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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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seen nothing but a improvement from them being put in game.


You clearly don't play on a daily basis mate....

The LFG cross realm tool spoiled al the fun and social side of doing a task with people focused on it.

Players just stay in major cities scratching their heads while waiting for a group, then join and are completely rude when they feel like just because they know they won't see the other players anymore.


People ninja items, non tanks ninja pull trash and bosses, people call names to eachother and leave the party for no aparent reason, most of the times straight after or even during a boss fight.


If Bioware manages to create this tool while preventing all this from happening, then GOOD! But i doubt it's possible and the only measure i see is make it only work within our own server, which won't help much if the server is unbalanced. I'm not against LFG tool if it's well designed, because it does make our life easier, i'm against it mixing cross server unknowns. Do it within our server and let people realize they have to play other role than DPS or wait more for queues (enough said). Then i'm good with it.


Now tell me where in all these you find an improvement for what was an healthy task of finding a few players to travel to an instance, do it and get to know your server population? Being respected for being nice or having skills, being ignored for being an idiot, this improves game experience.


...and yes i play wow 4 hours a day i gave up on doing LFG or LFR more than 5 months ago, because it stresses me and i don't pay and play to get stressed.

I like to pick people i know and get to know people that play on my server.


Also because of this WoW as became a boring game with no players running around the world, so nothing special happens. There are 2 citties, Stormwind and Orgrimmar and besides that the world is empty, people don't even quest anymore, they just sit in one of those cities waitting for LFG to pop.


Good improvement :confused:

Edited by Rikardus
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lol, the lower level groups are hard to find too. Especially for those dungeons that are put at the end of a planet while most player have moved on to the next planet.


I don't know what Bioware was thinking.


Don't want a dungeon finder, and certainly don't want x-server for reasons already discussed to death. Just server merges and an overhauled LFG system similar to how WoW's was right before their DF, with a server wide channel. People really highly exaggerate the difficulty of grouping pre-DF. There really wasn't any issue.


I understand grouping at higher levels is difficult at the moment, but also realize, yes this game is still young. Most people are still hanging around lower levels. On my server t

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You clearly don't play on a daily basis mate....

The LFG cross realm tool spoiled al the fun and social side of doing a task with people focused on it.

Players just stay in major cities scratching their heads while waiting for a group, then join and are completely rude when they feel like just because they know they won't see the other players anymore.


People ninja items, non tanks ninja pull trash and bosses, people call names to eachother and leave the party for no aparent reason, most of the times straight after or even during a boss fight.


If Bioware manages to create this tool while preventing all this from happening, then GOOD! But i doubt it's possible and the only measure i see is make it only work within our own server, which won't help much if the server is unbalanced. I'm not against LFG tool if it's well designed, because it does make our life easier, i'm against it mixing cross server unknowns. Do it within our server and let people realize they have to play other role than DPS or wait more for queues (enough said). Then i'm good with it.


Now tell me where in all these you find an improvement for what was an healthy task of finding a few players to travel to an instance, do it and get to know your server population? Being respected for being nice or having skills, being ignored for being an idiot, this improves game experience.


...and yes i play wow 4 hours a day i gave up on doing LFG or LFR more than 5 months ago, because it stresses me and i don't pay and play to get stressed.

I like to pick people i know and get to know people that play on my server.


Also because of this WoW as became a boring game with no players running around the world, so nothing special happens. There are 2 citties, Stormwind and Orgrimmar and besides that the world is empty, people don't even quest anymore, they just sit in one of those cities waitting for LFG to pop.


Good improvement :confused:


There is so much wrong with this post I don't know where to start. To the part I highlighted in yellow "THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING NOW, JUST REPLACE MAJOR CITY WITH FLEET"

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I subbed for 6 months, bought the CE and everything, and I have not played this game now since end of january or beginning of february and when the sub goes out I'm not coming back.


When I started to play swtor I was quite naive and also advocated to be careful with a LFR/LFD tool from the game.


However after I had tried very hard to find people to group up for just simple hardmode flashpoints I changed my mind and thought it would be a great addition to have a server-wide LFR/LFD tool to be able to do some runs.


Now I think that Blizzard have really shown how great the LFR/LFD tool really is and I STRONGLY advice you to implement it.


