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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Must I exploit every single WZ because I do not want to be exploited against.


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I don't see any way to enjoy this game unless I exploit, as I'd rather ruin someone else's fun than constantly get 8 v 11'd.


There is a psychology paper about Internet game cheating and what you just wrote made up roughly 85% of the cheaters reasoning.

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It doesnt work to ban people one at a time when they are caught. What will happen in a patch shortly down the road, is that there will be a wave of bans, this will happen after they have killed whatever exploit or hack or what have you. It'll come, just takes time. I know we all want cheats removed from gameplay as fast as possible, but its more productive to root out the problem and then ban in droves.
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if they did that it never would have gotten to this point, so your hopes are dashed


regardless, 2 wrongs dont make a right...you're making the conscious choice to cheat...just like they are. then you justify it....just report it and use tactics to hopefully offset their numbers....out of 3 matches that were like that, we won 2.

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regardless, 2 wrongs dont make a right...you're making the conscious choice to cheat...just like they are. then you justify it....just report it and use tactics to hopefully offset their numbers....out of 3 matches that were like that, we won 2.


why must I play with superhuman effort and coordination to achieve my objectives


I'd rather everyone cheat so that they are forced to shelf whatever stupid patch they are working on, which will invariably cause more bugs anyway, and fix this instead.

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I've won matches with a total of four people before. Maybe not an every game occurrence, but the point is that it can be done.


There are ways to win, without cheating, even when the odds are stacked against you. Personally, those are the most fulfilling times to win.

Edited by Lavath
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I've won matches with a total of four people before. Maybe not an every game occurrence, but the point is that it can be done.


There are ways to win, without cheating, even when the odds are stacked against you. Personally, those are the most fulfilling times to win.

I've won with 4 people as well! The game was 4 v 1 and the warzone closed after we scored 3 goals! I got highest dmg too

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