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If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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I hit my first 50, didn't like how PvP was so I re-rolled. This was in December when WZ's were just 50's facerolling the 10-49 players.


When I hit my second 50 I still didn't like how PvP was, so re-rolled again. After the 50 bracket was introduced I returned to this second 50 and tried it out. I did not like it due to geared pre-mades ruling the WZ's, and Ilum not being enjoyable.


I'm now a day or two away from hitting my third 50, so I will see how it goes now that the bag change has been implemented.


There are 42 days left in my subscription, and as of right now I don't see myself going beyond that. While there is far more to do at max level in SWTOR than the majority of other MMO's at their respective launches, I'm not finding it's content that I enjoy. The game's strongest point by far is the ongoing class storyline, but once that's done there's no draw to continue playing that character. It immediately switches from story-driven to gear-centric grind.

Edited by jcyrus
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But how can it NOT be better than this? I don't mind the cartoony graphics but the game looks beautiful there ...


And 3 factions?? If one faction is too big, team up with the other underdog. Betrayal, intrigue, maybe? Maybe not. Who knows?


But the World events also? The random World bosses that scale to how many people are fighting it? That sh*t sounds fckn awesome :p It's a world event if you run into any of the opposing faction on my Server's Ilum :D


GW2 is the kind of game that'll come out and need lots of tweaking, lots of balancing, patches for glitches, etc. But that's easier than creating loads of new content out of thin air and THEN having to go through said stages. These guys can't even get their lame-a** Ilum right :p


Also, the problem is that w/ a game like GW2 they can do pretty much ANYTHING. Taking on a franchise like SW is actually pretty difficult because Lucas Arts will want you to not go crazy with new things that don't 'fit' in with the movies, etc. The creative element is severely limited. Have we really seen anything that is THAT far removed from the movies? Lightning - CHECK. Light sabres - CHECK. Jawas - CHECK.


You wait for that game like it's the 2nd coming of Jesus. The majority of the pvp whiners here have irrealistic expectations. All they can say is that DAOC, AOC, L2, etc. are the best pvp games ever, and compared to them swtor sucks. Why aren't they playing those games then?

The same player base that whines here about pvp, will do the same amount of whining on the GW2 forums when they will have lag, server crashes because of open world pvp, low fps etc.

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The problem is ... "right now" they're in here whining that this game is not enough like this & that. Just while in the beta it was "This is yet another WoW clone" ... That sort of got me confused 'cos if these guys were calling this a WoW clone and now they're saying it's not enough like it ... geez, how *********** retarded are they ?!


They say "Stupid can't be fixed" ... makes me feel sorry for this community being stuck with so many of them.


Yet you didn't answer my Q. How would you feel having to play the same Flashpoint 10times in a row? With a total of only 3 to choose from? :p


It's all very well bad-mouthing the PvPers but what is wrong with enjoying a competitive multiplayer experience?


If this WAS only planned for PvE then that's extremely naive. Look at COD, the biggest selling gaming franchise in history. IMO, I can't stand the game, but 97% of COD players will buy that game solely for the multiplayer.


Instead of bad-mouthing the PvPers it's perhaps time to side-up with them, grit your teeth and help them argue their case because already, 1month in out of the 2mil copies sold there have been over 300K people unsubscribing. Game is what? Month and a bit old? :p


I'm afraid that to keep the good times rolling for PvE you NEED PvPers because we are the staggering majority, not the minority. We don't hate on you because you enjoy the story, so why hate on us because we love to rip each others pixels apart? LOL.


Even look on the YouTubes. A video putting up a Flashpoint playthrough may get a few hundred views. PvP spec advice/ PvP WZ = tens or hundreds of thousands of views. If you play through one class but wish to see another story unfold ... YouTube it. The money and longevity is in Multiplayer.


So we either work together or SWTOR will die on its a** :D

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You wait for that game like it's the 2nd coming of Jesus. The majority of the pvp whiners here have irrealistic expectations. All they can say is that DAOC, AOC, L2, etc. are the best pvp games ever, and compared to them swtor sucks. Why aren't they playing those games then?

The same player base that whines here about pvp, will do the same amount of whining on the GW2 forums when they will have lag, server crashes because of open world pvp, low fps etc.


People are whining about the LACK of variety most of all. I posed this Q to someone else who doesn't want to answer, but for all the PvEers, how would you feel about having 3 Flashpoints in total? And usually be made to play the same one 10 times in a row?


Why does it have to be 'Well I like PvE ... PvE is awesome right now ... I don't like PvP so fck you, PvPers!'


