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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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Ture story from The Jekk Jekk Tarr, earlier tonight:


The Scene: Republic Fleet, 124 people on.


General chat:

<Player 1>: Tank LFG Colicoid

<Player 2>: Heals LFG Colicoid PST


This, sandwiched in between a bunch of other LFGs


Nobody spamming General was flagged LFG.


30 minutes later, the tank/healer group was still looking for 2 dps.


The current system is broken. Whether the solution is same server queues or cross server, anything is better than this.


See that reinforces my belief that its not a lack of people wanting to run stuff its a lack of people willing to take charge and form the groups.

That is the key to success of automated lfg systems. No one has to step forward and make the group.

brings to mind a bass (the fish type) club i was in several years ago.

We held monthly in club bass tournaments. So 60 of us sitting in the conference hall for the weekly meeting. And the club spokesman says he will be away for next month tourny. He asked for some one to please step forward and lead the months fishing tourny...

Dead silence! We ending up just cancelling the tourny for that month.


Or recently in wow our raid leader had to take a month off. After several days it was announced that due to lack of anyone willing to lead the raids we would just take a break from raiding till the raid leader came back.


or back in my navy days asking 130 or so people in my repair division for leaders to step forward to lead shifts i would end up having to assign people to the job because no one would willingly step forward to do it.


Call us lazy or what ever the anti lfd crowd wants to its not going to change the fact that most people refuse to lead anything! A lfd tool fixs this!

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See that reinforces my belief that its not a lack of people wanting to run stuff its a lack of people willing to take charge and form the groups.

That is the key to success of automated lfg systems. No one has to step forward and make the group.

brings to mind a bass (the fish type) club i was in several years ago.

We held monthly in club bass tournaments. So 60 of us sitting in the conference hall for the weekly meeting. And the club spokesman says he will be away for next month tourny. He asked for some one to please step forward and lead the months fishing tourny...

Dead silence! We ending up just cancelling the tourny for that month.


Or recently in wow our raid leader had to take a month off. After several days it was announced that due to lack of anyone willing to lead the raids we would just take a break from raiding till the raid leader came back.


or back in my navy days asking 130 or so people in my repair division for leaders to step forward to lead shifts i would end up having to assign people to the job because no one would willingly step forward to do it.


Call us lazy or what ever the anti lfd crowd wants to its not going to change the fact that most people refuse to lead anything! A lfd tool fixs this!


I concur, people don't want to take charge of groups.


1) You have no to know what you're doing to form groups. Outside of the trinity you need to make sure someone can lead the party successfully through any instances hiccups (which defaults to the group leader if no one is able), make sure people are the right level and/or geared properly and assemble everyone together.


2) It's your job to spam and look for more by default. Who on earth wants the responsibility? It gets frustrating when people drop the group when it's taking too long when you're spending yoru sweet time trying to assemble a team

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I concur, people don't want to take charge of groups.


1) You have no to know what you're doing to form groups. Outside of the trinity you need to make sure someone can lead the party successfully through any instances hiccups (which defaults to the group leader if no one is able), make sure people are the right level and/or geared properly and assemble everyone together.


2) It's your job to spam and look for more by default. Who on earth wants the responsibility? It gets frustrating when people drop the group when it's taking too long when you're spending yoru sweet time trying to assemble a team


Agreed, the only thing less fun than spamming LFG for hours by yourself, is spamming LFG for hours while the other person(s) in your group get to go about their business and leave if it takes too long for them. Meh to that.

Edited by MalignX
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I concur, people don't want to take charge of groups.


1) You have no to know what you're doing to form groups. Outside of the trinity you need to make sure someone can lead the party successfully through any instances hiccups (which defaults to the group leader if no one is able), make sure people are the right level and/or geared properly and assemble everyone together.


