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100% user impacting maintenance?


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Actually, the OP is complaining that they do downtime maintenances at all, and was very specifically asking when they'd stop.


Which, of course, they won't, because this is an MMO, and his expectations are unrealistic.


I see what your saying but going off of this statement:


"It is unfortunate but my playtime always perfectly syncs with your maintenance. It also seems your maintenance happens all too frequently with massive windows of downtime affecting 100% of your user base."


My feeling when I was referring to the OP was this.

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Let's be honest, the current timing is favouring our brothers at the other side of the ocean. Not that they had anything to say about it. Regardless, in long term I wouldn't settle for the current status quo; if you live in Europe you'll miss half a day of play. Since the problem isn't solved by trading times, the only solution would be by seperating maintenance to different regions. And why not? It's win-win.
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I am one of the MANY off-shift working players.

On a normal patch night I get home just in time to NOT play... (between 1-2am mountain).

As has been pointed out by several previous posts, server populations are still high at midnight in the USA, and many of us are only just logging in at that time (or later). WoW does weekly maintenance at around 4am mountain on tuesday morning unless it is a major content or bug patch. No one is arguing that down time is needed, just start later!

And for those of you posting that we should all get new jobs to support EA's schedule, grow the hell up!


I'm also an off-shift and get home roughly an hour before downtime. While I understand that they want to fix the bugs that we are dealing with and maintance is needed. I have quite a few mmo's under my belt and don't think any of them started this early. So I have two options, do something else or go to bed. Seriously, just deal with it, what part of entertainment is being missed here? If you think that EA is going to change their schedule to suit you, you're also dreaming. For one simple fact, you can't please everyone all the time.


Someone, somewhere is going to feel burned, and rightly so, but it is what it is.


I do believe that Oceanic and US servers should have different downtimes as well. But I don't believe QQ about it every Monday/Tuesday is helping.


Now with that being said, the extra down time that we have experienced I believe should be credited back to us in some form or another, as was done in other MMO's when they first went live (i.e. WoW).


My 2 coppers anyway.

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Every week same stupid topic.

It is a WEEKLY SCHEDULED Maintenance!

It happens at night for America and morning/midday for Europe.

This is the time when less players actually play or are able to log in the game, because they are either sleeping or at work/school.

Stop this ridiculous qq, the maint time is scheduled perfect imo, for both american and european citizens.

It is a mmo, it has maintenances. Deal with it.

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You would have a point but the servers are at the lightest populations across ALL the servers at 2-3am PST or 4-5am CST.


Don't believe me? Check the server status page at 12am PST and again at 2am PST.


There is absolutely no reason not to adjust downtimes to coincide with low populations rather then during heavy populations.


Except for the fact that it will be day/evening and still maintenance for the Europeans.


But I understand that some Americans don't know that there is a world past their two neighboring countries and the dune seas of middle east.

Edited by Nessirin
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Clocks hit 2:00 every day, not just on Tuesdays.


....Uh...yes... obviously. It was still a day/time chosen with only a very few days tracked before it was chosen. That's my entire point. They've now had a lot more time, and I wanted to see if the data still pointed at this being the best time. Please read my entire post. Thanks.

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Give it time man... all mmorpg's have loads of patches and downtimes at their start... it will settle down...


One thing though "Paying costumers" ??


Isn't that what a costumer is ? Someone who pays for a something or some service ? :)


We know... you play the game, you pay... I think BW actualy does know that already :)


It isnt about a MMO or about that there are patches, but that bioware just cannot plan their downtime correctly. They now CHOSE to screw over a huge group of players.

WOW had problems with patches and downtimes at the start but they where all at NIGHT 3-8AM not during the bloody day.


Stop this ridiculous qq, the maint time is scheduled perfect imo, for both american and european citizens.


Not for Europeans maby for you americans but there are also people playing on a timezone different from yours.

Edited by LightShad
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....Uh...yes... obviously. It was still a day/time chosen with only a very few days tracked before it was chosen. That's my entire point. They've now had a lot more time, and I wanted to see if the data still pointed at this being the best time. Please read my entire post. Thanks.


They ran betas for months before launch. They've got a ton of data on this. Even with the lower population they'd have been able to get a really good idea when their slowest hours are.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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this subject is intresting yet also a pain in the rear for some


i am from the UK or for BW the euro time zone i live an odd life some weeks and so the USA time zones are a better downtime for me as its not to bad


but on days like today i wake up oh its 7am right in 1 hour at 8am it goes down till roughly 12:00 (based on them saying 4 hours time) thats my morning up the wazoo


it would be a HELL of a lot better to have europe and the usa to have a difrent mantince times as then the usa are happy n the europe players are happy


but as its current state its crap for the players in europe and england get it right in the neck

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Cant we just have a spare server for the diehards when maintenance occurs? I remember another MMORPG that did this and had great results. You can't play your main on your select server, but at least you can still play.
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They ran betas for months before launch. They've got a ton of data on this. Even with the lower population they'd have been able to get a really good idea when their slowest hours are.


