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Commercial is false advertising.


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Don't know about Chuck but Mr. T is indeed in wow


Really? Where is he? Because i can't find him anymore. I know the Nightelf Mohawk character was once in the game for a couple of weeks handing out grenades in the starter zone coinciding with Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22) and the broadcasting of the commercial were Mr.T's account gets hacked. I haven't seen him since.

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So I just saw a commercial for this game where it shows like 100 people with light sabers fighting, a ship crashing into what looks like a ship bay and lots of other things that... well... aren't in the game.


Its funny that the commercial is way more fun to watch than the movie that is swtor.


Just an observation.


My god.. every freakin' game does this.


It's called Trailers, Teasers, etc..etc..


Calling False Advertisement is such a cop-out.

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My face cream doesn't make me look like Ellen (thats probably good..) or Andi McDowell (definitely good) or Carrie Underwood (now I wouldn't mind that). Should I sue the makers for that? My fancy bra doesn't make me look like a Victoria's secret model either - and I bet yours doesn't (or if you are male, which i suspsect..I bet your underoos don't give you David Beckham's body)


Are you really stupid enough to believe a commercial actually represents a product fairly and accurately or have you been asleep since 1950?


Games fun - I enjoy it.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible.


We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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