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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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Many classes have a hard time winning 1on1 verse sorcs,im just trying to figure out any class after the nerf that i can beat if i get the jump on,yah know what my class was kinda designed to do.

Most classes with a semi good player and equal geared toon should win or have a good fight if you get the first hit,sadly my first hit was grounded up and fed to the dogs.


Marauder/Sentinel/Assassin/Shadow destroy Sorcs/Sage in 1v1. Of course that depends on skill level. But your class wasn't designed to take people from 100-0. It was designed to pick people off, then vanish away.

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Play a sorc/sage for a while dude. all this wonderful goodness you think is just at our fingertips, still won't save your behind from anyone who knows their class.


Translation, I'm bad at playing a Sage so therefor Sages are bad.


Oh, and for the "Good thing this isn't a 1v1 game" people. I've seen teams with 8-9 Sorcs/Sages on them. If you think one is annoying try a whole team of them. They do enough damage that you can't just ignore them and it is 110% impossible for any 4 other classes to kill even 2 of a group of 4 Sages. They will just bubble/heal all your damage and lightning spam you to death. Tank/healer/2 dps? All that means is you don't have nearly the damage to kill one before they've shredded your team. Forget a balanced team, just stack Sorcs/Sages for the easy wins.

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Good players behind a Operative, marauder and powertech and really really good assassins will wreck most of the sorcs they come across.


If you are out in the open not able to line of sight we will kill you and you deserve it.


Half of our output feel like its tied into a 2.7-3.0 second channeled spell. Quit letting us cast it.


Melee train the hell out of sorcs. When we are moving our damage is manageable.


When i come across melee that knows how to play my preformance is crap, but most just go, "omg lighting qq run away! Nerf em!"



This is coming from an average player behind a sorc.

Edited by Epyon_
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The OP nerf was definitely over the top. To many things were nerfed when in reality it was the backstabbing after the initial opener that was the problem. The nerf to stacking buffs helped the big opener and it was livable then. Now I can not have bubble on me get jumped, knocked down, beat on and I walk away laughing.


You want to know why Operatives/Scoundrels were OP'd?


Two reasons:

1st) K.O. had a 3 second stun time and there was no recast time. Could you imagine having a limitless CC usable once every 10 seconds give or take? (Yes attacking wounded players or people being focused

2nd) Shoot first has no recast time, so its very easy to double tap someone with this


A Scoundrel could come in and do this to a player (before nerf) by double tapping shoot first:

1st) Shoot First does 6K damage (crit) + 3 sec stun

2nd) Back Blast 3K damage

3rd) Disappearing act

4th) Shoot first does 6K damage (crit)


So here is where you had players dying in 3 seconds (15K in 3 secs was very possible). Unfortunately Bioware screwed up on their nerf and went after Scoundrel DPS rather than the real problem fast reuse of K.O. and the ability to use our big nuke (Shoot First) two times in 2 secs using disappearing act.


The nerf that Bioware did addressed the issue, but they nerfed down Scoundrel DPS to a level not appropriate for a stealther class. If you pick up med pack, you can still do fairly well in PVP, but frankly its annoying as hell to have your base DPS nerfed for PVP and it impacts PVE really bad now for raids.



Bioware internal play testing crew does not have the skills to adequately play test SWTOR and its showing. All of the exploits and OP ability combos would have shown up in BETA had SWTOR hired the min/max crowd (I'm talking people who play 40+ hours a week, tops Warzone charts repeatedly) to play test PVP. In my opinion that is why everyone is livid. The BETA's were all short and to me worked the leveling train, they did little to nothing for end game. There was a few times to grant people level 40 characters for classes they didn't play. How the heck is someone going to find exploits or OP damage ability combos using a foreign class?


I love the game, but I'm so livid at Biowares ability to test combat in PVP and intelligently nerf/balance classes and find exploits in warzones that I just can't believe this is happening to SWTOR on release. The game needs to have better oversight, and a lot of these problems happening now can be fixed without the griping and the unsubscribes. I've seen a number of the elites from BETA pulling up stakes and leaving across the server due to exploits, Ilum, speed hacks, class imbalance, its frustrating :mad:.


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Yes so it isn't the fact that you don't worry about their damage by your own admission, it's just annoying that they can run and heal while being completely useless to their team fleeing from you.


lol this






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Marauder/Sentinel/Assassin/Shadow destroy Sorcs/Sage in 1v1. Of course that depends on skill level. But your class wasn't designed to take people from 100-0. It was designed to pick people off, then vanish away.


Even if the assassin can win a 1v1 fight he absolutely can't do it before the Sage goes trololo peace out and either runs back to his team or just hangs 30 meters off the objective negating any cap attempts and running if you try to deal with them. Sure, you can try to run them off while a friend caps, and then the second sorc does the same thing with him... saying "We can be beat 2v1" is far from balanced.


Not only are they the best 1v1 class, they also stack better than any other class.


Oh, one big problem is that their 2 minute autocrit cooldown that makes lightning 30 range makes EVERY TICK crit. If it made the first tick crit or made force lightning longer range rather than making it crit that would be far less abusive. Currently they pop their cooldown and for 6 seconds they are autocritting you for huge damage and snaring you to boot. "Use your interrupts" good plan, but you will die or they will be done channelling by the time you can close to do so. "Oh but some classes have a closer" so they do, then the sequence becomes knockback, autocrit, lightning spam. It's far more powerful than it should be.