So my story is that I played since release and got to 50. I did some PvP but I just didn't like it because on my server we ran the absolute majority of the matches in HuttBall since the server imbalance was just horrible.


So I gave PvE a chance and boy that converted my gametime to a really FRUSTRATING EXPERIENCE.

I logged in at fleet because that was the only place you could form any kind of group for flashpoints at all.

I spammed general chat and I spend HOUR AFTER HOUR to form a group for some hardmode flashpoints.

Some nights I even had to give up and that was just SUCH A GREAT EXPERIENCE to spend my spare time for HOURS getting in contact with the NON-EXISTING COMMUNITY that you speak so warm about here.


So to the server-humping people who thinks that running flashpoints should be a server-only community experience I'm just telling that you can have it for yourself because I won't be spending any more nights begging other people to run a flashpoint with me any more at all.


I will ask a few questions just to make a few points.


1) Why are Bioware NOT FORCING people to spamming general chat to do PvP while they force us who wants to PvE to do so?

2) Why can I as PvP player just queue up from ANYWHERE get zoned there and do my thing then get zoned back right where I was before I joined the PvP match?

3) Why do you think PvP is/was so IMMENSLY MUCH MORE POPULAR activity as compared to getting forced to sit in a chat finding out 2 hours later that you could not find people for a SILLY HARDMODE RUN?

4) Do you expect a person who never raided or done dungeons before to think that it's SO FUN to be FORCED to sit in a fleet spamming /1 for HOURS finding out that they just FAIL to make groups for just a simple hardmode run?


There is no mistake to make a LFD/LFR.

The mistake is to not provide the community with the tools so people can /friend x-realm and whisper to create a living community instead of a dead one.


Forcing people to an old system spamming chat is just not done today in a modern MMO.



Blizzard devs have said that LFD/LFR has been an ASTOUNDING SUCCESS when it comes to encouraging people to raid and now with MoP they are fixing loot mechanics in LFR to solve issues with ninjaing which makes it even better than it has been so far.


Besides that they hinting to "fix" community mishaps by making sure that you can friend people x-realms and join up with them later and do more dungeon runs and/or raids even if you are located x-realm.

The really hard encounters are left for people on the same server/guild which encourages like-minded pepople to gather up at the same server anyway. Hence customers are paying server transfers and Blizzard gains more money.


So they realized that LFR/LFD is a true success and EXPANDED the community instead of just thinking or forcing players under the dogma that one server should rule them all.



Now as I said before you can shout all you want for keeping the PvE endgame for crazy non-social fanatics who think it's fun to sit in fleet DOING NOTHING AT ALL BUT SPAMMING GENERAL CHAT TO TRY TO HAVE FUN.

But I'm so done with it that I won't even think about coming back before they announce BOTH cross server LFFP AND LFR.


Have fun without me in your dying "community" that you try to defend almost to the point of retardation...

I know I'm not alone leaving the game in the same way and there are other options for me where I actually can have fun so BYE BYE!

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I'm really over this "OMG No! The Community!" Garbage.


If you want a Community to interact with, more power to you, join a Guild.


What I want, is to be able to login and play the game and as much of the content as is reasonable. I don't want to spend my time standing around waiting to play because there is no reasonable method of finding a group.


And no, spamming chat channels is not reasonable. Especially when it takes longer to do than running the Flashpoint was.


First step, full Cross Server LFG for all instanced group content.


Second step, the ability to automatically "scale down" to the right level for the content.


Third Step, the ability to group with players of the other faction to do content.


Fourth Step, reward players for all this with extra stuff.


Priority should be to make it as easy as possible for anyone, on any server, of any faction, to do any appropriate content for them or content they bypassed or want to repeat.

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If you think LFD killed the community in WoW, you were clearly on a server with a poor community to begin with.


Community is nothing but perspective. I was in a great guild after the LFD was introduced and so I still had great 'friends' ingame.


People complain that people using the LFD are anti-social. Do you have any idea how hypocritical that statement is? Condemning everyone?


All it boils down to is "Wah wah wah, a stranger was rude to me on the internet, wah wah wah. I want to keep my community, I don't trust people from other servers! Everyone else in this game is rude and a thief! Wah wah wah."

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I completely hate how Blizzard managed to get the LFG tool working for a silly amount of reasons... tho the way you avoid being in Republic Fleet spamming is by getting friends to tag along with you and a good solution to it is:


join a Guild.


