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Darth Angral


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He's easily the toughest enemy in the Jedi Sentinel's class story.


I died about 7 times against the guy despite being over leveled. The time I finally won I did with about 60% health left. Apparently I slaughtered him despite not majorly changing strategies or interrupt timing.

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Something is off with him, as I wiped the first time I fought him after going from ~30% health to zero in 2 seconds, without missing an interrupt on his channeled ability.

On second try I killed him without any problems using the same tactics.

If I remember correctly, I was lvl32 Sentinel at the time.

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I think the Emperor would be the toughest as a Jedi Sentinel.


I don't know why people have problems with Valis and this is actually the first complaint I've heard about Angral.


I breezed through both and I don't really feel I'm a particularly above average Sentinel.

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I've heard so much about how Angral was a tough one but I managed to interrupt his skills and the whole fight was a piece of cake (as a sentinel).



With the Emperor one must remember that interrupting his cast during the third wave is paramount, he can one shot you even if you are full health.

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