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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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I cant wait till GW2 comes out.... .....So the whiners will leave. :D


The funny thing is that they will probably continue the whine on that forum.

There is some things I can agree on and that is that illum needs fixing, to much lag and how valor gains works now promotes kill trading so no real fighting going on.


Don't understand the battle master whine either couse I rather use my pve set when doing pvp and I'm succesful expertise is overrated.

Sure I loose when queueing solo and meeting organised groups but that has nothing to do with the gear your using.

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Like pve? no thanks. Go for Datacrons, I have almost all of them.

I play Online Games for pvp. And in this game the pvp suck, I REALLY HOPE BW CHANGE THIS **** OR THE GAME WILL DIE FAST.

I know alot of ppl that play cos they pay 6 month, maybe BW have 1.3 millon subscribers now but if the thing continue like this by July or june this game will be dead


No, the game won't die fast because we (PVPers) are a small part of the MMO playerbase. Sorry but that is the truth. I'm thinking they probably will fix the pvp in the game but that is why it hasn't really been their top priority during the first couple of months after release. I'm sure its coming though.

Edited by eklipzze
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No, the game won't die fast because we (PVPers) are a small part of the MMO playerbase. Sorry but that is the truth. I'm thinking they probably will fix the pvp in the game but that is why it hasn't really been their top priority during the first couple of months after release. I'm sure its coming though.


they really cant fix it tbh

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In regard to the original question posed...


Because I'm having fun. I can't imagine paying 15$ a month on something I don't enjoy.


I'm an above average PVPer (6.5/7 out of 10, let's say, probably an 8 after another month or so and my new mouse), a well-above average PVE-er, and I enjoy the mini-game that is making buttloads of credits.


Since this is in the PVP forum, I'll address that aspect primarily.


I find the war zones to be fun. They're simple, but that's welcome. Exploits aside, 8 vs. 8 is a good number. I'll take huttball over AV any day of the week, and huttball is definitely my least favorite of the three at present.


I only solo queue, which I imagine contributes to my enjoyment more than my frustration. If I did nothing but roll PUGs, I'd probably be bored 2 weeks after hitting 50 too. Instead, most of my games are actually pretty even and interesting rather than shut-out medal fests. There are morons on both sides of the field, most often, so it kind of evens out.


I feel like this game is pretty balance. No class ever absolutely destroys me (I play a Pyro PT and a Pyro Merc), making skill feel much more like a component and making my own progress as a PVPer much more real. If I fight a person one week and get smashed, I get a little more gear and learn, and if I do better the next time I see them, hey, cool. Eventually I kill them in a non-lame way, and I'm smiling for the rest of the night.


The reason things feel balanced is that everyone has a toolbox. Some classes have bigger toolboxes than other, but compared to other games, there's much more utility spread around. Almost everyone has a stun. Almost everyone has an interrupt. Almost everyone has a slow, a mezz. Everyone has an escape button and a resolve bar and a few defensive buttons to press.


Other games taught me to learn and accept that there were Kobiyashi Maru situations in PVP. Dual wielding class stuns you with your trinket down? You're dead. Guy with a big hammer is on you while his healer runs around pillar? You're dead.


That doesn't really exist in TOR outside of huge gear disparities and 2v1 situations. I can last at least 30 seconds against almost anyone in similar gear, which is long enough for me to outplay them rather than simply be paper, rock, or scissors.


To people who are threatening to unsub... what is it that you really want from the game? I don't mean which bugs do you want fixed, or which buffs or nerfs do you want to see, but in a more general sense, what are you hoping to experience that you aren't getting?


There is plenty of unfun baked into the PVP system (random bags, exploits, etc.), but that stuff is being addressed with every patch. It will get fixed. If there's something less tangible that's causing your dissatisfaction, make a thread about THAT. Everyone knows what peripherals are wrong, but the personal equation is impossible to discern in the sea of QQ.



Well said man. Completely agree.

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The funny thing is that they will probably continue the whine on that forum.

There is some things I can agree on and that is that illum needs fixing, to much lag and how valor gains works now promotes kill trading so no real fighting going on.


Don't understand the battle master whine either couse I rather use my pve set when doing pvp and I'm succesful expertise is overrated.

Sure I loose when queueing solo and meeting organised groups but that has nothing to do with the gear your using.


Of course they will. When GW2 is released and fails to live up to their crazy expectations of perfection, they will be on the forum whining about how the game sucks and its dying. And how they can't wait for *insert next big mmo game* because it will be the best mmo ever made. lulz

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I'm waiting for GW2 myself too. But i don't expect it to be that super awesome some people allready make it.


I've tried at least 3 other MMO's since i left WoW and they all failed to serve those high expectations people currently have, which leads in a whine-ragequit-cycle just like here.


SWTOR is way better then most other MMO's i've played since i left WoW. So i'm sticking around.


I predict that the OP or those other guys yelling "PvP in SWTOR sucks, I wait for GW2!" will just get disappointed once again. The trick is to set down expectations, especially when the game is in such an early state like SWTOR currently is.


This being said: Goodbye my fellow whiners and we'll meet at the GW2 forums (where i'll prolly tell the exact same as now....)

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Of course they can... I have seen a million good ideas on here for fixing pvp.


So translation: Anytime someone says a game can't be fixed, it means they don't want them to fix it.




