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Level 15 jedi consular shadow cant beat mysterious sith


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Is this the guy you have to kill in corruscant when you find the last datacron for your class quest?

If so.. im not really sure what your doing wrong.. i would need more information as to what is happening in the fight that you are having trouble with.


Keep an eye out for his cast bar.. and interupt him if he tries to cast anything.

Other than that.. buy a stim and a medpack, gear out qyzen a bit more if you have been neglecting him.. and make sure qyzen is in his proper stance. You can do this by opening your abilities menu, going to companion, and just skim through his abilities to make sure the ones you want are activated.


At that level you should be getting stuck on anything for 2 days... make proper use all your abilities.. force potency amounts to a large chunk of damage, and deflection (if you have it yet) is a huge damage shield that lasts 12 seconds. I think you get it around that level.. cant remember.


Anyways, medpacks - interupts - 2 minute cooldowns and w/e else you have...


I dont want to be a dick but you just gotta be better.

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Interrupt, Stun, maybe go do some side quests or space missions to get up another level.


Send a blast in global chat looking for help.


That fight really isnt that difficult. It should not take you two days to do. Hopefully it's just something like you not having qyzen in the proper stance, or poorly geared or something.

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Please help I have tried for 2 days not to try and beat this guy,i get him down to like 20 % and cant seem to beat him. Please help, i believe i have the best armor i can have......Any suggestions?


If its the guy at the last datacron in the jedi tempel just kite him to the edge and use force wave (the aoe knockback)... He'll die from the fall

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Level to 16-17 and use your interrupts.


Do all quests. Or try PvP. Try the Heroics.


Frankly i find it hard to believe you did a lot of Quests on Coruscant, with being only 15. I had the Problem in Beta where i power-pushed to the class quests end and got canned in easy.


Try to level to 16 or 17.

Edited by Kheldras
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Yes it is right after i learn the healing spell. I only skipped a few quests here or there. What stance would you reccomend giving my qyzen? I use med packs but i cant use anymore because of the cooldown. What stims should i get? How do i give medpacks to qyzen? Sorry new to this game just picked it up last week.


Thanks so much in advance

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I would put that guy on hold for now, and go back to him at level 17-18, get some extra force power upgrades, then get your Quezen guy tanked up the best you can. Then use your interrupts - pretty much what people have written. He'll go down eventually. Just remember to take stim packs, and health packs for extra help. Edited by dronepilot
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Guys, at level 15 he doesn't have his interrupt yet, nor does he have deflection. That said...


You can use your force stun as an interrupt -- make sure your force bar is at least 3/4 full, then wait til he goes into a casting animation. Pop it, then go around behind him for a shadow strike. You can actually do this twice in the fight. Just use your heroic moment ability (forget the name atm) to refresh the cooldown on force stun, and do it again. Be sure you have enough force to do the stun and then a shadow strike.


Make sure your DOTs are up. If you're using force technique, make sure he's force breached at all times (even if you're in combat technique, use the force breach anyway for the 5% accuracy debuff it puts on him). Also, use force wave to push him back and cast your 2-second cast DOT ability (not sure what it's called either, sorry -- mind warp maybe?). It's worth it and will up your DPS.


Of course, make sure your gear is decent. You probably have several Coruscant commendations built up -- use them to go guy some nice mods for your armor and lightsaber.


Hope this helps...

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I would put that guy on hold for now, and go back to him at level 17-18, get some extra force power upgrades, then get your Quezen guy tanked up the best you can. Then use your interrupts - pretty much what people have written. He'll go down eventually. Just remember to take stim packs, and health packs for extra help.



Where should I go to level up then?

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You can interupt him with your knockback and your force stun. You will need to because he it quite strong. just Wait until he starts casting then use either one. I suggest interupting with the knockback first since its cooldown will be up faster for a 3rd interrupt.
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Where should I go to level up then?


Elsewhere on Coruscant. You are doing all of the side quests right? If you do you will usually be on the higher end of the level range for the planet (if not over it entirely).


Also, rest in cantinas to get an XP bonus.

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