You only look for group alone for hours because you want, get to know people on your server, add them, form a guild, get to know people's play times and organize your Flashpoints based on it.


I don't know about you but PvP queueing system is fun because it's PvP, if this game or other MMORPG would be around PvP then it would be an Arcade Fighting game ala Street Fight or Mortal Kombat.

These are adventure games with lore and stories, so PvP is just an extra funny bit that you do, get points, get some cool gear and *roar* i'm a big man!


Now back to what matters and thinking about that LFG tool i still insist it should be within each server only and Nexelau made a nice point:


Third Step, the ability to group with players of the other faction to do content.


Now this would be an awesome and new idea, something that in WoW would never work, due to the lore but in SWTOR it actually does make sense and goes along with all the legacy and story behind Star Wars.


This would help extending a bit the chances of getting shorter queues, since it gets both sides of the alliances.

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Third Step, the ability to group with players of the other faction to do content.


Now this would be an awesome and new idea, something that in WoW would never work, due to the lore but in SWTOR it actually does make sense and goes along with all the legacy and story behind Star Wars.


This would help extending a bit the chances of getting shorter queues, since it gets both sides of the alliances.


I put what you quoted in red since it didnt carry over in this quote.

Being able to group with the other faction is not NEW. EQ2 on pve servers has always had this.

Not only can you group with them you can guild them also.

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I put what you quoted in red since it didnt carry over in this quote.

Being able to group with the other faction is not NEW. EQ2 on pve servers has always had this.

Not only can you group with them you can guild them also.


This is true, this is where I got the idea from in the first place.


Forced factions has always been a stupid idea in MMOs.

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If this game is to have a LFG tool, then it definitely must be a cross-realm one. It's the only way to give people a chance at grouping and do flashpoints.


Of course, it makes no sense in having a LFG tool for PVP but not for PVE.


The LFG tool should be a priority and it should be added prior or with 1.2, not later.

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If you think LFD killed the community in WoW, you were clearly on a server with a poor community to begin with.


Community is nothing but perspective. I was in a great guild after the LFD was introduced and so I still had great 'friends' ingame.


People complain that people using the LFD are anti-social. Do you have any idea how hypocritical that statement is? Condemning everyone?


All it boils down to is "Wah wah wah, a stranger was rude to me on the internet, wah wah wah. I want to keep my community, I don't trust people from other servers! Everyone else in this game is rude and a thief! Wah wah wah."


Well, my server at vanilla and TBC did rock. Especially at Vanilla, you always found groups even for the big raids.


With WOTLK all this changed and the LFG tool was a nightmare to use. Most people didnt know what they were doing, did kick people randomly just for the laugh - didnt do the full dungeon, rolled on loot not for them etc.


Wow had 2 big negative development steps, first was Arena which invited those young people without manners and the LFG tool which gave them the freedom to behave like that, without any consequences.


As we all know, wow didnt manage to deal with that until today - the customer support is like non existend and these people just dont get punished.


It seems to be very hard to make a working LFG tool, so it will take some more time until it can come out.


If BW is smart, then they will not copy the wow tool - as this will lead to a serious drop in active accounts, but come up with a better, working tool.


Until then the current tool is fine and not a big problem, if you are a nice and friendly person. The rude guys currently dont find groups, but maybe this aint such a bad thing after all. :p

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One of the main positive additions to warcraft was the LFG tool.It worked just fine. It helped people get gear and see the dungeon content.


If BW is smart, they will add a LFG tool prior or with 1.2, otherwise people will leave.

I don't see Why not add a LFG tool which has worked before so nicely in other games?

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I know I resubscribed to WoW to check out their new LFD feature. Then I went on to collect BiS dungeon/Justice Point gear and then went on to raiding and killed The Lich King and Deathwing. So that's what, a year's worth of subscription fees just from me from that one feature alone.


For anyone wondering why I cancelled in the first place instead of socializing, making friends, joining a guild and generally running dungeons the old way, here's the secret: the dungeons really aren't so amazing that they justify all the ******** involved in forming groups the old way.

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I know I resubscribed to WoW to check out their new LFD feature. Then I went on to collect BiS dungeon/Justice Point gear and then went on to raiding and killed The Lich King and Deathwing. So that's what, a year's worth of subscription fees just from me from that one feature alone.


