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Penalty for leaving warzones !!!


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Oh c'mon who really thinks they all leave because of huttball? Ever wondered why this problem doesn't exist in 10-49 warzones? Yes, there are leavers too but it doesn't matter because it's one or two players a game.


Daylies/Weeklies get people nuts. It's a simple scheme: You need 3 wins, so every match that doesn't look like a win is time you could spend cycling arround in Ilum, farming chests brainlessly and being an *sshole to everyone playing arround you. Not having PvP equip makes playing so terribly inbalanced you have to spend hours a day farming even if this is so absolutely brainf*ck. Thus everyone gets impatient, thus everyone acts like complete jerk and thus everyone is leaving 50s PvP.


This is the reason I'm thinking about rerolling a low level char so I can PvP in peace with less stressed people in much more balanced and interesting games.


So the root of all evil isn't the leaving of someone, it's this cursed PvP gear. Make it available much faster like in every game who really cares about PvP and this problem will decrase on it's own. (oh hello dear BM equipeds, I'm looking forward to your flames <3 )

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