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Enjoying SWTOR


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This is my experiance of the game:



I waited SWTOR to be release for a long time, pre- ordered the game and payd 150 euros for it, because my experiance of the beta was nice and promising & im a fan of Star wars so i tough that why not.



Chose to make a marauder and i liked to make my character eventough i encountered bugs along the way.




When i hitted the cap level, i started playing alot of warzones and running flashpoints, also tryed operations.

Got the rakata stims and heal pretty fast, also geared my character with pvp gear.


The exitement for the game started to faid slowly then, got tired of repeatedly playing huttball, i think from 10 warzones i got in, 7 was huttball.. i guess this is cause of the huge unbalance between the two factions on the server i play, one thing that was frustrating too was that 1 of 5 warzones i was in crashed or freezed the game.


When i went to ilum for the first time imps and reps were not fighting on the center of the map, they were swapping the control to get the ilum daily's / weeklys done, and me and my friends wanted some action so we ganked them, alot.. other players on our side didnt like that cause they wanted their quests done and they could not finish them cause there was no enemys to swap the maps control with. This led to some nice conversations on the general chat...



Then came the patch that made each frag give a big amount of valor, so that's what i did, killed players on ilum, alot of them, and as i told, the servers faction unbalance is bad, i spent alot of time just standing outside enemys base and waited for the next stupid enough player to get destroyed by the huge mob of valor hungry players camping at the entrance.. i was close to get valor 60 so i tough im done soon with ilum, so ill do this for a couple days and never return until they make ilum pvp zone with a point..


But, when i got valor 60 (battlemaster) i realised the only way to upgrade from champion to battlemaster is to do the daily and weekly quests.

So thats what i did, as a pvp player there was nothing else to do in the game since i had all the buffs i needed from the flashpoints.

So now for the past couple weeks i have been logging into the game to get the dailys done, and left to do other stuff straight after compliting the dailys,

im not even intrested to play warzones (mainly huttball) cause i have played the same warzone(s) too many times allready, and there is no gain or what so ever, since there is no pvp ladder..


Today i logged into the game and went to ilum to do some camping outside the enemy base and realized that im not getting any valor for fragging enemyes.. also noticed that other people complained about the same issue that todays patch made.



I decided that i wont continue my subscription until they give us a game without this many bugs, a point to continue playing pvp, new warzones and alot better pvp arrangement on ilum. No point of paying and wasting time on something im not enjoying.


I think game has a realy poor engine too, i have a fairly nice pc and i get about 9-15 fps on ilum when pvping and yes, graphics are on "low / off"


Sry for the bad english ;)


Alot of qq but hey, i think there is a fair reason doing so? :p

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So you made one character, speed leveled it to 50, then sped through the "endgame" stuff, and are now complaining there is nothing left to do?


Have you tried playing any of the other 7 classes?

To see different areas and different storylines?


Or does that not interest you?


If not, then perhaps it is time for you to quit and go find another MMORG where you can speed to max level and go through the same thing again.

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Im one of those players that play's mmo's for the purpose of playing with other people, this is the reason why im not making alts, i like to chose the class that i prefere and stick with it.. eventough the character making was ok, too much soloing for my taste.
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