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New cooldown animations are horrible


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I know you were working on the tech behind the combat ability cooldowns BUT WHY CHANGE THE ANIMATIONS?


They are WAAAAAAY TOO BRIGHT! They are confusing and distracting.


I love this game but you are making the relationship fall apart! YOU ARE LIKE A HIGH MAINTENANCE GIRLFRIEND!


Don't you test this **** before you release it in a patch?


Sorry, but frankly I am pissed as if you couldn't tell.


And yes THIS IS constructive criticism.


The old fading blue cooldown colors WITHOUT the white bar and the dark shadow were JUST FINE!


Please revert this 'fix', combat, which WAS the high point of this game, now sucks.


Epic patch fail.

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OK now that I've cooled down some, and played more, I gotta say, man you guys need to fix this TONIGHT.


One of my guildies made the comment, "they're not very good at this MMO thing are they?" Hate to say true story but it sure seems that way.


First of all, we don't have a skill queue which took some getting used too but whatever. A skill queue - where you can hit 2 or 3 skills while they are on cooldown and stack them up, so that they go off as soon as they come off CD. I strongly suggest you log into Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online to see how it's done the right way.


Now, to be effective in combat we have to to hit skills as soon as they come off CD which we are all now used to and are doing. But during combat you have to anticipate which skill you will hit next, and to do so you need to see which skills are 'lit up' or available (meaning off their proprietary CD and triggered by whatever of several different requirements make them available) and wait for the GCD to expire, and then hit them quickly.


With this latest patch 'fix', the cooldown animation brightness, the thickness of the white line, and the dark following shadow all combine to visually obscure which skills are going to come available when the GCD expires.


It totally screws up the tempo and smoothness of combat - yes you have fixed some combat mechanics but now you have cut off the player from the game interface and made it difficult to interact with the combat system.


Keep the technical changes, which were needed, and go back to the previous very lightly shaded light blue cooldown animation, please.


And I would suggest that you boys back off the throttle a couple notches on patch releases, you have the appearance of chasing your tail and rushing content out the door that has not been thoroughly tested by the player community. Johnny Dev trying out a new feature at 2:00 AM after an 80-hour week with bleeding eyes is not player-based playtesting.


I love this game, don't make me hate you.

Edited by Chazcon
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All I have to say is the first time I saw the action bars I was actually glad I didn't have photosensitive epilepsy.....like disco lights.


Should really rethink the brightness Bioware, we do appreciate the attempt but at that brightness and flashiness, there will be a few upset people out there.

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I find this too funny


Yes I agree that it is horrible I played this morning and I despise it.


But you know what it was fine in the beginning and a bunch of people cried, they changed it, then guess what a bunch of people cried, they changed it again


And now guess what we are going to have yet another round of criers


The only thing BW has done is listen to the whiners. This is one thing that should have never changed fro the beginning


And it got changed because of the players


And ofc the players then blame bioware, sad really

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Hit the nail on the head. I have seen SO many great games go down the toilet because the devs did not stay true to their original vision, caved in to the vocal minority whose game is not the MMO in question but attempting to control the devs. Conspiracy theory? Nope, sad yes, but true.


Devs who chase the whiners are not servicing their true playerbase and will turn their MMO into a short term burst/fail.


Seen it too many times.

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I've been playing with these new bars for a while and I have to say... no. Unequivocally .. no. I cannot, for the life of me, see when my proc's light up. I'd go so far as to say I don't think they are lighting up. If my bounty hunter didn't chuckle when Rail Shot was proccing there's no way I'd know. I don't want to have to squint to see what a button is... I want to glance at it and know without having to consciously look. They all seem to be greyed out when in combat. Get out of combat and half of them light up straight away. Why?


I do not want to see my global cooldown relentlessly rolling on all bars. The global cooldown becomes a rhythm in our heads after a while, we don't need to be strobed to see it. A far more discrete meter will do fine. A more obvious timer for longer cooldowns should be an option. Some people will want to be strobed, others will want a numeric countdown, still others may just want a discrete bar. But maybe you should let us choose what we want for that because it's apparent BW designers have different ideas about what a combat UI should look like.