2) It's your job to spam and look for more by default. Who on earth wants the responsibility? It gets frustrating when people drop the group when it's taking too long when you're spending yoru sweet time trying to assemble a team


This is one of the issues that has always annoyed the hell out of me in LFG...


For the current system to work, you must have more people that are leader minded than not - especially with 4 man groups. This does not apply so much with a 'random' finder of any sort.

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The lack of a dungeon finder is starting to piss me off.. Even more that they haven't mentioned definitely if they are planning to add one or not..


Just *********** add a mother *********** dungeon finder so I can play this *********** game and do the *********** flashpoints!


At least keep us in the loop!

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The lack of a dungeon finder is starting to piss me off.. Even more that they haven't mentioned definitely if they are planning to add one or not..


Just *********** add a mother *********** dungeon finder so I can play this *********** game and do the *********** flashpoints!


At least keep us in the loop!


Actually ...


Originally Posted by DamionSchubert

Improving our LFG system is high on the list of features that Systems Design wants to add to the game. We want this to be good not just for helping people find Flashpoints and Operations to run, but also other multiplayer content like heroic missions. A key emphasis will be on advertising for specific role needs (healer, tank, DPS). This feature is currently in the design stage, and once this feature has moved beyond this to a development stage and has a firm ETA, I'll be coming back to you guys to give more details.

We just need to know what dungeon finder we're getting, and an ETA would be awesome.


As stated in previous threads, the current 'lfg' system we have is/was used in FFXI and worked relatively well - however, people here don't seem to be aware of it, or don't care to use it. Which is an issue as far as getting groups together successfully.


A tool that no one knows about or uses is worthless.

Edited by Manathayria
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Low population servers and playing at odd hours. Both of which are fixed with cross-server LFD.


First you close some of the lower population servers and give the members of these servers a free transfer to new servers. Then you have a automated system that regulates server populations by offering scaling rewards for transferring to lower pop servers.


Then you sort the Faction Imbalance by adding a automatic system that scales the valor each faction receives depending on the faction balances.


Doing these two things would balance out the servers and factions allowing for internal dungeon finders to work.


The Benefits of this are

You get the benefits of a dungeon finder.

You maintain the community

The negatives are

people can't complain about faction imbalance and there being no dungeon finder.

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First you close some of the lower population servers and give the members of these servers a free transfer to new servers. Then you have a automated system that regulates server populations by offering scaling rewards for transferring to lower pop servers.


Then you sort the Faction Imbalance by adding a automatic system that scales the valor each faction receives depending on the faction balances.


Doing these two things would balance out the servers and factions allowing for internal dungeon finders to work.


The Benefits of this are

You get the benefits of a dungeon finder.

You maintain the community

The negatives are

people can't complain about faction imbalance and there being no dungeon finder.

That only solves the population's server, but it does not address the odd hours issues, nor the level brackets discrepancies. It's not like there is a boosting system like there is for PvP.

A cross server LFG tool is clearly the superior option.

Apart from the lack of accountability (if badly implemented) ,I see no negatives.

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Disagree completely. Dungeon Finder is unwarranted. If it is indeed implemented I hope it is 2+ years away.


Wrong it is badly needed and if it doesnt happen soon in the next couple of months it will be the death of this game.

Fact is the majority of todays mmo market base are used to having these tools and will move away from the game with out them.

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Actually ...



We just need to know what dungeon finder we're getting, and an ETA would be awesome.


As stated in previous threads, the current 'lfg' system we have is/was used in FFXI and worked relatively well - however, people here don't seem to be aware of it, or don't care to use it. Which is an issue as far as getting groups together successfully.


A tool that no one knows about or uses is worthless.


Oh thanks man :D You made me stop raging


But yeah.. Give us a *********** ETA ***********!

Edited by Mcfondles
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Disagree completely. Dungeon Finder is unwarranted. If it is indeed implemented I hope it is 2+ years away.

I hope it comes soon.


If you pay attention to the post it states that they're looking at it being for heroics as well... which means it 'should' be server only. Full post I for that quote from can be found on the first page.


