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Where's the faction loyalty?


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There may not be any "logic" behind it. There really isn't any quantifiable "gain" that I can point to in support of my faction choice. But doggoneit, there's a little tinge of pride on being a member of my faction.


For me, faction choice was more than just who looks cooler, or whose abilities have the fastest cooldowns and shortest animation times. In choosing a faction I chose the side whose ideals and mentality were most appealing to me. Each mission I completed on my rise to level 50 only cemented my loyalty to my faction, and my loathing for my enemy. Each Warzone I completed drove a wedge further between myself and my sworn enemies, as the names of particularly worthy opponents on the battlefield became cemented in my mind.


But the majority of posters and people I speak to in game don't seem to have any such inclination. I've seen people go from one side to the other on a whim, citing such reasons as "my guild decided to switch factions", X faction wins more WZs, X faction is more populated and has more people to quest with, X faction has is less populated and has faster WZ queue times, the devs like X faction better. Any advantage, real or imagined, temporary or permanent, is enough to send many players running to the opposite faction, their only concern being whatever can bring them the easiest route for success and the most immediate gains. Where's the faction loyalty?


(Edited in due to many of you viewing this post from a "lore" perspective.) I , too, can see the "bad" in both factions. Evem still though, putting lore aside completely and viewing things from a strict "video game" perspective; no loyalty towards your faction mates? No problem forming alliances and friendships and conquering challenges both PvP and PvE with your mates one moment, then ganking them in open world PvP and stifling their progress toward completing their Ilum dailies the next?


Don't get me wrong - I'm going to play the opposite faction. Story is a HUGE component in this game, and I'd like to experience the different storylines as well as see the environments from the "other" perspective. But I couldn't imagine going to the opposite faction and gearing up in Warzones, impeding the progress of and taking up arms against my primary faction, stifling the efforts of the players that I've leveled up alongside and using my knowledge of their strategies against them. In part I blame BW for allowing players to create characters of opposing factions on the same server, but I digress.


In short, this game's players need to get some pride about their faction of choice, and stop being such "fair-weathered" allies ready to run at the first sign of rain. Whether you're doing the bidding of the the Dark Council or running Errands for the Supreme Chancellor, choose your alliance, make your allies, and stick with 'em. For the [insert faction here]!

Edited by MegaBubble
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A massive army of unimportant and sacrificial worker drones for the Sith - The Empire.


A massive amount of corrupt, weak and useless "free people" for the Jedi to protect so they can be morally superior - The Republic.


There is no faction Pride, Faction Pride is a lie.


Unless you are M1-X4 then it's a mandatory program rule.

Edited by AngelousWang
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I , too, can see the "bad" in both factions. Evem still though, putting lore aside completely and viewing things from a strict "video game" perspective; no loyalty towards your faction mates? No problem forming alliances and friendships and conquering challenges both PvP and PvE with your mates one moment, then ganking them in open world PvP and stifling their progress toward completing their Ilum dailies the next?


I remember reading a post made by some former planetside player. He retoled an event where the game, for whatever reason, bugged, and wouldn't allow one of the three factions access to their main base - an area that was supposed to be "safe" and where you'd always get sent after you die. (my memory of the account is fuzzy, if any Planetside players know the precise details and mechanics feel free to correct me.)


Anyway, when the other two factions realized the predicament the third faction was in, they set out on a campaign to eradicate them entirely. It was pretty epic from the sound of things - those that didn't immediately log off in disgust of the "broken mechanics" but stayed and fought till the bitter end started calling themselves "the 5 percent", named after the fact that the final 5% of their factions made a last stand before being wiped out$


Now, TOR isn't Planetside, obviously - but after tht I'd imagine you'd have to feel a sense of "pride" for your faction. I don't imagine many of the 5% wanted to reroll as the dominating faction and stick it to the other 5%ers, or wanted to go with another faction because they had a new, OP vehicle in an upcoming patch.


That's probably just me though.

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As far as I can tell, both sides have far more reasons to not be loyal than otherwise.


At least the Sith are up front about their brutality. A Republic Jedi will mind-wipe you into thinking you're happy and glad for the change.

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It's only a videogame.


I'm loyal to the country I live in, I'm loyal to my friends and family, I'm loyal to my job and workmates. I guess I don't feel the need to be loyal to some fictional faction within the fictional universe of one of the many videogames I play.

Edited by Cormey
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