For anyone wondering why I cancelled in the first place instead of socializing, making friends, joining a guild and generally running dungeons the old way, here's the secret: the dungeons really aren't so amazing that they justify all the ******** involved in forming groups the old way.


Yeah, I have better things to do then sit around. I'm going to opt for the annual pass and get D3 for free and wait for this game to try and learn.

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If BW is smart, then they will not copy the wow tool - as this will lead to a serious drop in active accounts, but come up with a better, working tool




Just to point that with LFG tool (as wow has) there will be way more accounts, because LFG tool pleases casuals and youngers as they want to join the game and easily go through it in no time.


Tho the general QQ and moaning on forums, people being rude and mmorpg veterans and hardcore players leaving the game is what will come next. So you will end up with a game community full of -12 yold or people that can't play all day and demand quick results and no effort when they log, and that's what WoW is nowadays...


...does Blizzard makes money and gets more costumers than the ones leaving? YES


...is WoW growing up? Can say so.


...will people stick to wow (such incredible and mainstream game)? Look at SWTOR on first days and find your answer.


And i'll quote again:


If BW is smart, then they will not copy the wow tool - as this will lead to a serious drop in active accounts, but come up with a better, working tool

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It should have been in at launch.


When you create a game marketed to casuals with low playing time demanded by the game you'll never even have a high enough population to make same-server grouping viable enough to make for a relevant argument against it. If they did away with the tank, healer and dps holy trinity then the only thing needed for single server grouping would be server population increases. But as they are in the game and it is necessary to have a correct group make-up there is no viable choice but to go cross-server.


When the Legacy comes in even more people will be rolling alts and there'll undoubtedly be even less people looking to do max-level activities. It's already been a problem for quite some time now. The rush of players from launch has died down. The newness of the game is wearing off. Honeymoon is over. It's time to start allowing players to play the game for real and making sure we can.


If BW is smart, then they will not copy the wow tool - as this will lead to a serious drop in active accounts, but come up with a better, working tool.

Your numbers are different to anything I've ever seen. They don't match up with any official numbers or numbers of people using it and who like it. What is your source?

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I really haven't read the entire 90+ pages honestly so if any of this has already come up, my bad.


First point I want to make is, the LFG tool that WoW has is not without its flaws. For those of you who think it is, you must be queuing as tanks and heals. Because honestly the 3 DPS toons I did have, ended up standing around Dalaran or Stormwind for an hour or 2 waiting on a tank or healer to queue. It wasn't like this when the tool first emerged mind you, but like any new toy the higher level players got tired of playing with it because the rewards were no longer valuable to them and we returned to the core problems we were having before. Not enough tanks and healers to go around. Then Tanks got smart and decided they were actually going to charge people on their own server copious amounts of gold for that "instaqueue".


The 2nd major issue that the LFG tool had was Gear Levels. Lets face it, running a Flashpoint with someone who is still wearing level 20 gear at level 30 is painful. Add RNG into the mix and you could get stuck running with a tank who is way undergeared for the content, a healer who hasn't spent any talent points, and dps who cant fight their way out of a paper bag. WoW fixed this by embracing the "Gearscore" addon. For those of you who have never heard of this addon, basically it ranks the player based upon the sum of the levels of gear you are wearing. Which brings us to the next issue. People got greedy.


You see when Blizzard implemented the gearscore mod into the LFG tool, they didn't take into account the actual worth of the item to the player. It didn't matter that a DPS was wearing a full set of tank gear, all that mattered is that his gearscore was high enough to queue for said dungeon. So every piece of purple gear started getting swiped (needed on) regardless of the role the player was playing. You would have a healing paladin rolling on a defense shield because the item level was higher then the one they were wearing. Blizzard has tried to fix this, but the last time I played a resto druid could still roll on a boomkin piece of gear, and it did nothing to help bear tanks and dps cats to differentiate their gear.


Which brings me to my final issue with the LFG tool. Player...for lack of a better word...ignorance. We've all seen it. Hell I have even done it when I was new to this game (melee dpsing as a sorc). Getting teamed up with players who have no idea how to play their classes.


