this that I know of. From the moment you changed it the first time, my play has dropped off 95% percent, if you think I am going to continue to pay you for something I can't use, you're wrong.


I play a Sentinel as my main and I still after paying you a month already, can't see when my abilities are cooled down.


If it isn't broken don't fix it. I will not pay for a 3rd month. I'm so glad I downgraded from 6 months to monthly, because you've made the game impossible to enjoy until this is corrected.




Please fix it.

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