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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FIRE YOUR PVP Manager now


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Read the title and fire those skilless people fixing problems with other problems.


Warn me, ban my account , do whatever you want with it.


Actually, I tried to cancel account but guess what? Cannot log the account page.


you guys from Mythic are LEET.


I'm impressed, Star wars License has been once more (SWG NGE) given to amateurs.


/Cancel Account.

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Yes! Let's drastically alter someones life based on a bug in game!


Oh man, I hope he or she gets fired and can't find work. Maybe default on a mortgage and get foreclosed on!






While I don't necessarily agree with the OP, your post is just as nonsensical.


In the private sector, you keep your job based upon your performance. Since release, with regards to PvP, the performance has been pretty awful outside of class balance. If this were a normal job, that person would have been fired by now. That's how the real world works - it doesn't work by having pity on someone.

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While I don't necessarily agree with the OP, your post is just as nonsensical.


In the private sector, you keep your job based upon your performance. Since release, with regards to PvP, the performance has been pretty awful outside of class balance. If this were a normal job, that person would have been fired by now. That's how the real world works - it doesn't work by having pity on someone.


I agree

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While I do agree people need to be held accountable for their work...


Expecting a perfect launch or to have a perfect game less than 2 months after launch is a ridiculous standard to set.


Always have to give people time to right the ship.


Personally, I like the PvP and look forward to future additions / improvements to the PvP system, but I also know a lot of people do not and they are trying tirelessly to appease as many players as they can.

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Yes! Let's drastically alter someones life based on a bug in game!


Oh man, I hope he or she gets fired and can't find work. Maybe default on a mortgage and get foreclosed on!






Are you kiddin me?


Do u actually enjoy the "amazing PVP" ur playing now?


already 300 000 people cancelled account (Stats from BW) on 1M700 K .


in 2012 they are not able to produce any decent PVP, in 2012 Seriously???


Daoc, SWG, WOW and now this???


First Illum was useless, then they gave Free R60 to Imps now they make it ueseless again and bugged...


What's next? free T3 equipement to everyone?

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...Since release, with regards to PvP, the performance has been pretty awful outside of class balance. If this were a normal job, that person would have been fired by now.


According to whom?


PvP isn't bad, it's just not as good as you want it. And as all anybody does on this forum is focus on the negatives, this is a purely biased and out of proportion point of view.


Simply put, both the PvE and the PvP are making them monies. Thus they did their job and should keep their jobs.


Additionally, to fire them and hire a whole new team would take tons of ramp up time and money to train and get them used to the system, learn the code, etc etc. Thus all firing them would do is make you wait LONGER for fixes and up your subscription costs.


Think before you speak. I'd say less than 1% of the population in this forum "knows how the real world works"

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/agree they killed Warhammer online they need to be kept away for SWTOR or the same thing will happen

Warhammer online problems

1 Bugs & lack of End Game content

2 low server populations

3 bad customer service & no feed back on forums

4 Treating us like we dont play the game & doing the opposite of what players want

5 No cross server SCs

6 "we are looking into the problem of low server population problems" same post for over a year

7 They just AFKed & let the game die

Mythic brought out by EA & staff went to Bioware


any of this seem familiar ??

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Expecting a perfect launch or to have a perfect game less than 2 months after launch is a ridiculous standard to set.


Here's the thing; no one is expecting perfection. No one is expecting PvP to be perfect, bug-free and whatnot. What people want, and expect, is competence. If you've paid attention these last couple patches, PvP-wise, the competence is sorely lacking.


Ilum has been an utter disaster since release, and it's been made progressively worse each subsequent patch, especially today. How this patch was released today, with these types of problems, is beyond me. Class balance is great - outside of that, there's hardly anything good to talk about.

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Yes! Let's drastically alter someones life based on a bug in game!


Oh man, I hope he or she gets fired and can't find work. Maybe default on a mortgage and get foreclosed on!







Get down to earth. That is his/their job, this is business. You do your job properly or you find another job.

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Yes! Let's drastically alter someones life based on a bug in game!


Oh man, I hope he or she gets fired and can't find work. Maybe default on a mortgage and get foreclosed on!






when he or she isn't doing their job they usually get fired and replaced by someone better. In this case that is what bioware needs to do.

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Are you kiddin me?


Do u actually enjoy the "amazing PVP" ur playing now?





already 300 000 people cancelled account (Stats from BW) on 1M700 K .


Are you trying to suggest those people quit because of pvp? That's laughable. Out of 2 million people trying a game, 300k leaving is actually a good ratio.

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According to whom?


Right back at you; swings both ways.


PvP isn't bad, it's just not as good as you want it. And as all anybody does on this forum is focus on the negatives, this is a purely biased and out of proportion point of view.


So you're telling me I just point out the negatives, while ignoring the fact that you quoted me saying the class balance is good in this game? Lol, what? Every view has bias - including yours. It's unavoidable. I fail to see how my view is "out of proportion" - have you seen the forums? My views are more mainstream if anything.


Simply put, both the PvE and the PvP are making them monies. Thus they did their job and should keep their jobs.


Just because they're getting money, doesn't mean they're doing a good job. Correlation =/= causation.


Additionally, to fire them and hire a whole new team would take tons of ramp up time and money to train and get them used to the system, learn the code, etc etc. Thus all firing them would do is make you wait LONGER for fixes and up your subscription costs.