Love us or hate us, PvPers are a massive chunk of the gaming population on MMOs now. You wants MOAR PvE content being developed? Then you needs MOAR PvP subscriber moneys :eek: less PvPers = less PvE content because yours is WAY more expensive to produce. Storylines, voice actors, animations out the wazoooo ... ours? A map with one or two points and a timer LAWL ;) Who gets the short end of the poop stick when we leave?

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Yet you didn't answer my Q. How would you feel having to play the same Flashpoint 10times in a row? With a total of only 3 to choose from? :p


It's all very well bad-mouthing the PvPers but what is wrong with enjoying a competitive multiplayer experience?


If this WAS only planned for PvE then that's extremely naive. Look at COD, the biggest selling gaming franchise in history. IMO, I can't stand the game, but 97% of COD players will buy that game solely for the multiplayer.


Instead of bad-mouthing the PvPers it's perhaps time to side-up with them, grit your teeth and help them argue their case because already, 1month in out of the 2mil copies sold there have been over 300K people unsubscribing. Game is what? Month and a bit old? :p


I'm afraid that to keep the good times rolling for PvE you NEED PvPers because we are the staggering majority, not the minority. We don't hate on you because you enjoy the story, so why hate on us because we love to rip each others pixels apart? LOL.


Even look on the YouTubes. A video putting up a Flashpoint playthrough may get a few hundred views. PvP spec advice/ PvP WZ = tens or hundreds of thousands of views. If you play through one class but wish to see another story unfold ... YouTube it. The money and longevity is in Multiplayer.


So we either work together or SWTOR will die on its a** :D


Game has been out for about 2 months and yet you complain about the lack of content... very typical. I've enjoyed my time on SWTOR, stories & PvP.

And I'm sorry but ... no, PvP dudes are just people like others, you do not deserve anything more than others just 'cos you decide to wear that PvP crest on your chest.

That's like asking for a second plate while mom said "Well kid, tonight it's one plate and not a bit more".


I'd tell you to go **** yourself if I didn't know any better but ... I'm worth more than that.

I think I've made my point if my previous post, if that didn't satisfied you ... bah, I'm sorry but I clearly don't feel or have the need to justify myself or provide you with the answer you'd like me to have for you.


In the end, you are what I am... flesh & blood, just one damn step away from failure.

Keep that in mind.

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I'm still here b/c I truly enjoy the game. I play a lot; I pvp every day. More so on my alts than my 50 but I still pvp on the 50 occasionally.


I'm kind of growing tired of all the negativism though. If you don't like it or are tired then move on. Prove to yourself & us that you have the ability to control your life. Or wallow in your own self-pity & share it with us...

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Almost bm, then Ill prolly try to find some world pvp outside ilum (unlikely) then maybe Ill try gw2 or planet side 2.


Other people have been saying wait till the content comes, the devs said this and that.


That honestly doesn't mean anything after the whole ilum debacle which was promised to make pvp better.


We all know how that turned out.

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People are whining about the LACK of variety most of all. I posed this Q to someone else who doesn't want to answer, but for all the PvEers, how would you feel about having 3 Flashpoints in total? And usually be made to play the same one 10 times in a row?


Why does it have to be 'Well I like PvE ... PvE is awesome right now ... I don't like PvP so fck you, PvPers!'


Love us or hate us, PvPers are a massive chunk of the gaming population on MMOs now. You wants MOAR PvE content being developed? Then you needs MOAR PvP subscriber moneys :eek: less PvPers = less PvE content because yours is WAY more expensive to produce. Storylines, voice actors, animations out the wazoooo ... ours? A map with one or two points and a timer LAWL ;) Who gets the short end of the poop stick when we leave?


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing pvp, I came from Warhammer Online. I play this game from launch, and not bored with the 3 warzones yet. Since I'm playing a rep character I don't even have huttball pops 24/7. And i don't care how many flashpoints they add, I don't play any of them :D

And it's not like frack you pvp ppl. It's like frakc you whiners, cause you whine for the sake of whining. This game is not pure pvp, it's a pve game with pvp. There will be more pvp contents added, you just have to be patient. The devs are fixing the pvp bugs too, so I really can't understand the amount of QQ, after one and a half month...

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Love us or hate us, PvPers are a massive chunk of the gaming population on MMOs now. You wants MOAR PvE content being developed? Then you needs MOAR PvP subscriber moneys less PvPers = less PvE content because yours is WAY more expensive to produce. Storylines, voice actors, animations out the wazoooo ... ours? A map with one or two points and a timer LAWL Who gets the short end of the poop stick when we leave?


