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The power of the people


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I am here today to speak to everyone who is not happy where this game is and where it is heading this includes all the bugs and all the broken things in the game currently basically a beta build


First of i will tell you that i love the game its fun amazing but certain things really get to me such as no custom ui and those horrid colors on the ability bar now and not enough action bars in the right spots for my moves



Basically flooding a forum with complaints and suggestions will achieve nothing bioware is basically controlled by EA and EA has learn't from blizzard that if you make a game that's playable they really don't care about listening to the people because what idiot complains and hates the game and keeps playing ?


If a company knows your going to keep playing whether they listen to you or not and do what ever they "Want" with the game ignoring us then why would they listen to our feedback knowing it isn't gonna change anything


Lets be realistic how many people have cancelled there sub to swtor because the game isn't being fixed and the developers are ignoring what we ask for they can patch every week and shut down servers for ages but they can't add in things we request ? come on


Humans have this problem where we stay divided and we don't realise the true power we have if we unite if every person who had a problem with this game or the problems in the world united together things would change irl or ingame



I propose we make a deadline say 20th of February for the following to occur


UI - Customization

Horrible color for cooldowns removed or option created to enable disable

Combat log


If by the 20th of February these 3 simple requests are not met i urge everyone part of the swtor community to freeze there subs all together throughout the 20th and show them if they aren't gonna listen and put in things were are requesting so much then we aint paying


I can handle all the bugs i can handle the clunky stuff i can handle a game thats basically fresh i don't expect it to be on par with wow when wow has had 6 yrs + of making mistakes and i don't think anyone here is expecting that





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Just one more tool bar would make me happy, could care less about a combat log, they can put that in an expansion. I would like BW to take their time and investigate the issues and bugs and make good proper fixes instead of doing knee jerk fixes hoping they work.
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represintin the MMOG revolution to the fullest. I'm here game on lock if they don't meet our demands I'm out. Put in time since the days of yellow mode, In the hell strom of millions of fans who represent for change in wow. We kicked the crap out of Night elves cuz they ugly and had gnomes holdin it down for the cause making stuff happen. So Tell them we aint leavin till the game is done... When it kicks off be ready!:mad:


Lots of love to the homies who battle in this crooked industry.

Edited by QuixoteD
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so dont use it, or dont read it, but why cant the peeps that want it?


If BW puts it in then they can have it, I just dont see any reason why I should stop playing something I enjoy to support something I dont intend to use (combat logs) or something that will be coming anyway.

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Hello everyone,


While we do appreciate anyone who takes the time to compile constructive feedback for us, we're closing this thread, as we do have threads for feedback compilations.


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant sub-forum. If you'd like to add your list of bugs or suggestions, we encourage you to post in the following threads in the interest of helping us keep compilations consolidated:



Thank you!

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