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What are stims made from?


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My guess would be a combination of adrenaline and a special chemical cocktail of various drugs and other such things that stimulate certain parts of the brain and/or physiology.


Endurance stims would make you less susceptible to pain, strength stims would override your body's natural reluctance to utilize its full muscle potential, cunning stims would stimulate the frontal lobe to make it promote higher production of dopamine, etc etc.

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Did you know most vaccines are just weaker forms of the virus. They inject you with it and your body simply builds antibodies to it allowing you to fight it off when you get the real thing.


They don't give you the vaccine if you have a weak immune system since even the weakened version can spirit into a full blown illness. This can obviously kill you and its obviously not 100% either. The virus can be so strong it can still possibly overcome your body's immunities and make you sick.


The influenza virus which is the flu virus mutates so much that after about a year its totally different than the vaccine that was designed for it the year before completely negating that immunity which is why you need to get that shot every year.


Some vaccines require boosters like smallpox since your body loses the antibodies over time and no longer is able to fight it off easily which can lead you to getting sick.


Also, minimize the use of antibacterial soap. That 1% that it doesn't kill is the stuff that is going to jack you up good and if you use it regularly you expose the bacteria to the concept of evolution where it begins to design itself to be stronger than antibiotics. When you get sick with one of these illnesses you can be REALLY screwed since there is very little doctors can do depending on what it is.

Edited by Kabloosh
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