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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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For me, the 'community' in an MMO starts and ends with a guild. If I'm in a good guild then I'm happy to socialise and chat with them.

But I pay for a game that I wish to play, and so if I log in at a time when there's not many of my guild online, I want to be able to get into a Flashpoint within the next half hour, not sit around bored for a couple of hours asking around random players trying to get a group formed.


People really need to lose this mentality of "one kid misbehaved so everyone must be punished.".


The internet itself provides anonymity, and thus there will always be bad players.


People are rude in General Chat, you think we should close General Chat down?


It's sad to see so many narrow-minded people who are actually against improving the game for others simply because they're scared of a stranger on the internet being rude to them.

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I believe in Same-Server Dungeon queuing. I've made many good gaming friends on other games utilizing it. I agree with the above that with real life happening to all of us, even well-formed guilds can't always be on at the same time.


/signed for Same-Server Dungeon Queuing

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I believe in Same-Server Dungeon queuing. I've made many good gaming friends on other games utilizing it. I agree with the above that with real life happening to all of us, even well-formed guilds can't always be on at the same time.


/signed for Same-Server Dungeon Queuing


Same Server dungeon finder is already being developed, Bioware announced it'll be implimented into the game with Patch 1.3. Sadly that does mean waiting until anywhere from June onwards.


Kinda disappointing it took them over 6 months from launch to actually put in a decent LFG tool.


However the problem a lot of us are discussing is that a single-server one may not be the proper solution, instead it'd be like trying to close a bullet wound with a band-aid. There needs to be a merge of the lower population servers as well.

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ok i got bored reading the first hundred pages of this post yes i do think they need to add a dungeon typ finder in the game im tiered of spamming trad LFG (what ever flashpoint) or trying to talk in gen and the box filled spammed LFG and have to back track to see what every one is talking about so how about this for an idea theres alot of servers and now there Australian servers ppl who gots no life that lives in mom basement, ppl like me who works all the time supporting a family, ppl in college that tries to makes time to play, and kids that are in school, ect ect ect i can go all night about it lol. to get to the point why not take all the servers and break them down to groups take a hand full make it where they can be cross server, take a hand full and make the server only, and the rest as it is now. so every body can pick what they want and every one gets what they want and everyone will be happy.


i read some where about the loot system well the way i see it if u roll need for ur self then its top priority and to stop ninjas it gots to be in ur class and able to equip it for companions it should fall in thee greed or disassemble section. but im up for either x-server or server LFD tool because im sooooooo sick of spamming i dont care witch long as we get one lol. for the ppl who gots ego and think whats better then yall can see witch on every one gose to and likes the most because witch servers are always full is the ones that every one likes the most and yall can get back on the forms and stroke yall egos rofl


ps. if some one already posted what i said then im sry for having to repeat what they said i just didnt want to spend all night reading every single one and if a dev has already said something else that was at the beginning can some one tell me where it is i would like more info on whet they have said about the subject thank you amd have fun playing :jawa_smile:

Edited by Stonecoggs
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Same Server dungeon finder is already being developed, Bioware announced it'll be implimented into the game with Patch 1.3. Sadly that does mean waiting until anywhere from June onwards.


Kinda disappointing it took them over 6 months from launch to actually put in a decent LFG tool.


However the problem a lot of us are discussing is that a single-server one may not be the proper solution, instead it'd be like trying to close a bullet wound with a band-aid. There needs to be a merge of the lower population servers as well.


my idea will either make servers grow or break them but atleast they still get what they want lol

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and for wow what ruined it for me the most was how they favored the classes like i have a pally tank and they get more nerfs than buffs it seems like and the ones they favor like mages gets more buffs like the frost ring of death do i need to say more witch my other loved toon is a enhance shammy that always need to be buff but they dont ever do anything for them rly and in heroic raids if u dont know how to build it just right and know exactaly what ue doing u will never pump good dps and even tho u are good other classes will always out dps u in heroic raids and they always changing crap around they need to know the old saying if theres nothing wrong with it then dont mess with it and to most ppl i know that quit playing to wow and came to swtor quit playing wow just for that reason my opinion that is whats killing wow
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Same Server dungeon finder is already being developed, Bioware announced it'll be implimented into the game with Patch 1.3. Sadly that does mean waiting until anywhere from June onwards.


Kinda disappointing it took them over 6 months from launch to actually put in a decent LFG tool.


However the problem a lot of us are discussing is that a single-server one may not be the proper solution, instead it'd be like trying to close a bullet wound with a band-aid. There needs to be a merge of the lower population servers as well.