So those of you singing the praises of the LFG tool, just remember, it isn't all glitz and glamor. This is NOT the perfect solution. It really doesn't matter if it is cross realm or not, at the end of the day, you are still going to wind up with the same problems you have now, and a few others you didn't think of when you asked for this. Long wait times don't go away just because you let the game do the hunting for a party for you. They may initially but like every new toy - once the novelty of it wears off, you are left back where you started. Whining about long wait times. Not only that, but the other issues you end up with using a tool like this. If you doubt me, head over to the Blizzard site and do a forum search. I admit it would be a nice tool to have, but lets be honest with ourselves and face the fact that it isn't the end all be all solution to the LFG issues that currently plague us.

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well Wyzerman, out of no LFG and having one I know hands down which one to choose. LFG isn't to blame for the ills you pointed out. It doesn't invent players, it brings players together. In the main those problems aren't the norm and stick out when they happen (as they do without the tool). Bads will be bads. LFG didn't invent them. If anything LFG gives players practice at running in groups as well as getting to know the runs and their class if they want to get better as flashpoints may not become the rarity they currently are.


Generally people do play nice. Even if you won't see the people again (or so you think...). Why? Because who wants to be getting hammered day in day out? Who wants to be having to pay for name changes constantly (may be an issue in this game in the future) because you've been run off server after server simply by your behavior while doing cross-realm activities? Who wants to be reported? Who wants to be getting repeatedly kicked? Who wants to be on everyone's ignore list when it makes queues so much longer if you're on too many?


Hopefully Bioware makes a smart one that overcomes the gear issues and ninja issues and handles the looting for companion issue (separate roll, player need button greyed out, comparitive tooltip expanded to include non-active companions eligible for gear drop). And the worst one about Blizzards you didn't mention? It counts gear in your inventory - speculation seems to show it even counts what's in your bank - and not what you're wearing (confusing as this seems complicated to me, but I don't know the coding of the game) and it definitely doesn't consider if it's the right spec or correct armor type even. I hope I hope Bioware doesn't make SWTOR's do that. The only way they could mess this system up is typo's when coding in gear requirements which make the gear requirement too low or too high.


But... I'm a little worried about one thing and one thing only - they seem to have overestimated how difficult the content in SWTOR is. In all honesty the gear requirement (if they add this requirement, which doesn't seem all that necessary but might be needed later in the future - I can actually think of exploits if they don't) doesn't need to be set high at all. I'm scared with all the hype about how challenging the game is they'll set the entry level to use the tool at a level where you need to grind out gear/mods and then faceroll everything without blinking.


But the situation is getting desperate. I can't handle /1 spamming or chained reading it waiting for someone looking for a healer any longer. And even worse when it feels like you're talking to yourself whenever you post a spam. I'll gladly take a 1 hour wait over what's there now. Currently you're lucky to start forming a group within an hour. Add to that another couple of hours to get a full group. Get into the instance and people have to leave. Run's over.


So yes, the situation is that desperate. They need one in as quickly as possible. Finding out it was in-game in the beta and having it confirmed by several people was like a kick in the teeth. It was there and working and they took it out specifically to control how we play the game.

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Seeing all of the arguments thrown around and the "proof of evidence" shown as well that X-Srever LFG Tool is not only Necessary, but a Mandatory Feature That should have been at launch, Period.


Well, with all of this irrefutable logic, I must post my decision on the "proof" that is shown to me.


Please BW, No X-Server LFG Tool Please.


Thank You.

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Seeing all of the arguments thrown around and the "proof of evidence" shown as well that X-Srever LFG Tool is not only Necessary, but a Mandatory Feature That should have been at launch, Period.


Well, with all of this irrefutable logic, I must post my decision on the "proof" that is shown to me.


Please BW, No X-Server LFG Tool Please.


Thank You.


By the Force there's no competition with that.


But yeah. When people have access to content and can play the game there's a risk that they could find something to complain about. Stop people having access to the content and meeting other players and there are no complaints and so everybody's happy :D

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Seeing all of the arguments thrown around and the "proof of evidence" shown as well that X-Srever LFG Tool is not only Necessary, but a Mandatory Feature That should have been at launch, Period.


Well, with all of this irrefutable logic, I must post my decision on the "proof" that is shown to me.


Please BW, No X-Server LFG Tool Please.


Thank You.


I'm so sorry that a stranger was mean to you on the internet, you must have been pretty upset to harbour such distaste for a tool that logic dictates is helpful to the game. Hopefully one day you'll get over someone saying a nasty word or needing on the loot you were so desperately wanting, and then you'll be able to let others enjoy the game instead of campaigning against quality of life improvements.