Well, then I'll just have to beg your forgiveness that I have the gall to politely ask BioWare if their studies still show it's the best time (note: I AM NOT DEMANDING IT CHANGE, I am only asking if it's been reviewed), because it's irritating to me that the servers come down right after dinner. I hope you don't mind.

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None of the maintenances have gone that long. Most are over within 4 hours of start. Besides, at 9 am, shouldnt you be at work?


once it was down till 22:00 CET or something around that, but that has only happened once, ~2-3 weeks ago

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The OP's gripe is not that maintenance is being done, it's about the fact that it's being done at such an early hour. As WoW players for 6+ years, we are fully aware and accustomed to weekly maintenance schedules. That is not the issue, as so many of the brainless people here are apparently unable to understand. All he and many of we others are asking is just to move the down-time back a few hours; say 5AM CST instead of prime-time.


But really, the point is moot because they're not even paying attention, nor do they give a ****.


And I whole-heartedly agree with fixing the current problems instead of adding more content (read: bugs) to the game.





...**** it, doesn't matter.

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They ran betas for months before launch. They've got a ton of data on this. Even with the lower population they'd have been able to get a really good idea when their slowest hours are.


Didn't the betas take place predominantly in the US?

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It's an MMO standard to have weekly maintenance. That's what the $15 a month goes towards.


It's a bad MMO standard to have weekly maintenance that includes downtime of all servers.


In 8 years of playing guild wars since beta, which has an extremely large player base, there has not been one time ever their servers went down. Ever. Instead, they patch in the background and you get a message to simply restart your client. Oh, and there's no subscription.


As for this game. I don't mind the weekly maintenance and downtime. It's a new game, sure it sucks. But it's once a week. Emergency non-scheduled maintenance sucks too, but hey it's for a reason. The game's an infant and is growing/fixing/changing. So I'm cool with that. Though, even though the timing of the maintenance/patches doesn't directly effect me. I feel for the people that it does effect. Sure it's at 12-3am here in the states. But what about Euro/Aussie players? It's right in their prime time. Middle of the day. That sucks for them to be constantly shafted. Either alternate times every week. Or do the normal logical thing, Patch regions servers to their "slow times". IE. Patch euro servers at 2am EURO time... That just makes sense. And I don't blame people for canceling subscriptions, it just shows lack of the best interest of your players, who are paying a subscription.

Edited by simP_
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Every week same stupid topic.

It is a WEEKLY SCHEDULED Maintenance!

It happens at night for America and morning/midday for Europe.

This is the time when less players actually play or are able to log in the game, because they are either sleeping or at work/school.

Stop this ridiculous qq, the maint time is scheduled perfect imo, for both american and european citizens.

It is a mmo, it has maintenances. Deal with it.

You are right, maintenance from 8am to 1pm and the dailies that get reset at 1pm is fully logic and normal thing for a MMO :rolleyes:

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The OP's gripe is not that maintenance is being done, it's about the fact that it's being done at such an early hour.


You must not have read his gripe. Here's my favorite part:


What are your plans to arrive at a place where you do not impact your paying customers to do maintenance on the game? Q1, Q2?


Q1? Q2? Try never. This is an MMO.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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yes for the USA players the times fine and theres no problems


fixing the game i am all for it infact i styill pay my £8.99 a month for that side of things


what i am and i am sure a lot of otherts are complaining at is the

BS times the servers go down for the euope players


i mean out of all the USA players reading this aks your self


how would you feel having your servers going down at 8am or there abouts till 12 noon


well how would you feel ?

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Give it time man... all mmorpg's have loads of patches and downtimes at their start... it will settle down...


One thing though "Paying costumers" ??


Isn't that what a costumer is ? Someone who pays for a something or some service ? :)


We know... you play the game, you pay... I think BW actualy does know that already :)


MMO players are not your typical dumbmass console gamers.A lot of usplay most of the night. 12am is bloody prime time for alot of mmo players. Its fing ridiculous shutting down at 12am, use your head ppl. Shut it down at 5am. Learn from the ole`mighty and hated wow service crew, or better yet the old starwars galaxies. They shutdown at 5am and backup at 6am. That was perfect!

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yes for the USA players the times fine and theres no problems


fixing the game i am all for it infact i styill pay my £8.99 a month for that side of things


what i am and i am sure a lot of otherts are complaining at is the

BS times the servers go down for the euope players


i mean out of all the USA players reading this aks your self


how would you feel having your servers going down at 8am or there abouts till 12 noon


well how would you feel ?


I have also played MMOs that downtime was based on EU times. Never once had a crying fit over it.

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You must not have read his gripe. Here's my favorite part:




Q1? Q2? Try never. This is an MMO.


Considering the OP is an RL friend, I know his gripe much better than you think you do. He's referring to the impact of the user base, not the fact that maintenance is being done at all. You might want to re-read my previous post.

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