I don't think anyone is asking for the whole team to be fired. If you had a reading comprehension higher than a goldfish, you could see in my post that I explicitly stated I don't necessarily agree with the OP.


Think before you speak.


The irony is strong here.


I'd say less than 1% of the population in this forum "knows how the real world works"


Irrelevant to my point.

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honestly i don't know why anyone even bought this ******* game considering the worst crew for mmo's produced it. I like to give ea nickname such as.






You take those 2 top games and realize wow, those were two of the best pvp games ever made, untill.... Ea took over.

Edited by Sireene
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Are you trying to suggest those people quit because of pvp? That's laughable. Out of 2 million people trying a game, 300k leaving is actually a good ratio.


1/8th of your clients leaving is good? please explain that. Because at this rate we'll loose another 300k in 2 months or even sooner and more considering Tera is coming out and all the pvpers here think the pvp is a joke and most will be going to tera. Not to mention tera is a better game is going to attract way more people because they actually know how to program.

Edited by Xenokane
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Well if they can turn this thing around from being kiddie pool PVP. I am willing to stick around and see what they can do.


If it keeps going on as a WoW clone then they all need to go bye bye cause really there is no point. Why play a new buggy clone of dreg pvp when then they can play the original.


They have to choose and no matter what they choose its gonna cause rage bails, but i for one wouldn't mind watching all these tools burn back to WoW cause i think the rest of us want something different anyway.


As it stands now its Dreg PVP for the shiny. If thats what they want then i have no problem watching them burn and fail.


But today... I like this a lot, so more rage please and hopefully they burn it all down and dump this crappy carrot on the stick for the dregs of MMO PVP and move on to something better..

Edited by Razot
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I don't have any issues with the concept of Ilum or the Warzones as a release offering. What I do have serious issue's with is that Warzone wins are not being credited to Daily's and Weekly's every win. They say that they had fixed it in a patch, wrong. Problem still exists and now after last patch Ilum kills are not being credited either. As a PvP'er on Republic I rely on these to try to bridge the gap in gear between us and the Imp's after their free valor run from another PvP bug.

I'm in for the long haul but I do know of a number of people who have given up on this game for above mentioned reasons. This needs to be addressed properly and quickly.

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Asif they will listen to Someone who can't even

Workout how to cancel his sub


I bet they'll damn sure listen when they loose all thier hardcore pvpers to another game considering pvp is what runs an mmo now a days. People say no it's all about pve i beg to differ considering there are around 10,000-100,000 more post about pvp than pve in any game.

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if they turn this fail of a game around it will literally be the amongst the greatest turnaround of any project, EVER.


this game has


1) terrible bugs to start with

2) more terrible bugs every patch along with worse or at the least bland new content

3) crew of devs that are at best inexperience, at worst, repeat failures

4) supported by EA business folks who thinks its good idea to do things like start 250 NA servers, 220 of them which are already dead

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Actually 300 000 customers leaving the first month, hmmm I consider that as a strong warning.


Then to all people that don't agree with me, all I want to say is that, I love Star Wars License.


I'm a hold SWG pre CU player, Ultima Online, DAOC and WOW. (tried warhammer but well what can I say...) and yeah i'm very disapointed.


Those people (Mythic Team) keep adding issues to the game instead of fixing them.


The game is huge, there could be a lot of PVP goal, not only in Illum.


I was very disapointed when I grinded all the way up to lvl 60 before the Illum valor fest patch.


I feel like, they don't care about what we think, we warned them on the test server before they went live with it, but they dodn't care and screw the "fragile" balance that was in place (Imps vs Rep)


So now, yeah as a 32 years old European guy, working as a project manager in networks, I do believe that when someone is failing constantly on his job (and at fixing it) I think it would be about time to replace him.


Are you going to stay in this game not having fun because it would be so bad for his personnal life to be fired?

I honestly don't care, and the history proves that despite the crap work they done on Warhammer, some people will still hire them, thinking they are actually lucky.


I'm pretty sure if I explain my 10 years old sister, what is PVP, she set up a better pvp than the one in place at the moment and I think it is very scary for the future of this game.


They don't listen to us....

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Actually 300 000 customers leaving the first month, hmmm I consider that as a strong warning.


Then to all people that don't agree with me, all I want to say is that, I love Star Wars License.


I'm a hold SWG pre CU player, Ultima Online, DAOC and WOW. (tried warhammer but well what can I say...) and yeah i'm very disapointed.


Those people (Mythic Team) keep adding issues to the game instead of fixing them.


The game is huge, there could be a lot of PVP goal, not only in Illum.


I was very disapointed when I grinded all the way up to lvl 60 before the Illum valor fest patch.


I feel like, they don't care about what we think, we warned them on the test server before they went live with it, but they dodn't care and screw the "fragile" balance that was in place (Imps vs Rep)


So now, yeah as a 32 years old European guy, working as a project manager in networks, I do believe that when someone is failing constantly on his job (and at fixing it) I think it would be about time to replace him.


Are you going to stay in this game not having fun because it would be so bad for his personnal life to be fired?

I honestly don't care, and the history proves that despite the crap work they done on Warhammer, some people will still hire them, thinking they are actually lucky.


I'm pretty sure if I explain my 10 years old sister, what is PVP, she set up a better pvp than the one in place at the moment and I think it is very scary for the future of this game.


They don't listen to us....

OH don't worry i already /canceled this morning im done with bioware and ea, i wont be buying another game from them.

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