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Top Ranked Merc Gameplay


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And being among the first battlemasters is like saying you were one of the first people to walk into Walmart when they opened this morning.


It's more like sleeping 3 Weeks in front of the Game Store to get the new Game first :D




I've watched some of those movies ... i tried ... then i saw the comments:


Mr Burrito, or whatever his name is went to Voss, as he said no one was on Voss because they have been afraid of him.


The Truth is: They have been on Ilum farming Imps at their base while Mr. Burrito was Hiding like a chicken on Voss :D

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I think most of you know who I am at this point, if you don't I would recommend checking out my youtube channel or previous posts. A quick brief, my name is Territo, I'm a former WoW Gladiator, one of the first Battlemasters from my server, and one of the top ranked Mercenaries. I host server events on Veela, and this one was a great success so I thought I would expand my viewing audience because anyone who PvPs who isn't a Troll would appreciate this.


Now that I've earned your respect:


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXdVMkh0fGA


Imagine if anyone on your side knew *** assisting meant. You might actually kill some of those lowbies!

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An Olympic competitor isn't a self-proclaimed great athlete just because they say so, they are because people considered them to be so. No different here.


Except no one seems to think you are outside of your little guildies.


P.S. I'm #1

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I am Blas, the Top Ranked Sniper in the World, I also hail from Veela server and I support this thread.


Don't hate because you aren't top ranked like me and Territo. But haters gonna hate, what can you do?

Edited by Bastal
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I play on 8 servers. See I can lie too.


Just because you want it to be true doesn't make it so. I have no characters on Veela. Nice try on the trolling though.


Why are you so jealous anyway, if you practice and try real hard one day you might be as good as Territo

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I have not yet watched the video... however I feel that I must chime in with a simple retort from your original post.



"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you."

~Lao Tzu



In other words, you haven't received my respect... so don't claim that you have.




“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”

― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

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I have not yet watched the video... however I feel that I must chime in with a simple retort from your original post.



"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you."

~Lao Tzu



In other words, you haven't received my respect... so don't claim that you have.




“I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.”

― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein


Just a heads up, you can change your Forum Signature in the "My Account" section, and going to the right hand menu that says "Forum Signature"



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Try using the search feature next time, it's there for a reason!




He ranked himself.

This guy has some Epeen issues and is desperate for some e-fame


Sorry I don't watch videos of people playing games, but I do read forums while I'm at work.


I'm still baffled how people can take something like a game so serious and think achievements online mean something,


Just have fun playing stop caring what people think. When introducting a video just say heres some gameplay comments/critique appreciated and you might not get trolled as hard.


Quick note. No One Is Jealous of a Gamer, especially if they are not being paid to play!



I feel like a hater cause sometimes I wish I can lose myself and live in a game too

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1) I love how you have your little crew posting how awesome you are, how 1337 your skills are, and how youre the best player ever. hilarious.

2)You're trash, im not trolling you but im a merc and i can play 20 times better than you. I'm just calling it how i see it.

3)You are not well known, you are not top ranked, and you need to listen to the people that are "trolling" you. Get good and we might respect you.



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Well you can rest easy tonight knowing your teammates got bursted down in a non-PvE scenario but you still had less heat build up then Territo.


Did you just refer to yourself in the third person? This is the best thread ever man It's making my day go by as my queries run lol

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The Territo is no troll. His exploits are freely available for all to see. I can understand how the chronically unskilled might feel jealous and resort to trolling, but real men (and their female equivilants) can only respect their betters.


AS for those other mercs posting on this thread, I think this is a great opportunity for you to learn how to play your class. If I were you, I would subscribe to Territo's channel immediately.

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