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PvP needs more than two sides


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Ive said it for years and i still cant figure out why there arent three sides to these games.


Surely you could have republic, empire, and a mercenary/neutral faction in this game. It brings a unique game dynamic and it ALSO BALANCES OUT PVP. How you ask? When X side gets too strong, the underdogs can "team up" to take on the stronger side. AC had his concept and it was brilliant. You could pick a faction (you could also change but it was a week lockout) and go at it in faction vs faction. Remember planetside? Great pvp because of three sides.


Seriously any pvp game made needs to have at least three factions or be completely FFA to eliminate one side being overpopulated. Why couldnt anyone figure this out by now?

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another thread like this...


this should of been posted in ALPHA... not after release...


its too late...


get over it....


enough of these....


find something else to whine about.


not whining at all, also no threads on this that i could find recently.


Guess since im playing the game i am over it......


Your post was pretty much worthless.......



did i use enough periods..........

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It worked in DAoC! Wait, no it didn't. It worked in AC2! Wait, no it didn't. Well, so much for that...


It worked great for DAoC. AC2 had numerous bugs on launch and turbine just never came back, too little too late. Hella fun PVP in that game though. The concept worked great but they never went farther with it because of trying to add actual content to the game (which lacked badly).

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Ive said it for years and i still cant figure out why there arent three sides to these games.


Surely you could have republic, empire, and a mercenary/neutral faction in this game. It brings a unique game dynamic and it ALSO BALANCES OUT PVP. How you ask? When X side gets too strong, the underdogs can "team up" to take on the stronger side. AC had his concept and it was brilliant. You could pick a faction (you could also change but it was a week lockout) and go at it in faction vs faction. Remember planetside? Great pvp because of three sides.


Seriously any pvp game made needs to have at least three factions or be completely FFA to eliminate one side being overpopulated. Why couldnt anyone figure this out by now?


To split the playerbase in to from the beginning is just stupid.

In every "real" / "good" mmo you can attack everyone, everywhere (except a few proteted noobie/carebear areas)

Anything else is just retarded.


Atleast make it possible to war other guilds, jesus christ.

Carebear attack more

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If there is a big push with the current subscribers then Bioware will look into it. It would be a huge undertaking. So if we come together and tell Bioware we want this, then I strongly feel that their first true expansion would have this.


You believe what you want.

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To split the playerbase in to from the beginning is just stupid.

In every "real" / "good" mmo you can attack everyone, everywhere (except a few proteted noobie/carebear areas)

Anything else is just retarded.


Atleast make it possible to war other guilds, jesus christ.

Carebear attack more


Jeez I miss those games =D When the goal of PvP wasn't to get the highest score in a mini-game, but to stay alive and keep all your gear. When you joined a guild not for an extra chat channel, but to SURVIVE.

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This subject haunted SWG for years. I'm willing to bet this person played SWG. I say no since for this game it would be tons harder to implement than SWG would have been. For a new faction in this game you would have to create new storylines, characters, armor, skills, and the whole werx. I would rather them balance the pvp system first then have a team dedicate to this. Edited by bellok
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It worked great for DAoC. AC2 had numerous bugs on launch and turbine just never came back, too little too late. Hella fun PVP in that game though. The concept worked great but they never went farther with it because of trying to add actual content to the game (which lacked badly).


sure it did in daoc... /sarcasm off...


you brain must of forgotten. which realm dominated most servers... midgard... the land of instas...


till a round of nerfs... then it moved to albion... etc etc... yeah 3 realms was great... LOL that was sarcasm by the way...

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Lorewise I think it would be pretty easy to put in a new faction....just make the independent- bounty hunters, smugglers, and if you NEED jedi make Exiles (like ben kenobi or the Exile from Kotor 2)


Sadly this is WAY to late for that. Think of the new areas, stories, voiceacting, and additional cost of producing all that. Not to mention the time. It took over 3 years for 8 classes, imagine how long it would've take for 12. Not to mention all the bugs and balance, some of which still needs fixing.

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Ive said it for years and i still cant figure out why there arent three sides to these games.


Surely you could have republic, empire, and a mercenary/neutral faction in this game. It brings a unique game dynamic and it ALSO BALANCES OUT PVP. How you ask? When X side gets too strong, the underdogs can "team up" to take on the stronger side. AC had his concept and it was brilliant. You could pick a faction (you could also change but it was a week lockout) and go at it in faction vs faction. Remember planetside? Great pvp because of three sides.


Seriously any pvp game made needs to have at least three factions or be completely FFA to eliminate one side being overpopulated. Why couldnt anyone figure this out by now?


I get a giant kick out of posts like these. I wonder if you actualy played AC. AC was a giant one sided zerg. It was a dissaster of a game and is still to this day almost totaly played by ACTOOL bots entirely. DAOC had 3 sides. On every server one side was over 60%of the population. They always won. When the devs implimented /level and population buffs the game evened out a tad but it was still as one sided as it can be. It also turned the game into musical servers and marked its end just like Rift is doing now with free transfers.


Its a pretty simple fix. Make both sides truely equal. When Imps dont have a 30% faction wide dmg advantage and there are no "cool factor" broken abilities on Republic side people with a tine bit of incentive will start playing more republic.


Does it all matter anways? I mean this game is going ftp in less then a year and everyone knows it.

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Lorewise I think it would be pretty easy to put in a new faction....just make the independent- bounty hunters, smugglers, and if you NEED jedi make Exiles (like ben kenobi or the Exile from Kotor 2)


Sadly this is WAY to late for that. Think of the new areas, stories, voiceacting, and additional cost of producing all that. Not to mention the time. It took over 3 years for 8 classes, imagine how long it would've take for 12. Not to mention all the bugs and balance, some of which still needs fixing.


Yes, and the amount of work you would need to do for existing classes isn't worth it.

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