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Get rid of interrupts please


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For god sakes, if the other team knows what they're doing it's a miracle if I can even get a heal off half the time. There's already too much crap preventing me from using my abilities as it is, but I think removing interrupts would at least make it more reasonable.


Stuns, knockbacks, and ability lag from getting hit (I don't know the correct term for this, sorry) are all bad enough, but I believe interrupts are just the icing on the **** cake.


I already feel like I have no control over my character half the time, at least give us some measure of control back by removing interrupts please.



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I was merely making a suggestion on how bioware could give us some control of our character back. I can't believe I expected anything other than immature responses...


I was hoping for some constructive feedback on how bioware could make the game less of a stunlock/knockback/interrupt crapfest where you rarely seem to have control of your character.


At least that's how I see it. If you don't agree, fine. I'm not saying everyone has to agree.


The responses you've received are entirely warranted given how terrible your suggestion was. Interrupts are already a joke as it is and you want to completely remove them from the game? Seriously? If anything, interrupts need to be buffed so that they lock out your entire spell tree (DPS spell = locks out DPS abilities, ditto for healing). With the way interrupts are right now, there's zero need for me to juke my heals - if one of them gets interrupted, I just start casting the other.


Also, if you're having trouble getting any spells off period, then it's most likely because you have terrible situational awareness and bad positioning. It's not anything new, I'd say the large majority of healers I've seen have terrible positioning which ultimately lead to their or their teammate(s) death.

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^^This.80% of sorcs i face in wz`s just stand in place while i attack em and all they do is using 1 or2 ablities again and again,hoping they will somehow tank me to death with their heals.They get interrupted and die.Does this means that interrupts are OP,or I am very very skilled?No,it means that they are total scrubs.
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