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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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These armchair programmers are ridiculous though. "SIMPLY PUT IN AN OPTION FOR BOTH!!"It's not that easy. I would say just look at mmo histories path both that won't do a bit of good with this forum.


Unfortunately for you, this time and for this case precisely, you are wrong and it is easy.

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I'm extensively trained as an EMT, actually. We are the ones that get sent out to deal with seizures on a daily basis. Makes up a large chunk of the calls.


I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.


His comment was not directed at you it was directed at the op of my second quote

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Since I am not a pro in how-to-run a software development department I really

wonder how a quality assurance and quality control works in such environments.


From what I could imagine, there should be a development environment, a test

and a productive environment - or not? If so, how can something so very obvious

like the cool down animation make it into the patch?


First rule change the display for one cast in available to unavailable.

Second rule change the same for all casts - with same visual effect.

And no one has figured out that their is no way for the user in telling

which kind of effect is now displayed - GDC oder specific unavailable.


Additionally the timing is incorrect. While display is still showing the

finishing part of the animation the cast is already available an could be

activated. Or in other words: The visual identification in the cast bar

does not correspond with the available options for the user - which is

the only, single function of any cast bar.


Once again, I am not a pro in such things. But you guys are!

Watch out and introduce a QA/QC process before messing up more things.

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I'm so glad I found this thread here. I just logged in to play after a couple of days away from my PC to find it's now almost unplayable. I don't know if it's me being colourblind (i doubt it) but the new cooldown effects are a disgraceful attempt to make things better.


Just how the heck did this make it through the test server? Did players on the test server really give positive feedback about this change?


So, if it is something that some people have favoured then please at least give us the OPTION of changing between the old style and the new. If this stays I won't stay with this game, I get enough headaches from other things in life, let alone a game.

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80 pages BioWare where the hell are you?



^ This


Where is the customer support? Missing. I'd be bending over backwards with an apology if thousands of my paying customers were upset.


Thing is guys. This game has already made the money they wanted from sales. They couldn't give a **** about us now. This is how EA works. It is their business model. Check every other game title they publish. BW may of been left with the development, but the lack of customer service stinks just like EA.

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Yes - bioware, i do not care how you change it, just do it fast! It is IMPOSSIBLE as a marauder to determine when your abilities are ready during GLOBAL COOLDOWN - i don't care about the flashing, screw headaches - while fighting. Since attacks are instant, i am under the global cool down constantly, and all my attacks are blacked out. I can't see which are ready, i just use attacks and hope they are.


This makes my class unplayable - i have leveled it to 42, and it is, as of now, a pain in the *** to play.


This must be changed .. and fast! Atleast just make a tick bar in preferences that allows us to somehow go back to the old pre 1.1.2 ui, since it was working perfect for me. Or change it, i don't care - i just want to be able to determine which attacks are ready to be performed during global cool down, or i don't stand a chance against anything - heck, pvp is impossible now. I don't have time to spam 3 different buttons, hoping i have enough rage to actually perform the abilities.


This issue calls for an emergency patch tomorrow lol.. If you ask me, this is severe, and is impacting the game SO much more than a simple quest bug, or 3% crit that doesn't proc from a talent ..


THIS. Obviously the UI development person and group do not play the Sith/Jedi and test them. The previous UI version actually allowed us to know when an ability could be used (opponent = stunned) which other classes dont have to deal with - theirs are available cool-down = yes/no. This is what happens when you have piss poor design management and horrendous testing mandates. The personal styles and preferences of a minority slice of the design team will override what is best for the design as a whole.

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Since I am not a pro in how-to-run a software development department I really

wonder how a quality assurance and quality control works in such environments.


From what I could imagine, there should be a development environment, a test

and a productive environment - or not? If so, how can something so very obvious

like the cool down animation make it into the patch?


First rule change the display for one cast in available to unavailable.

Second rule change the same for all casts - with same visual effect.

And no one has figured out that their is no way for the user in telling

which kind of effect is now displayed - GDC oder specific unavailable.


