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Best Sent PvP Video - 400k damage


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Had a cool intro with blood cells and all, after that really nothing more then standard game play with sprinkle of back peddling, which is hard for me to stomach as entertaining, didnt watch the whole movie so guess i cant really judge :cool:
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I've seen much better videos on here, however this one isn't terrible. I realize it's easy to criticize someone else's video moreso than your own performace.


First off, I don't like the music. I realize this is subjective, but I don't like it. Second off, I don't like "clips". I'd rather watch a full warzone from beginning to end, because any Sentinel can have an epic moment... but to really rate a warzone you have to watch the whole thing. Maybe he got a high damage number, but was it because he had a pocket healer? Or was he damage farming on some other healer in the corner for awhile in a duel that took 4 minutes? I would rather get the full picture. And He's using Doc when soloing someone on Ilum? How old is this video? Why even brag about having a healer against someone without with no companion?


I also noticed him hitting zen with only 1 tick of Overloaded Saber up a few times.

Edited by Crabbok
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The really disingenuous part is touting this as a 400k dmg vid, with absolutely zero footage of this damage being done. Just a fraps of the scoreboard for a couple seconds? Please, this is a joke.


It's like... I could go talk to some friends and coordinate to meet 2 sith healers in a corner on Huttball and just fight one while they spam heals... and I'll rack up a **** ton of damage. Then just show the scoreboard.


I realize this is likely not what he did considering there were a bunch of kills... but regardless the full video would have been nice.

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eh, cool intro. Only made it to about 2:30 before I turned it off.


Having trouble with basic movements is just a deal breaker for me. First fight in illum he doesn't use his snare and constantly backpedals and get stuck on a rock when trying to get to a guy.


JT 1 is way better from a pure gameplay perspective.

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^ that was nice. Finally glad to see a combat sentinel pvp video. I wish I had a better pc so I could destroy. If my pc played the game that smooth itd be game over for the imps.


but he tears it up 1v2s. love it.

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A WARRIOR HAS RISED made me lol a bit.


Other than that, the video was pretty boring and not that impressive.


Also pretty old. I would like to see you make a more current video with the fixes and no companions in Ilum, along with no below 50's in WZs.

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People that are impressed by this video are the same people that cry sentinel's are underpowered, that's about the only sense I can make out of this thread. 400k is around a decent sentinel's average WZ. Edited by OGsam
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