We don't even know exactly what the dungeon finder will be, just that it's 'something' different from the current system.


Those of us that have been around on these threads for a bit have been tossing around some decent ideas - including x-server hybreds that give people a choice on what/where they q. (I've been posting off and on for 2-3 threads other than this one capping)

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Problem is, there's already a tool for that but nobody uses it. The most logical step would be to improve that tool in some way. It doesn't have to be completely automatic either. I think most people would be able to live with that.


+1... and why people dont uses it? Because it doesnt help with ANYTHING extra rather than make the whole group.


Make the LFG tool to give commendations, to give a box with gear and bring you to the entrance of the flashpoint and there you go why people wants it. Not even the low levels, as nobody used it at low level properly (sorcerors madness will queue to heal, or marauders queue as tank), but the high level will benefit about "daily commendations" and probably "tionesse/columi commendations" free by just doing the same that they do right now but more quickly.

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That only solves the population's server, but it does not address the odd hours issues, nor the level brackets discrepancies. It's not like there is a boosting system like there is for PvP.

A cross server LFG tool is clearly the superior option.

Apart from the lack of accountability (if badly implemented) ,I see no negatives.


I found that there is a decent flow of levels on standard population and higher servers, I will only be searching for an average of 10 minutes (About how long a DPS would be queuing on Alliance in WoW) and is normally due to people missing my messages in the chats. When you think about how much this game will rewards re-rolling so much that the level disparities will sort themselves out.


When you think about it, my suggestions takes those people that would have been in your Cross Server Flash point and puts them in your server. Making them accountable for there actions and giving people on the server a chance to get to know each other.


This idea would also work for war-zones as the main problem with trying to find a war-zone is the faction gap, there are just to few Republic players for the empire to fight... That being said, I do get into PVP very quickly on my Republic character so it doesn't affect me that much.


Cross Server should be reserved for something epic like cross server battles!

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Cross server automated lfg is the only way to go imo!


And destroy almost all guilds in existence.. That is certainly the way to go isn't it??


Has it occured to any of you LFG people that an LFG would hurt guilds??


Why you ask?? You don't need a guild to find a group for flashpoints or operations.. Any single player can use an LFG system and run what ever they want when ever they want.. It basically turns this game from an MMO to a MSO.. Massive Single player Online game..


So in my opinion, the LFG system should either be nonexistance or work on an extremly limited capacity.. There has to be a need for guilds.. :cool:

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One quick run on WoW in the LFD tool just makes you realise that the wait can sometimes be worth it.


Sure you can get into a dungeon quick enough, but be prepared to have idiots linking DPS meters after every trash pull, shouting at someone for doing 2k less damage than them, being impatient and pulling mobs whilst the Tank or Healer rests up, ninja-ing loot or the Tank dropping out as soon as they have the gear they want or discovering it's not the dungeon they want.

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And destroy almost all guilds in existence.. That is certainly the way to go isn't it??


Has it occured to any of you LFG people that an LFG would hurt guilds??


Why you ask?? You don't need a guild to find a group for flashpoints or operations.. Any single player can use an LFG system and run what ever they want when ever they want...


Thank Lucas for that, if that happens.


I HATE guilds, and I refuse to join one. I had resigned myself to the fact that I won't be raiding, which is an acceptable trade-off for me. If I got to raid without having to be in an elite high school clique (oops I meant guild), I'd be ecstatic.

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Thank Lucas for that, if that happens.


I HATE guilds, and I refuse to join one. I had resigned myself to the fact that I won't be raiding, which is an acceptable trade-off for me. If I got to raid without having to be in an elite high school clique (oops I meant guild), I'd be ecstatic.


You still can do it in the game but that is a long way from asking for automatic invitation to be able to do raids.


It is the same as saying that without a automated LFD you cant join any groups.


Which basicly just is a lie

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