Additionally the timing is incorrect. While display is still showing the

finishing part of the animation the cast is already available an could be

activated. Or in other words: The visual identification in the cast bar

does not correspond with the available options for the user - which is

the only, single function of any cast bar.


Once again, I am not a pro in such things. But you guys are!

Watch out and introduce a QA/QC process before messing up more things.


The biggest issue is that the PTR doesn't have a character copy. For me I think this is the biggest problem the game faces atm and should be addressed asap. The rest of the stupid **** these kids are whining about can be addressed in time. To properly address anything I think you need a proper ptr up and running.

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Just to throw in my random page 79 comment.


As a result of a bug with the cover bar and the new effect, I've discovered that the new effect actually works quite well (for me) IF the white border is removed from the effect. If the borders on the quickslots remain a consistent color, all else remaining as it is now, it's actually a quite pleasant and good visual CD system. It's just that white border that is the total visual overload...


No, it's not. Do you play Empire? Or perhaps one of those classes with icons made up by random colors? Try a Sentinel or one of the other classes were most your ability icons are made up by the color blue, the very same blue color that the CD fader utilizes. A BLUE CD FADER on top of constantly lit BLUE ICONS was bad enough yet you could adjust to it. Now, having all of your hotbars FLASH BLUE NONSTOP on top of it (that's what happens when you're melee and have +30 instant action abilities to manage) + having skills go (almost) black even if they're ready for use does not equal a 'quite pleasant and good visual CD system.'


if anything, it is the worst visual UI system I've seen in my life. And I started playing MMOs back in '98 with Ultima Online.

Edited by darthtoph
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^ This


Where is the customer support? Missing. I'd be bending over backwards with an apology if thousands of my paying customers were upset.


Thing is guys. This game has already made the money they wanted from sales. They couldn't give a **** about us now. This is how EA works. It is their business model. Check every other game title they publish. BW may of been left with the development, but the lack of customer service stinks just like EA.


They already responded to the thread saying they forwarded it to the developers. Let's not let facts get in the way of a good old fashioned witch hunt.

Edited by Naroga
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Hi folks,


Thanks very much for the feedback on this. We've sent this up internally to investigate and we will update as soon as we have more information for you. Thank you for your patience.


Just to bring it up, they are looking at it. No answer yet as I assume this will take some internal work and decision making.

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Unfortunately for you, this time and for this case precisely, you are wrong and it is easy.


It's only easy if the code for both are actually in at the same time and can co-exist. Chances are that this is not true at all: the old one was likely pulled out.

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Originally Posted by gryhmr

are you a doctor? can you explain why i got dizzy when i never get that feeling in other games or even yesterday in the same game?


No, I am not a doctor. I plan on becoming one, but I am not trained to give you feedback on that, much less on the internet.


Again not directed at you, id expect a to-be doctor to be smarter and know this already

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I have been very disappointed and frustrated with all three iterations of the quickslot animations so far.


The current version is clunky in the same way as the original (launch) was - the GCD indicator is far too dominant. The launch version more or less blacked out all icons when a GCD was in effect, and the current version instead makes all icons a grey/blue blur under the same circumstances.


The GCD indicator is supposed to be a very faint color layer upon the icons. It's just there to indicate the "flow" of input, when the system is ready to receive a new command - nothing more.


The MAIN purpose of quickslot animation is to indicate the cooldowns/requirements for abilities. There needs to be a easy to tell difference between a ability that is ready for use and one that isnt - at all times. Brightly lit up icon? It's ready for use. Significantly tinted icon? It's not ready for use. The GCD indication should in no way obscure this information, ever.

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Just to bring it up, they are looking at it. No answer yet as I assume this will take some internal work and decision making.


Uh, this is exactly what they said when they made the terrible fix to the cooldowns last time.


And THIS was the result. I can only imagine the result of their next "investigation" will be something even worse.

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80 pages BioWare where the hell are you?


They're not here. They're busy working on future content which is why things on the PTS are for bug-review and not good design review.


This game has horrendous project and design management. the personal preferences of a few design challenged folks will throw a wrench into the whole works (hello cooldown bar version 3).

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