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New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


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I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.

Edited by Genoskislol
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There are a lot of ppl on this thread that need to mind their own business. If we do not like the new UI changes, it is our right to come here and say so. If you don't like our opinions, feel free to shut up and mind your own business. You like the changes, good on you, make your own thread about how awesome they are. We will see which one get more replies.
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I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.


The prerequisites to cause a seizure is different in every person so grats on your ignorance at the health issues of other

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Sigh. This is what I mean. You're probably the 1,000th person to come in here and try to make fun of people for complaining about the "flashy lights" when that's not the true problem.


With the previous UI, abilities would only grey out if they were unusable (conditionals not met, insufficient resources, incorrect range to target, etc). Therefore, when they were on CD, you would know if they'd be usable after CD. This is especially critical for a class like the Warrior, since you often want to know what abilities you have sufficient rage for before the GCD ends so you can plan.


Now abilities grey out when on cooldown as well; the GCD greys everything out and you don't know in advance whether some abilities will be usable or not.


Edit: what's worse is the people saying "go back to the first UI!", since that shares the same problem as this one. The only issue with the second was that you couldn't tell at a glance whether abilities with long CDs were available or nearly available.


Which I can agree with


If people are TRULY having health issues it should be looked at. Most def. But I am sure a lot of people are using that excuse just to get it rolled back.


A option to change it back and forth would be nice just so people who do like it can use it. Maybe a option for rage/heat/focre/etc dependent class's let them be grey'd out and open up for use when you have the select amount of rage for that skill be open. So it does give you the option to see your choices with the select amount of rage/heat/force/etc that you currently do have. Add timers also to each skill so that it correctly does show the CD so people don't waste time spamming skills that aren't correctly shown, for those that really do care about their rotations and etc

Edited by OpenConflict
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They need to test this sort of thing across the masses and classes before they roll it out. They also need to allow options for folks to turn off new "features" this is a total failure.


How Bioware deal with this will decide on if this title fails or not. It is that simple. If they can't get the basic GUI right and listen to their playerbase at this stage this game will go the way of every other EA title.

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I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.


are you a doctor? can you explain why i got dizzy when i never get that feeling in other games or even yesterday in the same game?

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The new GCD is too freakin' stylized. It's the gcd/cd "wipe" effect that is broken. You guys insist on continuing to use it. Just put a numeric counter on the ability that tracks seconds (and milliseconds when gcd/cd is <1sec), rather than the "wipe" effect.


It's the wipe effect. It was always the wipe effect.

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Long story short, from what I've read/seen:


New version reverts to original version (version 1), with the addition of completely worthless flash.


Longer story:


So all those who thought the original version (version 1) was useless, (namely Jedi Knights and Sith warriors, who have to deal with numerous conditional and variable cost abilities) find the new version worthless.


Those who disliked the previous version (version 2) because it made long cooldowns hard to tell if they were up (namely the other classes) prefer the new version.


Actually implementing one of the various fixes suggested on the boards that would have addressed both problems? Apparently too complicated for the devs.


Solutions: Keep the flash, unrevert the actual "graying out" functionality back to what it was in version 2 instead of how it's now back to version 1's. Flash would be annoying, but at least this would be relatively functional. (still have to pay attention to the flash though, a "quick glance at current state" would still be hard to tell between something on 2 seconds left of 3 min cooldown or off cooldown)


Better solution: Only grey things out if they are on their own cooldown or unuseable, not if they are on GCD. (or if GCD remaining >= their own remaining cooldown) And ditch the stupid flash. If it's bright, it is useable now or once GCD is over. If it's not bright, it's not.



This isn't rocket science, Bioware.

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I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.


ANYWAYS, i like the new flashy thing. Although i do wish it was toned down a bit. We should have the option to fade it in and out as we please, it is a little hard to see which abilities are ready etc.


You know someone who gets seizures.


Does that give you a qualification? No.


I have been trained extensively in emergency medicine, and we deal with seizures every day. While I couldn't see anyone with moderate to severe epilepsy playing this game AT ALL being a good idea, your flashing hotbars are, in fact, enough to trigger a reaction in some people. Especially from being in the peripheral field of vision, which I understand makes frequency rise.


Furthermore, in people with mild to moderate migraines, it triggers scorching headaches and mild nausea. I don't need a certification to tell you that, because I have personal experience. Twice now, I get migraines when I try to play this game, last time associated with mild nausea but nothing I couldn't handle.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Yes - bioware, i do not care how you change it, just do it fast! It is IMPOSSIBLE as a marauder to determine when your abilities are ready during GLOBAL COOLDOWN - i don't care about the flashing, screw headaches - while fighting. Since attacks are instant, i am under the global cool down constantly, and all my attacks are blacked out. I can't see which are ready, i just use attacks and hope they are.