Just no.

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I played for about an hour this morning doing my dailies on Ilum and Belsavis, and had to quit because of a raging headache. A numerical countdown would be so much easier. I play a smuggler, so really I could just turn the UI off, but then its just whack a button time.
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Did any of the BioWare team ever play an MMO? Ever?


Seriously. Of all the things you could think to do with the cooldown animations, of all the examples out there of things that work fantastically well, and after blatantly ripping off WoW (I never played it, but have seen the comparison screen shots between the two games), THIS is what you came up with?


Did any of your people actually play with this visual feast for the eyes? If yes, how did they play, BRAILLE?!


Honestly. At every turn you guys are showing that you should've stuck to the single player games and let the real MMO developers handle MMOs.

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I know you were working on the tech behind the combat ability cooldowns BUT WHY CHANGE THE ANIMATIONS?


They are WAAAAAAY TOO BRIGHT! They are confusing and distracting.


I love this game but you are making the relationship fall apart! YOU ARE LIKE A HIGH MAINTENANCE GIRLFRIEND!


Don't you test this **** before you release it in a patch?


Sorry, but frankly I am pissed as if you couldn't tell.


And yes THIS IS constructive criticism.


The old fading blue cooldown colors WITHOUT the white bar and the dark shadow were JUST FINE!


Please revert this 'fix', combat, which WAS the high point of this game, now sucks.


Epic patch fail.


Funny, people were saying something similar about the last UI change. Saying they were quitting because the game was unplayable and such. They make the change to fix what people were complaining about and then a different set of people complain. Give it time, you get used to it.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Then everyone should stop complaining about every change so it gets changed and changed again. But of course, no one will stop complaining about dumb **** when there are bigger issues to be resolved.


I know you were working on the tech behind the combat ability cooldowns BUT WHY CHANGE THE ANIMATIONS?


This is exactly what some people asked for. Go look at all the QQ posts.


They are WAAAAAAY TOO BRIGHT! They are confusing and distracting.


Subjective opinion, at best. Even if 90% agree, it's still opinion.


I love this game but you are making the relationship fall apart! YOU ARE LIKE A HIGH MAINTENANCE GIRLFRIEND!


So, high maintenance women are no good for YOU. Noted.


Don't you test this **** before you release it in a patch?


The PTR is available for EVERYONE to FREELY test upcoming changes and give constructive feedback. Do you also wait until they bring the steak out at a restaurant to tell them how well you want it cooked?


Sorry, but frankly I am pissed as if you couldn't tell.


Which lends very little credence to your post, since you are posting based on emotion, which is often more devoid of logic than someone who is using their mind. I am sympathetic to a lot of people who have issues, and would also like to see them fixed, but my empathy only goes as far as the poor communication everyone seems to be using, and the little-to-no effort they put into the body of the post (that they put in General Discussion no less.)


And yes THIS IS constructive criticism.


That's also subjective, as there are a lot of things that can pertain to "constructive", starting with "Frankly, I'm pissed" ===> Not constructive, at all.


The old fading blue cooldown colors WITHOUT the white bar and the dark shadow were JUST FINE!


Not according to every single post like this one about the ability CD's BEFORE the change. I agree with YOU, but MANY others did NOT.


Please revert this 'fix', combat, which WAS the high point of this game, now sucks.


It was a "fix", see my above response. And some people enjoy different parts of the game, you should add something like "I only enjoyed the combat", or something along those lines.


Epic patch fail.


Opinion, subjective AND: We would be reading tons of complaints about ability CDs STILL, if they hadn't done this. Mind you: The PTR is available to ALL OF US.


Tried to respond in a constructive manner based on your post, which is really a repeat of a thousand other ones started today and should be placed into one thread with the others to consolidate the feedback and complaints into one place where people could stew up some good ideas for a fix instead of just b****ing in their own little special snowflake thread.

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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