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well Wyzerman, out of no LFG and having one I know hands down which one to choose. LFG isn't to blame for the ills you pointed out. It doesn't invent players, it brings players together. In the main those problems aren't the norm and stick out when they happen (as they do without the tool). Bads will be bads. LFG didn't invent them. If anything LFG gives players practice at running in groups as well as getting to know the runs and their class if they want to get better as flashpoints may not become the rarity they currently are.


Obviously you haven't used the LFG tool in WoW as DPS. Everything I mentioned is the norm, on every server. High population or Low population doesn't matter. You will still wait for extended periods of time for a tank to queue. When a tank finally does queue, count yourself lucky if you get one who not only knows the instance, but also has the gear to back that knowledge up. High level players will still abandon the tool once it serves them no use.


Generally people do play nice. Even if you won't see the people again (or so you think...). Why? Because who wants to be getting hammered day in day out? Who wants to be having to pay for name changes constantly (may be an issue in this game in the future) because you've been run off server after server simply by your behavior while doing cross-realm activities? Who wants to be reported? Who wants to be getting repeatedly kicked? Who wants to be on everyone's ignore list when it makes queues so much longer if you're on too many?


You bring up another good point, however adorable, your views on the way the community will react with the anonymity that a cross server LFG tool will provide is flawed. 90% of the community in wow play nice, but with the LFG tool, that 10% turns into a much larger pool of people. So instead of having to deal with 10 idiots, you now have to deal with 100.


Hopefully Bioware makes a smart one that overcomes the gear issues and ninja issues and handles the looting for companion issue (separate roll, player need button greyed out, comparitive tooltip expanded to include non-active companions eligible for gear drop). And the worst one about Blizzards you didn't mention? It counts gear in your inventory - speculation seems to show it even counts what's in your bank - and not what you're wearing (confusing as this seems complicated to me, but I don't know the coding of the game) and it definitely doesn't consider if it's the right spec or correct armor type even. I hope I hope Bioware doesn't make SWTOR's do that. The only way they could mess this system up is typo's when coding in gear requirements which make the gear requirement too low or too high.


The reason it counts items in your bag, is dual-spec. A dual speced player can queue as DPS or heals, and may have 2 sets of gear on them. If a healer is questing in their DPS spec wearing their dps gear, and queues for a dungeon as heals - the gear in the bag has to count.


But... I'm a little worried about one thing and one thing only - they seem to have overestimated how difficult the content in SWTOR is. In all honesty the gear requirement (if they add this requirement, which doesn't seem all that necessary but might be needed later in the future - I can actually think of exploits if they don't) doesn't need to be set high at all. I'm scared with all the hype about how challenging the game is they'll set the entry level to use the tool at a level where you need to grind out gear/mods and then faceroll everything without blinking.


But the situation is getting desperate. I can't handle /1 spamming or chained reading it waiting for someone looking for a healer any longer. And even worse when it feels like you're talking to yourself whenever you post a spam. I'll gladly take a 1 hour wait over what's there now. Currently you're lucky to start forming a group within an hour. Add to that another couple of hours to get a full group. Get into the instance and people have to leave. Run's over.


So yes, the situation is that desperate. They need one in as quickly as possible. Finding out it was in-game in the beta and having it confirmed by several people was like a kick in the teeth. It was there and working and they took it out specifically to control how we play the game.


The situation is far from desperate. From what I have experienced in WoW and in SWTOR, If you are decent at your class and aren't a total douche-bag people on your server will take notice and finding a group won't be nearly as complicated as it is for someone who is the exact opposite. Find people who are on the same time as you - try and set a schedule with them to group up for flashpoints the days you are on. I don't have an issue looking for a group because I know how to work the system. Its called socializing with people instead of joining a group with them not saying a word the whole run then saying "Nice Run" at the end before you leave the group. You see someone at a lower level spamming for a regular FP and they are short one, run em. You obviously aren't going anywhere for a while if it takes you hours to put a group together. In 2 weeks those 3 people you ran through that FP hit 50 and then you have yourself 3 more friends to bug if you need a HM FP for the daily.


The only reason finding a group is tough right now is because people make it tough. Learn to make friends - then take those friends on your dailies. This stuff isn't hard people.

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