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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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For the Love of baby Jesus.....who's bright, and I mean BRIGHT idea was it to change the cooldown graphic? It was near perfect before, faded, just nice, able to see perfectly what cooldowns were on cooldowns and what skills we could use next........This super bright whatever you want to call it cooldown graphic is utterly terrible. WTB the axe who gets to fire the idiot to thought of this idea, and another axe for the idiot who approved it......PST
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Eh I'll give it a day or two before I cancel. Just last night I was exclaiming on gen chat how the game is so wonderful. It is. I just can't play it anymore now. Over 12 hours since any response from BW was posted... and that just said they'd "investigate" it.


This is the kind of thing that you not only call and wake up the lead developer, but you call and wake up your team of lawyers.




(no I don't plan on suing, but someone out there will have seizure and then do so)


My issue isn't even the physical problems the UI causes; it's the inability to see the status of certain cooldowns. It's just annoying to play. I love everything about this game, but the actual play is the most important part.


This disco ball of a UI is game breaking on at least a couple levels.

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So yeah.. no hotfix tonight guys.

Better cross your fingers for tomorrow or else I'm not going to play this game until they do.


It's unbelievable. 12 hrs since "we'll investigate it". Meanwhile 10% of the player base is not only annoyed that they can't see certain cool downs, but having to stop or face a barf-bag.

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It's unbelievable. 12 hrs since "we'll investigate it". Meanwhile 10% of the player base is not only annoyed that they can't see certain cool downs, but having to stop or face a barf-bag.


Couldn't have said it better myself, seriously, this is awful. You'd think that BioWare would leap into action considering that in their developer blog they said that they focus solely on issues they consider game-breaking.


Well isn't a human's health kind of a game-breaking issue? Seriously, it's unbelievable and the fact that we can't have a decent customer service without talking to a droid that doesn't care about our problems doesn't help either.


Can we forget about Ilum for a second and fix this bright flashing lights of death before it kills someone. Obviously, the only motivation they'll need to get off their butts and fix this is a big fat lawsuit from somebody who died from an epileptic seizure due to their UI.

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The previous GCD effect worked fine. This "new and improved" is not an improvement. Why did you waste time fixing something that wasn't broken and did what it was intended to do?


Clearly the community is not happy with what you've done.. so change it back, please.


Spend more time on fixing other actual issues. I'd love to be able to get the datacron in Alderaan that almost all my characters are too big to fit into the crack in the wall to get. Come on... did anyone actually test anything?

Edited by Flyjedi
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While I appreciate the attempt to make it more obvious which spells were on cooldown, I feel the new effects are just making it harder to see which abilities are available. The flashing and washout effects obscure the visibility of the abilities, and the flashing occurs after it has come off cooldown (making it difficult to react quickly as you cannot quite tell if it is available or just part of the GCD flashing).


All that was needed was to add a dark blue or reddish tinge to the abilities which were on cooldown, as the old GCD effect was sufficient and didn't obscure vision.


Is anyone else not liking the new effect?




I completely agree. This needs revision. The GCD should not obscure the other buttons, it prevents you from moving from one button to another during the global unless you have cat like eyesight or you have memorised every buttons location.


It just needs a tweak, make it brighter, more visible whilst retaining the unusable sense.

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I don't really understand why they would do this. You'd only get much use out of watching the global cooldown flash if you have ability queue turned completely off. Otherwise you'd want to press the button before the flash finishes.


But I guess I'm okay as long as I avoid looking at my bars.

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Or they are too busy being sick from their own patch.


How can you notice something looks terrible with your head firmly planted up your keister though?


Only way this could have gone through without a second thought imo....

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I completely agree. This needs revision. The GCD should not obscure the other buttons, it prevents you from moving from one button to another during the global unless you have cat like eyesight or you have memorised every buttons location.


It just needs a tweak, make it brighter, more visible whilst retaining the unusable sense.


Oh please not brighter. What I really do not need is BRIGHTER flashing lights. I mean, I want to drop a couple of pounds, but that really wasn't the way I had in mind.

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so im guessing the same team is working on the customizable UI as well? :eek:


For fear of things getting worse than it already is, at the very least give us an option to toggle between the new style and the old. Because it seems no matter what you do you wont be able to please everyone. Having 2 or more options is probably the smartest thing you can do at this point, because this change is the "straw" for a lot of people.


FWIW, I prefer the old style.

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Apparently they all went to bed.


Yeah by the time they wake up and check this forum flooded with over one thousand posts on this thread just like the last thread. lol. This should be way more than enough just to force them to priority this issue to the highest for the emergency patch or the next patch. :p

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Yeah by the time they wake up and check this forum flooded with over one thousand posts on this thread just like the last thread. lol. This should be way more than enough just to force them to priority this issue to the highest for the emergency patch or the next patch. :p


I know right? freakin' 150 pages of complaints. That'll make their eyes go :eek:

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Please hotfix this! This "fix" was completely unnecessary and I can't stand playing when it is like this, it just gives me a headache having to watch that flashing light.

I won't be doing anything that involves combat until this has been reverted back that's for sure.

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