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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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Could not explain the issue better, myself. I enjoy the game, and I hate be to "that guy", but I'm not looking at maybe playing another one.


Is there even an official response to this?


I'd probably just not play tonight and tomorrow or whatever if I knew they were going to revert back very very soon.


No official response since: "we'll investigate it" over 12 hours ago.

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while i can see how this would improve awareness regarding which abilities are on a longer cd...the fact that every ability that is capable of being used has the illuminated border around it...i find that this has made my rotation significantly more difficult to follow as it was easier to distinguish between what abilities(instants for example) were available right before the gcd was up...this undoubtedly benefits some players but I, for one, would like to have the feature as an option
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Those who know me...know I am a GREAT supporter of SWTOR. I have given MANY ideas to BioWare, (yes that is not a lie), I have given MANY players help, offered advice and all around a great part of this community.


But BioWare listen...on the matter of the global cooldown you MUST do something! You have been bragging about having your game being one of the first for people with colorblindness, and all that stuff with the eyes. But yet, there are posts pages and pages long of people suffering because they cant play their favorite game, yet...they want to! Do something about it! You have gotten me involved now and I NEVER NEVER criticize your game EVER. I have been there when you announced it, I have been giving my ideas to you guys since 2005, YOU HAVE BEEN CONTACTING ME FOR IDEAS for cripes sake! I was there...when you announced it...I was there..for beta...I was there...when nobody else believed you could make a fully voiced mmorpg.


But you did! And it's amazing! But damm..BioWare PLEASE, I'm asking you nicely now, fix the new gcd display. It's physically hurting players. I have generalized seizure disorder and I will admit...after about 35 min on the game, I do get headaches looking at the gcd display and can't take playing anymore. I want to play! Before this, I played 10 hours a night on your game...now... I can't pway for more than 30 min! You have to something Mr. Reid or Mr. Errickson. I can't do this anymore.


You know who I am, you know who this is, and I hope you talk this matter seriously. Because players should NOT be getting ill at ALL, even if it is just a minority of them over this game when they didn't before the update went into service.


Ending...it hurts me so much to say that because those who know me know I am a HUGE supporter of this game and am a very optimistic person. Both Mr. Reid and Mr. Errickson know about that to. I'm not lying, I am one of the people behind this game. This is effecting me personally now, and you must either


A: Fix global cooldowns to where it is not greyed out all the time and the contrast isn't bad


B: Put it back to how it was in beta


C: Put it back to how it was before


I STRONGLY recommend you fix them, because I LIKE the way the new look looks, it's just...now effecting one of your BIG TIME contributors and customers of this game. As for now...I'll....sigh..I'll just go play some starcraft 2 or something because..I can't do it anymore.


I am very optimistic about this game and know it will continue to grow, but you have to keep in mind, somethings just don't go good together. MAKE THEM NOT BE SO GREY!


Your pal,




P.S. (you haz to)

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Just my two cents, the animations are pretty and good-looking, but 90% of is it is just very very unnecessary. In my opinion, the final flash is all we need. Just so we know something has finished its cooldown. Re-designing the GCD is whats hurting the game, big-time.


Because of this change, it is very difficult for me to tell when things are actually even on cooldown, because if I'm in the midst of a GCD, it darkens all of my buttons to make them look like they're on cooldown, or unavailable for some reason, such as not being on Cover or not meeting the requirements (for example: Followthrough and Takedown)

Agreed with the above post.


1) There's too many things flashing at once

2) Having all icons black make it difficult to know when we can fire them

3) Out of all the iterations of the Quickslot bars, IMHO the first one, at launch was the best

4) Ideal solution would be to give the choice to the players bewteen all "mods"

5) Keep it simple sexy, don't over do it, please ;)

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I really, really like the new hotbar.


I seem to be one of the few who like it. I have a serious question - do I have a different version than others do? Because I can't see how this is worse than the previous version.


Let me explain the way I see it and maybe I have a different effect going on. (please note I realize that I may just have a difference in opinion, and I don't claim that "I'm right and others are wrong").


Before today, my abilities on a long cooldown (like relics or long cooldown abilities), when they got close to being available (i.e., about 5 seconds left) they'd appear to be available but were not actually available. To me this was very confusing and I would try to activate them when they weren't quite ready.


Now the abilities that are on cooldown are both greyed out on my screen AND have a white outline/box around the cooldown.


