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not "seeing" the scoundrel/gunslinger difference


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Hi all,


My main is a tanking-specced Jedi Shadow. He is just about at 50 so I've been messing around creating a number of alts and playing them a bit to try to get a feel for what I want to be my "primary" alt (basically, the second char I take to lvl 50). So far I have a Trooper Commando, a Jedi Guardian, and a Jedi Sage all in that level 10-12 range except the Commando who is in his low 20's.


So I created a smuggler a couple of days ago, just got him to level 10 and off Ord Mantell last night. I am actually enjoying him WAY more than I initially expected I would, and also (at least for now) really enjoying the class storyline.


Now it comes time for the big choice between the two AC's...and despite trying to read the forums here some, I find myself unable to truly understand how the playstyle of the two classes is different.


I'm hoping I can describe what I am looking for and maybe you all could try to help me figure out what AC (and, perhaps even spec within an AC) would fit me best...


* PvP not a big concern. I may PvP some but I don't want PvP effectiveness to be the basis for my decision.


* mostly I will be world questing (some solo, some paired up or in a small group), doing flashpoints, etc.


* this will be a DPS specced character, so the fact scoundrels have a healing tree isn't a huge factor for me. My Commando is specced healing and my Sage likely will eventually be as well, so I'll have healers if the guild needs a healer for something.


* I am not a min-maxer (and certainly am not when it comes to alts). I will be playing the character to have fun, not to worry about whether my DPS is 3% lower than some other guy standing next to me.


* I don't have particularly strong feelings one way or the other on how "cover-dependent" I need to be.


* not particularly concerned about highest burst DPS potential; I am a patient man, I can deal fine with a class that has less burst.


* I really want to play a character that is at least mostly ranged. I always assumed all the smuggler options were, but I have seen one or two people refer to scoundrels as "melee" classes which has REALLY confused me. I don't mind having a few melee-range-type skills to use if something is right on top of me, but at the same time I'm really not interested in a class that sees a group of enemies from 30m out and has to run all the way up into the middle of them in order to be effective.


* all things being equal, would love to have stealth. It's one of the things I enjoy the most on my Shadow...not necessarily using it to gain advantage in battle, but more for the practical purposes of being able to be questing and stealth past a bunch of mobs I don't need to fight in order to get to some quest goal deep in a bunker somewhere, flip the switch (or kill the boss or whatever) and then stealth back out without having to kill 500 trash mobs on the way out.



So in light of all of that...what advice would you give me, O Experienced Smugglers?

Edited by MithrilSoul
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If range is more important than stealth go slinger, scoundrel is definitely a melee class. At this point I have hotkeys for <4m attacks and click ranged because they're not what a scoundrel needs.


Scoundrel: get close and personal, unload, slip away. Standard assassin tactics.


Gunslinger: setup a turret spot, attack till they close, move. typical sniper/kiter playstyle.


If PvP is not your primary goal slinger has more group viability imho and will pay off a bit better. Mobs don't matter about stealth near as much as PvP.

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sab for aoes and essentially SW:TeamFortress edition.


ss for dps and blast downs. (no offense until cover, so be VERY aware when you play this and use your CC/stuns wisely)


I would go SS personally, but sab can really rack up some points in PVP and clear standard mobs in groups fast.

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You can play a Smuggler as more of a ranged class if you spec into the shared tree. Granted, I don't really know how it compared to the mid range tree.


The advantage you get as a Gunslinger is basically more tools to effective be ranged (knock back, portable cover, etc), whereas the Smuggler has the utility of being able to toss a heal to an ally and gets an in combat rez.

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I prefer the sab.....especially for pve. Allows really good aoe damage. Works great on multiple mobs and you will also have great dps to take out golds.


I suggest doing Biochem, Bioanalysis & Diplomacy. The med for gunlingers is not existent.


That really needs to be stressed, my main is a Saboslinger, she can mow down the opposition pretty fast, but danged if you don't let one get too close or if they range target you, medpacks will save your behind. So yeah, biochem is an excellent choice, especially with the heal companion packs.


Too bad I'm already level 400 armstech and dealing my alts barrels out to them :p

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I'm level 40 Gunslinger, almost entirely Sharpshooter tree.


Long story short, Sharpshooter is all about ranged damage, primarily using your blasters from cover and against single targets. I'd say this is better for taking down bosses, and you'll still have some AoE damage and CC options for groups (Thermal Grenade, Flash Grenade, Sweeping Gunfire, etc.). Saboteur focuses more on AoE, mostly via explosives. I've only invested a couple points into this tree, for reduced cooldown of my grenade abilities.


Dirty Fighting, the shared tree, seems more PvP-focused, so I guess you can ignore that.


As for Gunslinger vs. Scoundrel, as others have said, Scoundrel is more mobile and focused on getting in close with stealth, dealing massive damage and getting away, possibly healing as well depending on your tree and not much focus on cover. GS is just raw DPS, and especially with the SS tree, more "turret" style. You're usually rooted to the spot to deal massive damage.

Edited by Mastershroom
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Scoundrel is by far a better class than Gunslinger

@ 50 I now bitterly regret choosing Gunslinger over scoundrel I was suckered in by the video that Bioware put out for the AC it looked really cool in reality it isn't. All your good damage is done while in cover this is the heart of my problem cover is a gimping mechanic that gets in the way.


