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Everything posted by Sireast

  1. I'm a GM thou I'm sure it doesn't matter to most... Anyway I want to stick with this game, but it seems like they waist there time with stuff that doesn't need to be fix, and/or added. I have noticed I play a lot less then when I first started. Getting to the point it's not a big deal for my lvl 50 sage as I know all my skills and there times. Thou on my alt I realized how bad it was and the fact it really did mess how I felt and played the game up till now. I just wish they would work on more important things then this.
  2. Oops my bad meant to say republic my bad... We are working on a Empire guild but haven't made it yet. lol If you still want to join only thing we have a lot of is Shadows. So can make anything you want. Sorry again about getting the sides mixed up. lol
  3. I run a small family type guild on Master Dorak Republic side. There's mostly 3 to 10 on at a time mostly during the evening time. My main's name is Zelda, but if you need help if you get to 10 I can lvl a alt with you. I just got laid off from work, so I spend most of my time playing to.
  4. This is why I made a nice small family type guild. I make sure that no one just recruits for the guild, but they invite people we run into with on Flashpoints and just questing. I use to talk a lot on Global chat, but now it has become a problem cause people think they can act how every they want over a online game.
  5. I'm on a light server, and yeah it can be a real pain to find a group most of the time because there's no more the maybe 10 people if that on the planet that I want on. I now started a small family type guild just to notice that still no one wants to party unless they get stuck on their story line. I see nothing wrong with it, but as it is a MMO I do tend to think that there should be a lot of parties going on. I also see there's to many people that have/had played WoW. So we tend to get a lot of people saying I don't want to party with a pug group ,or saying I don't play with people I don't know. Did this game not just come out how do you expect to know everyone if you don't even party. I had my trouble of groups, that's why if I make a group and lead. If they don't listen I call them out. If they still mess up I kick them and get someone else. Anyway it takes time, but you'll find people that are wroth grouping with if you really take the time.
  6. Ever since this one guild on the Empire side got big. It seems like when ever they PvP on our side we always get lvl 11 to 14 that quit. Then re que kinda like they make alts in the Republic side just so they can get fast wins. It doesn't help I'm on a smaller server, so there's not that much WZ going on. Well anyway what i'm getting at it i would rather get people that AFK so I can get some exp then que/join/everyone quits/160 sec. game over/ 1000 exp.... Rinse and repeat.
  7. Maybe it's just me, but as a healer I have been leading my groups. As a sage I just CC what ever attacks me or bubble stun if the group can't pick it up in time. I also tell them not to AOE just for the fact that there will be no understanding about CC once I know who's attacking what. I'm not at 50, but at 30 I have no trouble keeping DPS and Tanks up all at once. As for who should lead I find it also best for the tank and/or healer to just for the fact that they need to be alive (most of the time) to stop a full party wipe. Also as a guild leader I also see that there's a lot of new people to the MMO scene, so you will have to teach them or let them learn over time. So can't be to upset to find a good tank.
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