To me, this has been the best version of the hotbars to date - to me personally. I am understanding the more I read that I am likely in the minority here (at least based on the forums). Maybe peoples' playstyles are different, but I was sad to hear that so many people don't like the changes because I fear they will not keep it - and to me they have been IMMENSELY helpful. I haven't accidentally used an ability that has been on cooldown all day - whereas before today I was having issues with long-cooldown abilities.


On my screen the abilities on cooldown appear to be distinctively different than abilities not on cooldown.

Edited by Shlamorel
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I really, really like the new hotbar.


I seem to be one of the few who like it. I have a serious question - do I have a different version than others do? Because I can't see how this is worse than the previous version.


Let me explain the way I see it and maybe I have a different effect going on.


Before today, abilities on a long cooldown (like relics or long cooldown abilities), when they got close to being available (i.e., about 5 seconds left) they'd appear to be available but were not actually available. To me this was very confusing.


Now the abilities that are on cooldown are both greyed out on my screen AND have a white outline/box around the cooldown.


To me, this has been the best version of the hotbars to date - to me personally. I am understanding the more I read that I am likely in the minority here (at least based on the forums). Maybe peoples' playstyles are different, but I was sad to hear that so many people don't like the changes because I fear they will not keep it - and to me they have been IMMENSELY helpful. I haven't accidentally used an ability that has been on cooldown all day - whereas before today I was having issues with long-cooldown abilities.


Most people are not complaining about the cooldown timer change. That may or may not be good. I didn't get a chance to even notice that since the flashing of the GCD nearly gave me a seizure and completely disoriented me.

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I really, really like the new hotbar.


I seem to be one of the few who like it. I have a serious question - do I have a different version than others do? Because I can't see how this is worse than the previous version.


Let me explain the way I see it and maybe I have a different effect going on. (please note I realize that I may just have a difference in opinion, and I don't claim that "I'm right and others are wrong").


Before today, my abilities on a long cooldown (like relics or long cooldown abilities), when they got close to being available (i.e., about 5 seconds left) they'd appear to be available but were not actually available. To me this was very confusing and I would try to activate them when they weren't quite ready.


Now the abilities that are on cooldown are both greyed out on my screen AND have a white outline/box around the cooldown.


To me, this has been the best version of the hotbars to date - to me personally. I am understanding the more I read that I am likely in the minority here (at least based on the forums). Maybe peoples' playstyles are different, but I was sad to hear that so many people don't like the changes because I fear they will not keep it - and to me they have been IMMENSELY helpful. I haven't accidentally used an ability that has been on cooldown all day - whereas before today I was having issues with long-cooldown abilities.


On my screen the abilities on cooldown appear to be distinctively different than abilities not on cooldown.



The issue is that while the new effects do help with the problem of abilities with very little time left "appearing" to be ready, and while some people do like the new effects, for others they have created the following problems:


1. The constant flashing everyitme the GCD is triggured is giving people headaches, discomfort, is distracting etc.


2. While the GCD effect is on it is hard to tell what abilities (namely procs that may have triggered) are available. Thus until the GCD effect is over you can no longer queue in advance proc abilities without guessing.

Edited by Thesseract
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Please BioWare, please... Just revert the patch by tomorrow, and THEN investigate it. This issue is going to become an MMO community joke if it's not reverted by then. It's a fun game, and you've put a lot into it, but I can't even see if certain abilities are ready or not.




I can't play it. I'm just getting frustrated.


I'm really not one of those complaining types, and if I hadn't favorited the forums, then I would have just left. The only reason I'm willing to temporarily deal with this is because I'm not the only one having a HUGE problem with this issue.


Just logged on tonight and went "***?"


Please just revert the UI change, and THEN investigate it. I was looking forward to playing tonight on Tatooine.... gah...

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The issue is that while the new effects do help with the problem of abilities with very little time left "appearing" to be ready and while some people do like the new effects for others they have created the following problems.


1. The constant flashing everyitme the GCD is triggured is giving people headaches, discomfort, is distracting etc.


2. While the GCD effect is on it is hard to tell what abilities (namely procs that may have triggered) are available. Thus until the GCD effect is over you can no longer queue in advance proc abilities without guessing.


I see. Thank you very much for clarifying (and the poster above) :)


I do sympathize for those having discomfort (headaches etc.) with the changes :(


As far as the second point, I haven't personally had an issue with that yet but maybe as more time passes I will become aware - I only played for a few hours tonight.


