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Staying Subscribed Means: "I accept being sold a beta"?


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Staying Subscribed Means: "I accept paying for a month of entertainment". If game does not provide it (to me, personally, if *I* don't have enough fun in it) I cancel the sub and move on. It still has enough fun factor for me to keep me want to log in, that's all there is to it.
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I've seen many an "I'm paying to play a beta!" posts for many games in my years. You know what I have to say to them?


Screw them - I'm paying to play something I enjoy enough to pay to play it. It's my money, and you can't tell me what to do with it as much as I can't tell you what to do with your money.


Hooray opinions! It's great how two people can have different ones, yet they're both right, huh?

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You just lost your paycheck. Been playing MMO's since 97. Beta tested DAOC, WOW, FFXI, SWG, SWToR, UO, EQ2, Shadowbane, Lineage 2, AION, and Rift.


Furthermore, of all of the bug reports that SO MANY of us beta testers in SWTOR have reported for nearly 5 months before release - none of them were solved. I'm talking major problems that went right into release and still haven't been fixed. I almost wondered what the heck the point was to have a beta in this game?



if you played all those games at launch, then you should know that every one of those games were horrible at launch..


I remember quite well how terrible they were..


polishing takes time

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Well in that case, unsubscribing means you're a cry baby who only wants instant gratification, and everyone to spoon feed him, right?


I guess this is what all the cool kids call it.


OP probably lied on his resume that he tested all those MMOs


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Ok.. here is my honesty.



I like this game a lot...but there are some issues with the game.. but as long as they show improvement and that they actively patching them and fixing bugs.. then they will get my 14$ a month..


To the OP: you should never buy a single computer game again..



Fallout 3

Fallout New Vegas (game breaking bug first day shipping)



have all had serious..serious bugs. All..very...very good games.


And if you own 1 of the 4..and love them. you are a hypocrite..

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You just lost your paycheck. Been playing MMO's since 97. Beta tested DAOC, WOW, FFXI, SWG, SWToR, UO, EQ2, Shadowbane, Lineage 2, AION, and Rift.


You beta tested WoW, which had zero end game content at launch, and complain that swtor only has limited L50 content, yet somehow this launch is worse?


WoW had unfinished zones at launch, it had 2 hour server queues, disconnects, bugs galore.


If you've played that many mmo's, you'd appreciate that what makes a game is how you improve and add content in the months after release, not the state that it's launched in.

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Don't rely on "crutches" like mods and macros as a substitute for learning your class and being competent at playing it.


So what you're saying is that the difference between moving your mouse over someone and hitting a button, and clicking them and then hitting that same button, indicates a lack of ability with regards to playing your class?


Performing two actions (moving your mouse and hitting a key) is going to be faster than three actions (moving your mouse, clicking, and then hitting a key), especially given that in the latter case, two of the three actions are identical to the two actions in the former.

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This game is complety fail .. fail at launch .. fail at every patch .. bioware is a failure thats it this game doesnt worth my 15$ a mount. if atleast they would put some decent non-buggued patch and stop nerfing everything insteed of balance that game would be fun for those one who said i like this game .. 1 : you probly not 50 for such long 2 : u didnt get disapointed by the end-game content 3 : u probly a noob who still learning how to play that game ... I've played mmo since 12-13 years and have been on launch of many mmo .. yes its never perfect at start and bug and **** make rage people but a good mmo producter will put priority at the good place and fix their bug ... Bioware just put **** over **** *** u launch the game to soon u didnt fix so many **** and the first real patch comes out : new ops news fp ... *** where are not posting enuff of bug report??!?! FIX UR **** DAMNIT ... another patch today ( we fixed ilum ) NICE now we cant do any daily here its a nice fix guys ! probly get tested on server test for 2-3 week and u didnt realise that ????? Would say at the bioware programmer ... u work like a *********** noob ! Great job and enjoy all people leaving !
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You just lost your paycheck. Been playing MMO's since 97. Beta tested DAOC, WOW, FFXI, SWG, SWToR, UO, EQ2, Shadowbane, Lineage 2, AION, and Rift.


Furthermore, of all of the bug reports that SO MANY of us beta testers in SWTOR have reported for nearly 5 months before release - none of them were solved. I'm talking major problems that went right into release and still haven't been fixed. I almost wondered what the heck the point was to have a beta in this game?


If your MMO "resume" is truthful, then you should not only have known what to expect from an MMO launch, you should also realize that as far as launches go TOR has been relatively smooth. Unless of course, you played those games you listed for the first two months and then quit because of their bugs also.


You're shocked that 2 months in people are still playing? That after all of beta the issues that beta testers submitted haven't been addressed yet? There's nothing about this game's launch thus far that should have shocked anyone wit as much MMO experience as you claim to have.


