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45 Minute Queue - Really!?


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Go to a lower pop server....it always made me laugh, the people who stayed on high pop servers on WoW and sat in queues everyday to log onto their character.


I always stick with a low/medium pop server...there's never any queues. And if the server you're on fills up on launch day...move, you've only got a few days invested into your character anyway.


yoU smoked something ? yes , for a lonely wolf is convenient , but imagine you have a 35 people guild located on a SPECIFIC server. Some of them already are there since 2 days ago and they feel like they lost the work there if you tell them we relocate.

Dont try to cover the **** son , is not working . The truth is : everybody should be able on whatever server they want and when they want . Coz they paid for it . Fact !

Dont tell people they should change servers , actually at this hour is no free server on EU , except maybe the RP wankers :) Like all players are ******** , we cant find another server , what a luck we have that you enlighted us :D

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Go to a lower pop server....it always made me laugh, the people who stayed on high pop servers on WoW and sat in queues everyday to log onto their character.


I always stick with a low/medium pop server...there's never any queues. And if the server you're on fills up on launch day...move, you've only got a few days invested into your character anyway.


You sound very smug and knowlegeable and by the way you're patronising people you obviously know a lot about this issue.


What would you suggest people do when every single server is FULL or VERY HEAVY? Who do you laugh at then?

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Gosh, what a lot of angst...


Yes, it is indeed annoying! But... sort of predictable. In the way that with even the web/forum server being on queues from time to time over the last week, we've been clearly able to see that the server/bandwidth allocation is simply not sufficient for peak loads.


However... it's better than not being in at all. I shall simply make a note to launch the game an hour before I actually to play, and check it every 10 mins from there. I consider my early access to be a bonus, not a right, and I will do my best to smile through whatever annoyances it may throw at me :)


(Of course, if queues are still huge come January, then I shall be making complaining noises :p )


As for "roll on another server" - guys, did you forget about pre-allocated guilds? I can't just arrange for a dozen other peeps to up and shift from the characters they've been working on for the last two days. And if I could, there's nowhere to go, everything on the EU/english list is completely full...

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During this free time I am upset to be in a queue but when I start paying for the game I dont think I should have to set in a queue for an hour+ just to play. If I try to play everyday and have to set in a queue for an hour each day will Bioware give me an extra day to play because I was in a queue. Dont think so.
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I was waiting in a queue for an hour now and guess what...I received a error that I lost connection to the server when my position was finally somewhere around 100.

Now to wait again...it makes one enjoying the actual ingame time a lot more:D

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I never played mmos like wow or other popular ones so pls forgive me my noobish question

but is it possible for a user to create a character on server which already has more users than the server capacity allows?


Usually, yes. I've been in like one game where they actually locked servers.

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I'm seriously hoping that the 45 Minute queue to get on my server is a pre-launch issue only, What happens on the 20th when the general public join SW:TOE?; 2 day waiting list?



You gain the right to moan about in-game wait times when we're all in the game.


At least you can log in, count yourself lucky.

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People understand that this is the whole POINT of pre ordering, right? The more people who pre-order and the earlier they do it, the more servers a company can have ready on launch since they'll a better idea the demand.


This is why any of you that pre-ordered in December complaining about not getting early access are fools. You're pre-order came too late to help Bioware judge how many servers they needed.


If you expect to pre-order at the last minute, and get in early access immediately, and not have long queues you're kidding your selves. the only ones I feel bad for are the ones who ordered early and are stuck in those queues created by the late comers.

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I never played mmos like wow or other popular ones so pls forgive me my noobish question

but is it possible for a user to create a character on server which already has more users than the server capacity allows?


Isnt this like you bought a ticket for a concert of your favourite band in advance and then in front of the club they tell ya "sorry but theres no room anymore! But i bought a ticket? Yea, but its full atm so shut up and wait...."


I find this sh.. not very practical... But seems to me like they would do it the same way in other mmos which i never played so why do i complain...

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whats wrong with all those standard load servers.. they have NO WAIT..


quit QQing.


those are the second wave of servers.


why do people keep saying pick one of those then. If you play since tuesday and you get to like level 20 or so, you're not gonna say: oh well im picking another server.



And in about 5 days then, their new server has giant queues too.



They just need to disable new character on server and release new servers faster. Dont wait till they have queues first......

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All I will say is thank you BW for doing a great job! And people wanted to get into early access all together yeah that would of been so great lol. I got in yesterday and this is the smoothest launch I have seen and I seen pretty much all of them. So you have wait to get in? Who cares? welcome to MMOs this is how they work, come Jan no one will remember this and this will go as one of the best launches ever!


Haters will hate! Guess what! No one cares lol

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I would like to add out to everyone who say that we QQ about server load, and we can just pick another server..


We have been assigned a specific server due to our Guild..


I don't want to go be an altoholic just because the server my guild is on, is queue...


We are still in EARLY GAME ACCESS phase.. we a small amount of Pre-Order nerds.. Their is a dozen of players who didn't get their Pre-Order and will start out on the 20th..


Should we then accept that we before Work, set our character into queue and when we get home 8-10 hours later, we only got 2 hours wait time left?..

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