I agree. A single server Looking for Group feature will limit the usefullness of it by simply not having as large of a pool of players to grp with. How well will it work on servers with very low populations? The answer is not to merge the servers, but have a LFG tool which is cross server. They are doing it for pvp warfronts I think. Why not for heroics , flashpoints and Operations? Those who think it will mess up the community are looking for excuses to continue playing with thier guild and having the advantage of gear over others.


I can speak from experence when I say this has not happened to my guild in WoW. Which most of us use the Looking for Group and even Raid tool a lot and our guild is growing..not losing members. Sometimes we have as many as ten of us in a 25 player raid and we enjoy running it together as much as we do when we do guild raid runs. The best part of it is..we can all run it when we want to. And our guild still has a strong community feeling and we still have but one strong rule...to respect others in word and actions.

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i challenge the devs to create themselves a level 50 with full rakata gear and see how long it takes to find a group for an operation or flashpoint. Please add cross-server flashpoint/operation functionality because finding groups is close to impossible Edited by wyvernmonarch
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I would just like to add my two cents in hopes that this gets added sooner rather than later. I am totally in favour of a Dungeon Finder. Preferrably cross-server, but will accept a same server one for the time being. It is my opinion that they do NOT damage or potentially harm a server's community. While they help increase greatly the chances of playing a MMO in a group setting without the need of dedicating oneself to a guild.


Back in Dec when the game first came out, it wasn't that hard to get a group to do a flashpoint or even work on Heroic quests. Now it is extremely difficult even during peak hours or weekends to find others to group with.


I am actuallyclosingmy subscription on this very issue and I am sure I am not the only one. When one gets implemented I will reconsider resubscribing.

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This will, eventually, become a deal breaker for me as well.


Not having a proper LFG interface in general is pretty terrible, but not having some easy method of finding groups for Flashpoints is unforgivable. Only a few months into the game's existence and it is becoming a real chore to get groups for Flashpoints at all levels.


As for the community argument.. what community? I can't recall the last time I had more than a passing conversation with anyone in this game. Everything is so heavily instanced that it's not uncommon, even on a fairly busy server, to find yourself the only person in a zone.


Whatever the old school MMO players may think, these games are no longer about socialising and making friends.. they are about enjoying the actual content. Anything that gets in the way of that is a negative.

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Even a same server LFG tool would be fine, so I could queue up out in wherever and let the game find a group for me while I go quest and do other things without having to sit in one area spamming, add the Heroic quests in as well if they are in your quest log. Just do something to show you're trying...Even that, the smallest of things would be greatly appreciated.
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Needs to be an Auto Que option/tool, with role based queuing. much easier and faster. Standing around shouting and looking is getting old and a waste of my time. I want to be able to que and move on with what Im doing until its time to start.


Basically, what the guy above me said, I just wanted to posit too:D


but we really don need it.

Edited by rnmedic
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The only reason the tool doesn't work right now is because nobody wants to put in the effort of MANUALLY doing it anymore.


We have reached an age of everything must be done automatically for us. Whenever I need a tank or healer for my group I don't sit there going "lf2m eternity vault healer tank whisper whisper" I go to the lfg tool and whisper all the people that are that same thing that are either consulars and troopers :)


It is up to the people if they want to use the tool or not. The tools are there...it's up to the poeple to use them

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The only reason the tool doesn't work right now is because nobody wants to put in the effort of MANUALLY doing it anymore.


We have reached an age of everything must be done automatically for us. Whenever I need a tank or healer for my group I don't sit there going "lf2m eternity vault healer tank whisper whisper" I go to the lfg tool and whisper all the people that are that same thing that are either consulars and troopers :)


It is up to the people if they want to use the tool or not. The tools are there...it's up to the poeple to use them


Like it or not, this is the reality of the situation. Demanding that people stop texting each other and instead pick up the phone and call isn't going to stop people texting, it's just going to make them look at you funny.


More than anything else people are used to connecting to others quickly, and with a minimum of fuss. Especially gamers.


Once upon a time, if I wanted to play a mulitplayer RPG or FPS, I had to know the IP address, type it in manually, wait for my modem to connect and hope it wouldn't drop out. There were so few other players I'd probably been told the IP directly, in person, by someone I knew from day to day life.


Now we have server browsers.. hell, now we have automated match making services.


If I don't want to use those tools, I don't have too, but I have no right to expect other people to inconvenience themselves because I don't like them.


Whatever some players, or even Bioware, likes.. the reality of the situation is that people expect convenience in their gaming experience these days, and Bioware will either include this or suffer subscription loss.

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Don't want a dungeon finder, and certainly don't want x-server for reasons already discussed to death. Just server merges and an overhauled LFG system similar to how WoW's was right before their DF, with a server wide channel. People really highly exaggerate the difficulty of grouping pre-DF. There really wasn't any issue.