Scoundrel +'s

Self healing. can spec to be main healer

Stealth, This is a huge tool and allows you to get around and quest with ease.

CC Tranquillizer dart is a really handy tool plus all normal smuggler cc

Very mobile


Scoundrels -'s


10m range

Single target orientated.


Gunslinger's +'s

35m range when in cover on some skills.

Great single target damage and some ae skills can spec for more including a 3 sec nade which is very nearly spamible.


Gunslinger's -'s


Your a turret in a game that likes to drop a lot of ground target ae. As a turret you also suffer line of sight issues, your target may move causing you to move and lowering your damage out put. Cover bugging out and causing the target not to be visible although it is right in front of you is another los issue.

Your the favourite target of everyone with a glow stick. you have some defences but they are on long cool downs and once blown your as good as dead. your only real defence is not getting noticed.

Everything you can do a Sage/Commando can do just as well while keeping mobility and bringing some heals.


I'm only down on the class because after playing other classes I find it to be sub par compared to them and this is just my opinion.

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Lots of the gunslinger abilities are bugged or just don't work flat out sadly. Leveling a GS can be painful until you get a healer companion between 36-40ish. After that your ranged damage goes up considerably but defensively you on par with what you were at level 10, so no survivability.


Scoundrel can at least cleanse dots from themselves and throw a few heals even if not spec'd for it. They can also vanish and stealth so they have escapes.


If you really like ranged dps gunslingers have it, at least for Flashpoints and PVE content. If you want to PVP at level 50, go scoundrel.

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Remember that if you're going GS, take Cover off your hotbar and replace it with Crouch.


Cover could bug or take you who knows where. Crouch drops it where you stand and you no longer use natural cover.



I realize this thread is now a couple of days old, but I wanted to ask a question about this piece of advice. I was under the impression that, while you CAN crouch in place with your little laser shield thingy, that you get more defensive help (damage reduction) when you are crouched behind environmental barriers.


Is that not true?

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I went DF with a few Sab skills and consistantly top damage charts, objectives and medals. My teams like me because even if I die, I prevent caps with constant DoTs. They like my Flyby placed on nodes, my knockbacks, my CCs on ball carriers to cover them, roots to stop players short of capping or scoring with the ball. In Open World (such as it is), Flyby and an almost constant stream of 'nades keeps an enemy at bay long enough to "set up the hospital" with Sage AoE heals and my Scrambling field. Having a fairly short CD interrupt at 30m range is nice as well. We can lock out thet Tracer/Lightning spam or bumfuzzle an unprepared healer quite well if need be. If the healer is busy healing himself, even if you arent killing him, hes not healing his team. :)


I like DF because I can either be mobile or drop into cover as the situation calls for. I still get my big damage dealers (Aimed Shot, Charged Shot, Speed Shot) with only a slight loss of their damage and other goodies. I find that if you plan your attack and make good use of Flourish Shot, Hemmorahing Blast and Wounding Shots on a target thats at 30% or lower, you can essentially tear through even the most hardy of tanks. And dont forget Quickdraw. Its an amazing finisher that only gets better with Battlemaster or Champ sets. All of that being said...


Either smuggler AC is tougher than people give it credit for. Sure, we dump a ton of damage but its highly situational and requires patience, a knowledge of your class (AND OTHER CLASSES), timing and paying attention. This aint no Tracer Missile/Lightning spam class. We are the ranged equivalent of the Sentinel; a "meh" class in the wrong hands, deadly in the proper ones. I have both a scoundrel and 'slinger and the GS is by far my fave of the two. It just fits my playstyle better. Theyre both fun but thats my preference. Good luck on whatever you go with and welcome to the Beer and Pie club.

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Sustained dps as gunslinger vs burst (with qqing over nerfs) and heals.


I'd ignore those saying u cant pvp as a gunslinger, i've healboted one or two who've made me wonder at 50 whether i should have rolled with two pistols instead.


However, the pvping gunslinger is very very rare thing.

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I have both a scoundrel and 'slinger and the GS is by far my fave of the two. It just fits my playstyle better. Theyre both fun but thats my preference. Good luck on whatever you go with and welcome to the Beer and Pie club.


Same here and i love my slinger yes it could use a few changed mostly knockback being able to use it out of cover but defenetly like it much better then my scoundrel

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I pvp with my gunslinger (lvl 37 all skills in saboteur) and can dole out quite a bit of damage. Voidstar is a big plus, because your AoE damage can keep people off your doors and sabotage charge keeps someone down even after you die. There also great for defense on huttball, as your distance attacks and pulse charge can keep the other team from scoring, but its definitely only effective as a defense position, as your mobile attacks are kinda weak. As for the other wz, with the 2 ships and the 3 turrets, your best off playing defense, as i said before your mobile damage is limited and if your attacking a defended turret your gonna get owned as soon as you drop into cover. Hoping the cybertech grenades i'm working towards will help out on being more off an offensive player, but as of now i'm scoring in the top 10 in pvp in most cases with this class, with my top being tied for 2nd at 57 kills and 7 deaths in voidstar, AoE for the win. Edited by Dj_Ziio
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