I hope they can find something to satisfy the majority. I am 100% satisfied with the change today but I definitely understand why the discomfort it causes some warrants some changes.


And thanks again for explaining to me the issues some are having with it.

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I see. Thank you very much for clarifying (and the poster above) :)


I do sympathize for those having discomfort (headaches etc.) with the changes :(


As far as the second point, I haven't personally had an issue with that yet but maybe as more time passes I will become aware - I only played for a few hours tonight.


I hope they can find something to satisfy the majority. I am 100% satisfied with the change today but I definitely understand why the discomfort it causes some warrants some changes.


And thanks again for explaining to me the issues some are having with it.


All we're basically asking for is an off button.

Das it.


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I too am of the "this is seizure inducing" on the new GCD.


Please include a way to turn it off or revert it. Seriously, it makes my eyeballs "pulse" when the flash comes through every time the cycle finishes.


For myself, it is unplayable this way - after a few minutes of this, I find myself closing my eyes on every pulse. They are physically sore. If you have ever tried reading in a dim room for an hour, or done another activity that creates eye strain, this is the physical response I get to this new pulsating cooldown.


I understand that this falls under your, "game play may change" disclaimer, but this is having a adverse physical effect on some of your player base - I know I am not the only one.


On a more game play related issue, it also makes it very difficult to see which abilities are available as the next cool down finishes. The white wash-out effect overpowers which icons are lit-up vs. the ones that are faded and thus, not available for the next cooldown.


Please revert or include an off-button.

Edited by Loreat
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Agreed with the above post.


1) There's too many things flashing at once

2) Having all icons black make it difficult to know when we can fire them

3) Out of all the iterations of the Quickslot bars, IMHO the first one, at launch was the best

4) Ideal solution would be to give the choice to the players bewteen all "mods"

5) Keep it simple sexy, don't over do it, please ;)


Agreed. Especially with #5. It is such a basic tenet of UI design (or design in general for that matter), don't know why the designers insist on 'innovating' here. This is the ONE thing you copy from other games.

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That would be great! Then those of us who like it could keep whereas those who don't couldnt. I support that idea!



We're fully aware people like it.

But our poor eyes and brains do not.

We liked the game when we could play it. Now we cannot!


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simply said...some people play ahead of the game whereas other dont...fix it plox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if i wait for a split second after the gcd is up....everything is fine....but playing ahead of the gcd has become a nightmare

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Wow Jesus! I was going to start a thread about the issue with the new global cooldown shader but after looking at over 1000 posts about this. I was never alone at all! :)


Anyway... it's becoming harder to play with the cooldown abilities after today patch because it was giving me headaches, grudges and nauseous. Also I can't really tell exactly which ability cooldown I would want to use ahead of the time before the global cooldown is over because global cooldown's shader is overlapping all over the toolbar! All I want is just to get that damn global cooldown's shader OFF!!!




Now... I finally have decided to cancel my subscription because I am getting tired of keeping up my hope that developers will be able to fix the most important issues (such as fps performance issues in pvp and on fleet and more stuff that the consumers would consider as high priority) for more than a month after this game came out, but none of those issues were resolved so far yet... And then now I am looking at this horrible change to the global cooldown which is the one of the biggest mistake they ever made! It just make me feel hopeless like after all of those things just keeps getting worse and worse after the patches... So for now I am going to take a break from this game. I WON'T come back until the developers fix all of those important issues that we all have been complaining forever. Good luck to you guys and hope this game stays alive.

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I'm a GM thou I'm sure it doesn't matter to most... Anyway I want to stick with this game, but it seems like they waist there time with stuff that doesn't need to be fix, and/or added. I have noticed I play a lot less then when I first started.


Getting to the point it's not a big deal for my lvl 50 sage as I know all my skills and there times. Thou on my alt I realized how bad it was and the fact it really did mess how I felt and played the game up till now. I just wish they would work on more important things then this.

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simply said...some people play ahead of the game whereas other dont...fix it plox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is more or less what I was thinking after talking to my friends in game about this. Two of them said they had not even noticed any changes, and I am thinking to myself: well, yeah. We have totally different playstyles. I tend to anticipate my next several moves whereas my friends tend to me more reactionary and are probably waiting on the GCD to completely finish before they choose their next move.

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