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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If you are 50 and a PvPer, why are you still here?


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Could you at least attempt to use some form of proper spelling?


Besides, your argument is not coherent, truthful, or even contextually accurate.


Any MMO game that doesn't build competent platforms for end-game play is setting themselves up for a high-turnover customer base, but this goes triple for a game about "story". You can scream you love the story so much that you will have it's babies, but the bottom line is that there are only eight class stories and 2 sets of side quests and 2 sets of planet quests. Once that content is exhausted, there very simply is no more story.


The devs said in several places, "since 2008", that the game would incorporate PVP and that it would be a core component. Story is meant to add to the game, it isn't a single player game.


Finally, nothing in what you said has any application to what is being discussed in the thread. If you like the game -- if you and people like you appreciate the PVP -- if you think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread -- you are very simply WRONG.


This isn't an opinion issue.

This isn't a "well I like this or that" issue.


You have two maps directly copied from WoW, a borked open-world instance which has never worked and has horrible FPS even for people on dual-card 3 GB VRAM 16 GB rigs with i7's, and a nice original sport-PVP game that becomes a trial in masochism if you are a fresh 50. Saying "Bioware didn't say it was going to be about PVP" sounds about as useful as saying "Bioware never said there wouldn't be bugs" or "Bioware never said Ghraj wouldn't kill you clean inside the fleet".


Stop excusing broken systems because you like the story. I'm not comparing this game to SWG -- this game doesn't deserve to be compared to SWG, it's not even remotely good enough to be in that class.


I guarantee you when this thing goes down, be that in 1 month or 1 decade , no one will go and EMU it.


Exactly this. The "pvp" (if you can even call it that is a freaking joke in this game

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Could you at least attempt to use some form of proper spelling?


Besides, your argument is not coherent, truthful, or even contextually accurate.


Any MMO game that doesn't build competent platforms for end-game play is setting themselves up for a high-turnover customer base, but this goes triple for a game about "story". You can scream you love the story so much that you will have it's babies, but the bottom line is that there are only eight class stories and 2 sets of side quests and 2 sets of planet quests. Once that content is exhausted, there very simply is no more story.


The devs said in several places, "since 2008", that the game would incorporate PVP and that it would be a core component. Story is meant to add to the game, it isn't a single player game.


Finally, nothing in what you said has any application to what is being discussed in the thread. If you like the game -- if you and people like you appreciate the PVP -- if you think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread -- you are very simply WRONG.


This isn't an opinion issue.

This isn't a "well I like this or that" issue.


You have two maps directly copied from WoW, a borked open-world instance which has never worked and has horrible FPS even for people on dual-card 3 GB VRAM 16 GB rigs with i7's, and a nice original sport-PVP game that becomes a trial in masochism if you are a fresh 50. Saying "Bioware didn't say it was going to be about PVP" sounds about as useful as saying "Bioware never said there wouldn't be bugs" or "Bioware never said Ghraj wouldn't kill you clean inside the fleet".


Stop excusing broken systems because you like the story. I'm not comparing this game to SWG -- this game doesn't deserve to be compared to SWG, it's not even remotely good enough to be in that class.


I guarantee you when this thing goes down, be that in 1 month or 1 decade , no one will go and EMU it.

Perfect. And well written. Think this guy isn't gonna come up again. Not a bad thing though.

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Because Mark Hamil showed me there is always hope.


This is very true. Bioware could stun us all, as they did with the changes in ME2, and in a good way.


However, I am beginning to lose both patience and hope that this will be the case, and I am infuriated by those people who aren't even affected by the problems in content they don't play telling me there's nothing wrong with said content.


Mark Hamill was also an optimist.

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My question is what kind of crap life do you have that you wish to punish yourself under the guise of getting your money's worth?


If I went to the store, and got some $100 coffee maker, and took it home and it sucked, I would probably be pissed.


What I would not do is use it for 6 months (to get my money's worth) while ************ about the coffee the entire time. Every morning "oh god, this coffee is so bad. I don't know why I drink it". Yes, I don't get it either. You people are sick in the head to do this to yourself.


See sig.

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I think the better question is why are you still here in the forums if you quit/dont like the game.


Its kind of pathetic if you ask me. Keep spouting your opinions, maybe you'll see a dozen or two other people feel the same way so you dont feel as pathetic.

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I poop-socked it to lvl 50 and PvP sux!




I thought everything would be perfect the moment I hit max lvl before 95% of the rest of BW's customers!


Seriously? If you can't enjoy the game, make your suggestions, and wait a couple months from launch for endgame content to get perfected, just stop playing now. Nothing BW can, or will ever do, will appease you...

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Hopes and dreams i guess ... but its dissipating everyday , no plans on fixing ilum announced is just killing it.


like i care if there is a new warzone , and all ppl i knew that was playing already lost interest or are bored to death with ilum and skipping it getting bored as hell of warzones logging in less and less ... giving it a few weeks still , hoping bioware wakes up and does something with ilum if not its bye ! Going to try Tera when its officially out then wait for GW2 i guess , its like SWG was 3x better then this commercial BS moneygrabber with a thanks for your patience attached to it that will probably last forever.

Edited by WoLFpwr
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I'm staying cause I'm positive. I won't disagree with anything negative about Ilum thats already been said, and I'm getting alittle tired of huttball.


Now that I know server transfers are coming, well I'm going to a server where the republic is dominating(they exist, just not on my pvp server)

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