Look at ilum. why does it suck? cause the engine cant support massive battles. Dont even worry about the factional imbalance(oversight by bioware but u cant put 100% blame on them) cause in the best case sceniro of 50 repubs vs 50 empire ur just gonna get a big lag ball that nobody will enjoy. To fix this they would have to make changes to the engine(if they could even do it) and that will prob create a whole new set of problems.


World pvp. Same as ilum, crap engine doesnt support the big fights, planets are over instanced keeping enemy factions apart, most quest lines dont take u near the other faction and the icing on the cake is that it offers no reward so there is zero incentive. Why get a group to go into empire areas when warzones gives cerdits, exp and comms? World pvp was dead on arrival.


And then we have warzones. this is all we have now and tbh if all ima have is 8v8 i rather go back to shooters(well, i am goin back). Warzones is the only thing bioware can improve on, shell out a bunch of new maps and just call it a day. But we all know thats not gonna happen.

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I'm waiting for GW2 myself too. But i don't expect it to be that super awesome some people allready make it.


I've tried at least 3 other MMO's since i left WoW and they all failed to serve those high expectations people currently have, which leads in a whine-ragequit-cycle just like here.


SWTOR is way better then most other MMO's i've played since i left WoW. So i'm sticking around.


I predict that the OP or those other guys yelling "PvP in SWTOR sucks, I wait for GW2!" will just get disappointed once again. The trick is to set down expectations, especially when the game is in such an early state like SWTOR currently is.


This being said: Goodbye my fellow whiners and we'll meet at the GW2 forums (where i'll prolly tell the exact same as now....)



Edited by eklipzze
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I'm waiting for GW2 myself too. But i don't expect it to be that super awesome some people allready make it.


I've tried at least 3 other MMO's since i left WoW and they all failed to serve those high expectations people currently have, which leads in a whine-ragequit-cycle just like here.


SWTOR is way better then most other MMO's i've played since i left WoW. So i'm sticking around.


I predict that the OP or those other guys yelling "PvP in SWTOR sucks, I wait for GW2!" will just get disappointed once again. The trick is to set down expectations, especially when the game is in such an early state like SWTOR currently is.


This being said: Goodbye my fellow whiners and we'll meet at the GW2 forums (where i'll prolly tell the exact same as now....)



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I like this game, I find the pvp tolerable.


Isn't that the problem though? Shouldn't we be asking for more than tolerable? If all we wanted was tolerable we could have saved the $ on this game and just kept resubbing to WoW! I'm not bashing you or SWTOR but just saying shouldn't the fact that the majority of PvPers want more be enough for Bioware to want to deliver more!?

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I'm still PvPing because I don't give up on MMO's after 2 months. That and I have avoided burning myself out by also playing some Skyrim and Madden sometimes.


See you in Tera, or is 4 months not long enough for you to give up either?

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I'm just curious why so many people, allegedly, bought 6 month subs? It's not like they saved you heaps of money, or anything.


Indeed, when a game is brand-new, singing up to pay for 6 months out the gate when you might be bored inside a month or two is just... odd.

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I'm just curious why so many people, allegedly, bought 6 month subs? It's not like they saved you heaps of money, or anything.


Indeed, when a game is brand-new, singing up to pay for 6 months out the gate when you might be bored inside a month or two is just... odd.


same people who bought collector's editions

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27 wzs today 4 wins as Imperials in the lvl 50 bracket, rng bag system.. 3x helmet, 2x Mh, 2x OH, 3x belt, 2x legs, 3x implant.. rank 55 and still miss atleast 4 pieces of pvp gear, cuz i keep getting dublicates... why i stay??? Tbh i dont know anymore..




If loot is only reason for you to do pvp then you are playing it wrong, all you need at lvl50 is centurion gear and then you are done as stat diffirences are not that big after that.


Seems like pvpers that paly for improving their skills or just for challenge (1vs2+) are minority nowdays...


Not saying this game doesnt have it flaws as there are alot of them, but overall pvp is suprisingly balanced and WZ:s are actually good especially huttball that allows you use enviroiment to pissoff peoples (poison pool + gapple + stun = /trollface).

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im a hardcore pvp player dont ever buy a game with the intet to pve i cant stand it.


and im staying cuz imo this game is fun and there are some pretty good players on my server so im never short a good fight.


i did have to reroll on a new server but it was worth it.

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Playng only becose i got subscription for 30+ days.

Got few 50ties.

Finishing 70lvl Valor and 2x Daily to complete BM set.

Nothing else (when i get last 2 parts of BM) im done here for good.


Game is boring and unplayable in many aspects. 1.2 Patch wont change that sience they wanna give us OMG OMG aaaa GUILD bank!... Good Job! EA/Bioware.

My guild from 50+ players online (most of time) went to 5 players online.


Find me a MMO with GUILD SYSTEM, where You dont have Guild Bank at start :).

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Playng only becose i got subscription for 30+ days.

Got few 50ties.

Finishing 70lvl Valor and 2x Daily to complete BM set.

Nothing else (when i get last 2 parts of BM) im done here for good.


Game is boring and unplayable in many aspects. 1.2 Patch wont change that sience they wanna give us OMG OMG aaaa GUILD bank!... Good Job! EA/Bioware.

My guild from 50+ players online (most of time) went to 5 players online.


Find me a MMO with GUILD SYSTEM, where You dont have Guild Bank at start :).


Amen brotha, go ahead and add pointless to SWTOR in your signature

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