This makes my class unplayable - i have leveled it to 42, and it is, as of now, a pain in the *** to play.


This must be changed .. and fast! Atleast just make a tick bar in preferences that allows us to somehow go back to the old pre 1.1.2 ui, since it was working perfect for me. Or change it, i don't care - i just want to be able to determine which attacks are ready to be performed during global cool down, or i don't stand a chance against anything - heck, pvp is impossible now. I don't have time to spam 3 different buttons, hoping i have enough rage to actually perform the abilities.


This issue calls for an emergency patch tomorrow lol.. If you ask me, this is severe, and is impacting the game SO much more than a simple quest bug, or 3% crit that doesn't proc from a talent ..

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the fact that this is making people ill, including me should mean they should act fast. as it stands they had one post about how they are talking about it. its not an issue of like.dislike its the issue that i get severely dizzy playing this game when i never had that problem in this or any other game before.


This is the problem, they stated they are "investigating" it but the fact that people are having physical issues (headaches, dizziness, nausea) is kinda severe and should have been adjusted already. Even a temporary roll back is better than not doing anything at all.


People are complaining about the legitimate reports of headaches and dizziness and making fun of those who are experiencing this. We are not asking for them to fix this because we simply "do not like change" this is physically affecting us. I personally do not care about anything but the flashing every 1.5 seconds while in combat.

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I find it funny how people say it'll give you seizures, F'n BS it will - its not flashy enough. I know someone who gets seizures, and they only play/watch TV for 30 minutes to an hour at a time to avoid seizures... This new flashy thing isn't enough to do this to someone.



Do you have medicine M.D. or at least a diploma? Or anything about neurology? No? Ok, shut up then.


If people say it increased their eye strain and what not, it probably did, regardless if the effect is proven or is psychological.


Fact : a vast amount of people are inconvenienced by it in one way or another, so either BW reverts it back or they give the option to choose between them.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Just to throw in my random page 79 comment.


As a result of a bug with the cover bar and the new effect, I've discovered that the new effect actually works quite well (for me) IF the white border is removed from the effect. If the borders on the quickslots remain a consistent color, all else remaining as it is now, it's actually a quite pleasant and good visual CD system. It's just that white border that is the total visual overload...


EDIT: Here's a screenshot, btw... http://i.imgur.com/btu54.png

Edited by nezroy
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How hard is it to fix the ability bar?


1. If an ability can be used then it should be in full brightness and color

2. If an ability is on cooldown then is should be faded out with a clear indication of time to use.

3. During the global cooldown, an overlay is laid over all abilities that are available.

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The prerequisites to cause a seizure is different in every person so grats on your ignorance at the health issues of other


Whoa whoa whoa, hold off on the ignorance talk. Seizures can be caused by very minor things depending on the case. Some people probably can't even play the game pre UI fix. But its a little over the top with the reactions these threads have been getting. Come in the thread, give your complaint and thats it. The bashing and whining is getting old.


A simple "The new UI is giving me a headache" would suffice but people have to take it to another level. I guarantee you this will be fixed..and no, a roll back is not needed they will just apply a patch. Lets not be so over dramatic forum goers.


These armchair programmers are ridiculous though. "SIMPLY PUT IN AN OPTION FOR BOTH!!"It's not that easy. I would say just look at mmo histories path both that won't do a bit of good with this forum.

Edited by TheSpeeGamers
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This is the problem, they stated they are "investigating" it but the fact that people are having physical issues (headaches, dizziness, nausea) is kinda severe and should have been adjusted already. Even a temporary roll back is better than not doing anything at all.


People are complaining about the legitimate reports of headaches and dizziness and making fun of those who are experiencing this. We are not asking for them to fix this because we simply "do not like change" this is physically affecting us. I personally do not care about anything but the flashing every 1.5 seconds while in combat.


Well said. After 30 minutes, I had headaches. After 45, I am now feeling nausea. Please Bioware do something about this.

Edited by aharoncagle
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Do you have medicine M.D. or at least a diploma? Or anything about neurology? No? Ok, shut up then.


If people say it increased their eye strain and what not, it probably did, regardless if the effect is proven or is psychological.


Fact : a vast amount of people are inconvenienced by it in one way or another, so either BW reverts it back or they give the option to choose between them.


Edit: Nvm, not directed at me. Didn't realize. Have an excellent day, Ramza.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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