You already know why we're here, we obviously are able to enjoy the game even in a not-perfect state. The real question, as many others have stated, is why you're still here.

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Ok.. here is my honesty.



I like this game a lot...but there are some issues with the game.. but as long as they show improvement and that they actively patching them and fixing bugs.. then they will get my 14$ a month..


To the OP: you should never buy a single computer game again..



Fallout 3

Fallout New Vegas (game breaking bug first day shipping)



have all had serious..serious bugs. All..very...very good games.


And if you own 1 of the 4..and love them. you are a hypocrite..

i'll never understand how games like those get such high marks. Don't get me wrong they are all good games. But when you have people experiencing game ending bugs or ones where you can't play anymore, i just don't see how they can get 8-10's. But then again we live in an age of mediocrity so i guess i'll be labelled a troll here.

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Reminds me of a street preacher. Except this guy is trying to get everyone to quit playing SWTOR so it will go F2P and all his prophecies will come true.


Just play or don't play. If you stay and play try to be constructive and help improve the game. Otherwise you're just being a downer hanging around trying to bring everyone else down.

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This game is complety fail .. fail at launch .. fail at every patch .. bioware is a failure thats it this game doesnt worth my 15$ a mount. if atleast they would put some decent non-buggued patch and stop nerfing everything insteed of balance that game would be fun for those one who said i like this game .. 1 : you probly not 50 for such long 2 : u didnt get disapointed by the end-game content 3 : u probly a noob who still learning how to play that game ... I've played mmo since 12-13 years and have been on launch of many mmo .. yes its never perfect at start and bug and **** make rage people but a good mmo producter will put priority at the good place and fix their bug ... Bioware just put **** over **** *** u launch the game to soon u didnt fix so many **** and the first real patch comes out : new ops news fp ... *** where are not posting enuff of bug report??!?! FIX UR **** DAMNIT ... another patch today ( we fixed ilum ) NICE now we cant do any daily here its a nice fix guys ! probly get tested on server test for 2-3 week and u didnt realise that ????? Would say at the bioware programmer ... u work like a *********** noob ! Great job and enjoy all people leaving !



wow, this post needs to be in the epilepsy seizures warning thread!!

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Why? Lets see... Because its a new game and there's bound to be a years worth of bugs, crashes, glitches, exploitations, and bad ideas that latter on down the road get removed from the game just like ever mmo ever made.

Now, the severity of some of the hiccups in this game, I'll give you are at times hilariously funny as well as beat your head against your desk frustrating. But that's part of playing an mmo. Your job, as a subscriber is to hunker down and deal with the garbage that gets tossed at your head and trudge on through piles of malprogrammed crap to the enjoyable parts of the game because sooner or later the developer's going to see the fodder bogging down the field and start the patching process. Is it fair or fun?... No, but nothing in life is, it's just how things are done.


If your unhappy about something bring it to biowares attention in the forums or make a butt load of in game tickets when you get confounded by a bug. pitch in and do your part to make the game better. And if waiting a year for a fully finished game makes you unhappy you can always unsubscribe when you've reached your tolerance level.


So far even with all the bugs, crashes, and poorly imbalanced classes, I've been having a blast. Even on days the game makes me "kick a kitten angry", I still feel its worth my 15$ / month.

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This game is complety fail .. fail at launch .. fail at every patch .. bioware is a failure thats it this game doesnt worth my 15$ a mount. if atleast they would put some decent non-buggued patch and stop nerfing everything insteed of balance that game would be fun for those one who said i like this game .. 1 : you probly not 50 for such long 2 : u didnt get disapointed by the end-game content 3 : u probly a noob who still learning how to play that game ... I've played mmo since 12-13 years and have been on launch of many mmo .. yes its never perfect at start and bug and **** make rage people but a good mmo producter will put priority at the good place and fix their bug ... Bioware just put **** over **** *** u launch the game to soon u didnt fix so many **** and the first real patch comes out : new ops news fp ... *** where are not posting enuff of bug report??!?! FIX UR **** DAMNIT ... another patch today ( we fixed ilum ) NICE now we cant do any daily here its a nice fix guys ! probly get tested on server test for 2-3 week and u didnt realise that ????? Would say at the bioware programmer ... u work like a *********** noob ! Great job and enjoy all people leaving !
I can ***** *** ****** .. **** **** then ***** ..... : ***** ***** ** platypus and *** .... :: **** *** ***** !!! ...
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Hello all,


Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with about the kind of feedback that best helps us make improvements to the game.


If you have suggestions for changes that you would like to see or bugs you want fixed, you might want to try adding your thoughts to one of these discussions:


The Suggestion Compilation Thread

Ultimate Bug List


We are closing this thread now. Thank you for your cooperation!

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