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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cybertech Schematic Drop Rates?


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I have two slicers on Lord Adraas, both of them have gotten some schematics for my Cybertech to make ship parts. I've noticed that the drop rates seem heavily skewed; Grade 2 Ship Armor and Beam Generators drop very reliably, Missile Racks and Shield Regenerators less often. I had to buy an Energy Shield schematic from the GTN, and seems that no one on the server has found a Beam Charger, since I can't find any schematics or completed items on the GTN (not that I've mounted a HUGE search, but I have searched.)


Is this just rough luck, or are the drop rates really that skewed? And if so, why?

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I'm not sure they even make schematics for a level 2 beam charger, and here's my reasoning on this.


They give you one as a mission reward for running... I think it's Achenar Inception (on the Republic side) for the first time? I have every rank 2 schematic I could find on my cybertecher, and that was the only ship piece I was missing when I started running ship missions.


I think they might also give you a rank 4 beam charger later on, but I'm not positive. If so, then that's why we can't find schematics for them.

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That may make sense. . . annoying, but it makes sense.


Still doesn't explain why I also never sliced a Grade 2 Energy Shield, but got somewhere around a dozen Grade 2 Ship Armors. There's a lot I'm willing to chalk up to bad luck, but this seems a bit more than the RNG being against me.

Edited by ErikModi
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Beam chargers are given as quest rewards, including the epic one.


The drop rate for different schematics has to be different. I'm not basing this only on my own drops, which are a very tiny sample, but also on their availability on the GTN over the past 2 months.


For the epic ones, for example, the Kuat Drive Missile Magazine seems to be by far the most common, while the others seem to have much lower droprates. I can barely unload the Kuat for 3K on a lucky day, while the others go for 6-20K.

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Beam chargers are given as quest rewards, including the epic one.


The drop rate for different schematics has to be different. I'm not basing this only on my own drops, which are a very tiny sample, but also on their availability on the GTN over the past 2 months.


For the epic ones, for example, the Kuat Drive Missile Magazine seems to be by far the most common, while the others seem to have much lower droprates. I can barely unload the Kuat for 3K on a lucky day, while the others go for 6-20K.


Rank 2 and 4 beam chargers are quest rewards everyone gets, but the purple one is craftable. It's the purple beam generator that drops as a quest reward and is uncraftable.


The reason you see so many Kuat Yards Missile Magazines is because people run a lot of tier 6 (49-50) slicing missions, and it's the only item that requires level 49 to equip.


Run tier 5 (40-48?) and the others will come. The same principle applies to the blue ones. Check the item level and run those missions.

Edited by Felioats
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For the epic ones, for example, the Kuat Drive Missile Magazine seems to be by far the most common, while the others seem to have much lower droprates. I can barely unload the Kuat for 3K on a lucky day, while the others go for 6-20K.


This one has to do with the level requirement.


Since its a 49 req, it drops from the Grade 6 Slicing missions, and is the only one that can drop from there.


All of the others have to drop from Grade 5 Slicing missions, which are being run less frequently since the nerf.

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Rank 2 and 4 beam chargers are quest rewards everyone gets, but the purple one is craftable. It's the purple beam generator that drops as a quest reward and is uncraftable.


I double-checked my character and you're right about that. The Rendili Beam Generator is the quest drop, while the Sienar Beam Charger I can craft. My bad there.



EDIT: I may have been wrong about Kuat dropping from tier 5 missions, since I run tier 4 and 5 almost exclusively.


Still, here's another thing to consider: I run 4 and 5 constantly, and rarely see the other schematics; I've run a tier 6 mission maybe once a day the past few days, and I had 3 of the Kuat drop.

Edited by Raani
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  • 1 month later...
I have been trying for almost 2 months now to get the Rendili Beam Generator Schematic. I think it does not drop at all from any slicing lockbox missions. I have run them all enough times to get roughly 10 or more of each of the other purple cybertech schematics. It is possible that this particular schematic only drops from augment missions, but I doubt it. I say this since I have not run enough augment missions to rule that out, but I seem to get roughly the same crit returns from lockbox missions as I do from augment missions.
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I have been trying for almost 2 months now to get the Rendili Beam Generator Schematic. I think it does not drop at all from any slicing lockbox missions. I have run them all enough times to get roughly 10 or more of each of the other purple cybertech schematics. It is possible that this particular schematic only drops from augment missions, but I doubt it. I say this since I have not run enough augment missions to rule that out, but I seem to get roughly the same crit returns from lockbox missions as I do from augment missions.


IIRC Either the beam charger or the generator, (I *think* generator though) is the only purple one I've found so far, and I've found 3 of them. 'Course, I've haven't been really trying to find them yet, just running those missions when no good ones that can drop the grade 4 schematics are available.

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