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Patch, who cares?


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combat log,

ui customization,

a working AH,

camera options,


transferable keybinds,


Some of these things were removed in beta, Some were never in beta but should have been in for release, ALL of these things were part of Everquest when it released in 1999. Keep telling yourself they will get to it. 1 year of beta, now 2 months into release. To have features a game that game out 12 years ago had. I dont understand how this doesnt really really upset people who are trying to like this game.


Because they're mostly QOL things that aren't really essential.


The essential things for this MMO are that there be:-


1) sufficient VO-ed story content, of sufficiently high quality, both for solo and grouped play;


2) responsive, fun combat, and


3) lots of varied high quality endgame content, both PvE and PvP.


The kinds of things you mention are lower priority, IMHO, they're the sorts of things that get done piecemeal as the numbered things above get done.


Heck, I have a bunch of QOL things I'd like to see too, but their absence doesn't stop me from enjoying the game, they just give me little jags of irritation now and then; but on balance, the game is easily worth $15 a month even without them. It's really quite a ridiculously tiny amount of money for what you get.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Legacy (actually put into the game)

Combat logs



who cares most of ur list.

we do need their fixes are:


user friendly UI,

free transfer server system(when player can prove

their main play time, entire fleet players num lower than xx)

or a GOOD LFM system which let PUG no need more than xx mins.

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Op, when you run a shop and you have two broken products that need fixing :


Product A can be fixed right away because it's an easy fix but only 10% of your customers will be happy about it.


Product B has a problem that you havn't figured out yet but it affects 70% of your customers.


As the shop owner, what is your best course of action?


You get two guys to kickly fix product A while 6 other guys try to figure out product B.


Product A customers are happy, while product B customers enrage because they think that you, the shop owner, don't care about product B.


You are the product B customer.


You need to evaluate what gives the most value to the game and then start working on those things first. If you just fix things at random (which seems to be the case) you will not add as much value to the game as you could have if you used an adequate value evaluation model. More value equals happier players.

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You need to evaluate what gives the most value to the game and then start working on those things first. If you just fix things at random (which seems to be the case) you will not add as much value to the game as you could have if you used an adequate value evaluation model. More value equals happier players.



What i am saying is, fixing one thing dosn't and shouldn't stop you from fixing an other thing.


I run a foundry and trust me when i say that we have to deal with this kind of scenario ALL THE TIME.


Sure, i could put my 48 man power on that broken impeller... But seriously what good will it do?


10 man are really concerned about this problem, while the 38 other workers should be doing something else.


Plus, you might think that more man power on one problem = faster solving right? And you are very wrong. The more people you'll put on it, the more they will argue on what we should do. In the end it causes more talking than solving.


Instead... Put the "necessary" team on the issue and assign other duties to the rest of the team.


You're talking as if you know exactly what happens behind BW's walls and claim that they don't evaluate priorities properly. The fact is, you have no idea of what's going on there.


As in my foundry, my client will complain about the broken impeller not being fixed yet, while a new pump for an other client is being shipped. What he dosn't know is that we are working around the clock to fix it and it is in fact my number 1 priority. But guess what, some problems need more time to solve than others and i would be an idiot to shut down my production of "less trivial" products because of it.

Edited by Alianar
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