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Yes so it isn't the fact that you don't worry about their damage by your own admission, it's just annoying that they can run and heal while being completely useless to their team fleeing from you.


You don't see that as an issue? A sorc/sage can ALWAYS stay on the front lines. They will just run heal and be back in the fight. That's a huge advantage. The difference between taking 15 seconds to get back to a point and 5 seconds. It's ridiculous on all warzone maps, especially voidstar. That's the difference between a bomb plant and no bomb plant. Like people have been saying, it's the utility of this class that needs a nerf not the numbers. That's what makes them an issue. This isn't a simple nerf x numbers here and y numbers there.

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I'm not really sure where people think Sorcs are unbeatable. Skilled melee will shut you down, especially if they make it a point to focus you. Marauders and Jugs jumping on your head will end up in a dead sorc pretty quick. They have gap closers and keep pressure well.


The biggest problem is that 75% of the community doesn't know how to use interrupts in pvp. All you have to do is get them interrupted and locked out a few times and the tables turn quickly.


Sorcs are low/medium, but sustained damage + aoe damage. They have strong heals, but again if you pressure them hard, they have to spend all their energy healing themselves or whoever is bg'ing them, which leaves the rest of the team to be eaten alive.


If you see a sorc, have a sin or ptech pull them into your group and destroy them. Alternatively have a marauder jump on them and make sure you lockout their lightning or heals. Without that, they aren't healing, and they aren't proc'ing wrath, which is why sorcs spam lightning to begin with. Then you take away chain lightning, lightning strike to a lesser degree, crushing darkness, etc. They still have it, but then it has cast time and less efficient.


One way or another, even if you don't kill them in that situation, they will run to go heal or avoid death, which means they aren't dpsing or healing other people, which nullifies their impact.

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lol this







The only time that would be remotely applicable is with Huttball. Yes, that BG where there are all the ramps up top to safely spray lightning from.


Both of the other BGs a Sorc can spend the whole match running and be unkillable and prevent taking any objective they are near.

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You fail at putting words in people's mouth dude. nerd rage on troll.


Look, you've admitted struggling in PvP yes? You're playing the most OP class. That means not only are you bad, you're monumentally bad.


I can't wait until the fotm class gets nerfed and you drown in your tears. You're already crying BEFORE the nerf.

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The only time that would be remotely applicable is with Huttball. Yes, that BG where there are all the ramps up top to safely spray lightning from.


Both of the other BGs a Sorc can spend the whole match running and be unkillable and prevent taking any objective they are near.


Yep you sure do know sorcs. They can throw a shock, and 1 low dmg dot while moving.

Either know what you are talking about or bugger off.

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So I attack a Sorc



I use my gap closer, he has bubble up, i do 4k dmg bubble breaks and im ccd for 3 seconds, another bubble goes up and he knocks me back and roots me, I can't trinket it because hell stun me if i do so i eAt the root and knockback and run back to him, snared while i move at him I get there in about 6 seconds, I break his second bubble for 4k, and I'm cc'd again, 3 seconds later I'm attacking him without bubble for the first time, his bubble will be up again in 8 seconds.


So he whirlwinds me, and runs to max range again, and snares me, so I run to him and bubble is up, and I break it (another 4k) and im cc'd again for 3 seconds. So he force sprints and hes at max range again, so I wade towards him (snared) and oh good knockbacks off cooldown


REPEAT AD *********** NAUSEUM, a good sorc can just CC run away bubble knockback root snare whirlwind force sprint ALL *********** DAY, if i stun him he trinkets, if i trinket anything he stuns me. They have too much control. Period, there is no counter, period.


Nerf sorc

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Yes, because it take him a good 30 seconds to get back into the fight. Oh wait no it doesn't. They're back in the fight faster than any other class. I'd appreciate it if you looked at this objectively and took the blinders off of your class. You all QQ'd about your hard counter and they got nerfed. Now that the rock to your scissors is gone people are truly seeing how your class is an issue yet you mock any attempt at constructive feedback. I have nothing more to say to you until you're willing to work with the people who think there's an issue. All you sorcs/sages are doing is saying L2P or LOL THAT'S STUPID. How about you address the points people are making with serious and thought out arguments of your own. I can steadfastly say that Sorcs/Sages need a nerf because I've yet to come across someone who's made a good argument as to why they shouldn't.

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Yep you sure do know sorcs. They can throw a shock, and 1 low dmg dot while moving.

Either know what you are talking about or bugger off.


How about you get the pack of ***** surgically extracted from your throat and lean to read.


That Shock and near invincibility while willing to kite means... no class can cap a point from them with remotely equal numbers. Even badly outnumbered 2-3 sorcs take long enough to kill that when you do kill one of them they have rezzed and run back before you can kill the next. It's very annoying to play against the teams that are 8+ Sage/Sorcs. When you hit 50 you'll see.

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Nice. This guy sees the nerf train coming and he's trying to point the finger at another class. Don't worry. I'm sure they'll see some adjustments as well.



Only lazy people post without facts. Just saying.


Swinging the ole nerf bat just because of....well, we don't know WHY do, we...doesn't count for anything in my book.


Please give us metrics, show us gear, fraps some warzone or duels with people'es gear, rotations, then post.


Otherwise, please troll elsewhere.

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