I understand grouping at higher levels is difficult at the moment, but also realize, yes this game is still young. Most people are still hanging around lower levels. On my server tonight there were more people on Hutta and DK combined alone than there were on fleet, and believe me, finding groups for heroics or Black Talon is extremely easy. This concentration of players will slowly spread out and move higher throughout the levels with time. Do you think that in year the fleet will be just as "dead"? Of course not - in a year all the levelers will mostly be 50. As time goes on the percentage of people at 50 will keep getting higher and higher, as will the people sitting in fleet and looking for groups.


I really don't think the speed that a wow-like dungeon finder lets you run dungeons is a good thing either. When you can easily run 10 dungeons a day with one simple click the game will end up being balanced around that fact, and will become the same soulless dungeon grind that wow has become. Tell me if you queue for a heroic in WoW do you get the impression that people are in there because they enjoy it? No, everyone just wants to get their points and get it over with because they've done it 5 billion times, because they have a tool that lets them do it so easily. Getting a group together should be a bit more "special" than that.

Edited by Phyein
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Don't want a dungeon finder, and certainly don't want x-server for reasons already discussed to death. Just server merges and an overhauled LFG system similar to how WoW's was right before their DF, with a server wide channel. People really highly exaggerate the difficulty of grouping pre-DF. There really wasn't any issue.


I understand grouping at higher levels is difficult at the moment, but also realize, yes this game is still young. Most people are still hanging around lower levels. On my server tonight there were more people on Hutta and DK combined alone than there were on fleet, and believe me, finding groups for heroics or Black Talon is extremely easy. This concentration of players will slowly spread out and move higher throughout the levels with time. Do you think that in year the fleet will be just as "dead"? Of course not - in a year all the levelers will mostly be 50. As time goes on the percentage of people at 50 will keep getting higher and higher, as will the people sitting in fleet and looking for groups.


I really don't think the speed that a wow-like dungeon finder lets you run dungeons is a good thing either. When you can easily run 10 dungeons a day with one simple click the game will end up being balanced around that fact, and will become the same soulless dungeon grind that wow has become. Tell me if you queue for a heroic in WoW do you get the impression that people are in there because they enjoy it? No, everyone just wants to get their points and get it over with because they've done it 5 billion times, because they have a tool that lets them do it so easily. Getting a group together should be a bit more "special" than that.


So the solution is to make it more difficult to complete group content? No thanks. Bioware has done a good job makng a variety of things to do like questing, space combat, pvp and flashpoints. If people want to just run flashpoints and nothing else, that's their decision. They should have a tool that allows this. Opposing a LFG tool because you don't want to run ten flashpoints a day is as silly as me outlawing dancing with the stars because I find the show irritating. My personal preferences shouldn't stop everyone else who enjoys the show from watching it. Let people play the way they want and you can play the way you want. No need to impose your style on everyone.

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In expression of my opinion i think that "looking for group" tool, specially cross-realms does and will help buildin a very negative social environment among the comunity for various reasons.

This is just my experience talking, not just a random opinion.


I would like not to have this kind of tool as i appreciate working and earn what i get but if this goes ahead then please, Bioware, consider not making it cross-realms. That way you still make players life easier but they still need to care for their reputation on their server.


This game can become something big, don't spoil it with too mainstream decisions or extreme business thinking... Stay true to the feeling, "May the Force be with you." :cool:

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I only want to group with the random people on this server I rerolled on because there wasn't any groups on the previous server. I don't want to group with those other random people who haven't decided to reroll on this server yet. When everyone has rerolled here and the queues are hours long, only then am I going to want to group with those other people too, if I can log in.
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In expression of my opinion i think that "looking for group" tool, specially cross-realms does and will help buildin a very negative social environment among the comunity for various reasons.

This is just my experience talking, not just a random opinion.


I would like not to have this kind of tool as i appreciate working and earn what i get but if this goes ahead then please, Bioware, consider not making it cross-realms. That way you still make players life easier but they still need to care for their reputation on their server.


This game can become something big, don't spoil it with too mainstream decisions or extreme business thinking... Stay true to the feeling, "May the Force be with you." :cool:


It is just a random opinion. Like all opinions its based off your personal experiences.

I counter your experiences with my own.

I currently use wow and rifts cross server lfg systems on a daily basis. I have played both games before and after they had such systems and seen nothing but a improvement from them being put in game.

Guilds didnt fall apart and people talked in chat the same as they did before.


Also from mt personal experiences.. server rep has never made any difference.

I hope you realize that the majority of players laughed at those that would post in chat that so and so was a ninja or bad player.

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