How can you plan PVP environments on a large scale before you get to see what it is players like to do? The players feedback is what developers make those decisions on - do you doubt there are numerous PVP instances in development at the moment? I hear there are more Huttball stages in development, which I like quite a lot. Three PVP instances and Ilum may be limited.


Honestly if you're in development or just launched and you want the PVP to be interesting and balanced, I would think you would want to start small. The PVP stages are dynamic, un-buggy and stable; its a lot better plan than going too far out on a limb and spending the next year trying to fix their mistakes (like MANY other companies).

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Its because everyone's faith is more or less rattled since the devs said they would fix ilum, and now it is more or less a broken mess. Peoples faith in the knowledge that the devs will actually make something that works is what is really in check it seems.
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Game has been out for about 2 months and yet you complain about the lack of content... very typical. I've enjoyed my time on SWTOR, stories & PvP.

And I'm sorry but ... no, PvP dudes are just people like others, you do not deserve anything more than others just 'cos you decide to wear that PvP crest on your chest.

That's like asking for a second plate while mom said "Well kid, tonight it's one plate and not a bit more".


I'd tell you to go **** yourself if I didn't know any better but ... I'm worth more than that.

I think I've made my point if my previous post, if that didn't satisfied you ... bah, I'm sorry but I clearly don't feel or have the need to justify myself or provide you with the answer you'd like me to have for you.


In the end, you are what I am... flesh & blood, just one damn step away from failure.

Keep that in mind.


Yet you will not answer the question :p you enjoy PvE yet they have only given you 3 Flashpoints, one of which you are made to play regularly 10times over. How would you feel? :p


And WHY are you even on a PvP forum slagging off PvPers?? LOLOL!! HeeHEE :D :D :D I don't go over to PvE forums and have a dig at you guys. I'm a PvPer, most of the people here are PvPers so I'm assuming that we know what we like/enjoy? Why are you trying to tell us what we SHOULD and SHOULDN'T like? :p


If this was a solely story-driven game then WHY is there even a PvP forum on here at all?? It is obviously acknowledged as being an important facet of a MMO, no?


You are funny my friend :D Apart from personal, unwarranted, superfluous and ungrounded attacks on PvPers as a whole your argument has no substance so if you consider yourself a PvEer then go back to your own forum and you'd be happier, no? :p


You obviously don't wish to answer my Q because you know you'd have to concede that your argument is that of a Strawman's, lacking as much integrity as your constant attacks on PvPers espouses :D


So all I have to say is g'day, Sir! And I wish any opponents I faced in PvP arena were as easy to best as your arguments and vitriolic assault have been against PvPers on this server. :p Now shoo LOL.

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only here's because there's no alternatives yet, but tera, secret world and gw2 aren't too far away.


I can assure you if these games don't create something outside the box, they will fail more hard than the game youre playing right now because they dont have the money EA has.

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How can you plan PVP environments on a large scale before you get to see what it is players like to do? The players feedback is what developers make those decisions on - do you doubt there are numerous PVP instances in development at the moment? I hear there are more Huttball stages in development, which I like quite a lot. Three PVP instances and Ilum may be limited.


Honestly if you're in development or just launched and you want the PVP to be interesting and balanced, I would think you would want to start small. The PVP stages are dynamic, un-buggy and stable; its a lot better plan than going too far out on a limb and spending the next year trying to fix their mistakes (like MANY other companies).


But 3 is so so SO limited ... To keep many here they'd need to smash out at least another 3 WZs in the next couple of weeks. Leaderboards, more rewarding PvP - who scored in Huttball? Give that man/girl some acknowledgement!


I've heard they're planning on releasing one more WZ the next big release. Too little, too late. Ilum is worthless, the current WZs are pretty broken. Huttball was ok until you have to play it hundreds of times over and over ... IMO there should have been 5-7 WZs released initially. That would have been plenty for a while. 5 years? 20 months per WZ?? LOL :p

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Its because everyone's faith is more or less rattled since the devs said they would fix ilum, and now it is more or less a broken mess. Peoples faith in the knowledge that the devs will actually make something that works is what is really in check it seems.


Ilum doesn't suck because of PVP - Ilum sucks because of the story. The story sucks because nobody can stomach the light side quests without barfing. The factions aren't balanced because the Republic storylines are an embarrassment. So back at'cha, i.e., PVP'ers make the point that PVE players need them if they want the game to continue; ironically the reason the PVP factions are so imbalanced has to do with a writing problem on the PVE side.


I would guess PVP'ers account for about half of the Republic faction's population. Them and wussies are the only ones who could stand it. I love smashing the republic so I don't care about the imbalance, and I love PVP actually, quite a bit.

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