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Sage/Sorc needs a nerf!!


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Force lighting is the spamable skill that can be very strong as well as slow the target down.


Yes it can be inturpted but normally more then one sorc is casting it.


What I mean by easy to play class is someone not that good can put up decent numbers with little effort. Were other class's may have to work extra hard just to equal the bad players numbers.


Here is a perfect exsample from last night actually. This one sorc would stand still and cast lighting the whole time. When you attack her she would stand there and continue to cast lighting on her current target. Sometimes she would cast her bubble, she would stand there looking at you if you inturpted her lighting. She was very easy to kill but even with all the mentioned funny facts the not funny part was in the end she was #1 on overall damage and we had heavy hitters and wiped the floor with their team.


More unfunny facts, a month from now when she is decked out in pvp gear spamming one skill while drinking chocolate milk and eating cookies!

Edited by LimbSlicer
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ahhhh the good ol QQ threads! They seriously need a seperate forum for these.


I do not play a sorcerer by ANY MEANS so let's establish that.


But i do wreck them on my 50 Venge Jugg and my 35 Inf Shadow ;).


Don't cry wolf when you see 4 sages rolling around destroying everything. L2get some friends and troll everyone else right back with 4 ops/soundrels or pretty much 4 of anything! it's called focus fire, 4v1 = you dead. 1v1 = whoever knows how to counter and has more cooldowns up.

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This Guy made me laugh! Talking about Trouble with BH/Trooper and how easy Sorcs are to kill when interrupted. I guess he never thought of interrupting a BH/Trooper before.


I think his point was that you can kill the sorc in one interupt where as a BH/trooper would only of lost 1/4 of his health bar.

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Yes it can be inturpted but normally more then one sorc is casting it.


So is it one or two sorc that are overpowered? im losing track of how many varibles people are putting into their arguements.


Yesterday i was killed by a naked smuggler from 50meteres away he and his BM troopr buddy kicked my ***....nerf sugglers......

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I think his point was that you can kill the sorc in one interupt where as a BH/trooper would only of lost 1/4 of his health bar.


Use ure Bubble, use your stuns, use your interrupt, use ure bubble, use ure bubble!


Do i have to make some kind of Videoguide for you to see how easy i kill BHs with my Sorc?

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It is not possible to heal as much or more than a Sorc with the other heal class, when the Sorc knows how to play and is not brainafk. I only and always played healers, and I can't keep up with Sorcs and Sages, its pathetic. :(


Wulf on The Red Eclipse would like a word with you. Also, I would like a word with you. I have NEVER out-healed him in a warzone - and he's a Trooper.


My point? Just because I have an experience doesn't make it universally true.

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Use ure Bubble, use your stuns, use your interrupt, use ure bubble, use ure bubble!


Do i have to make some kind of Videoguide for you to see how easy i kill BHs with my Sorc?


What the bubble that stops 2-3K damage and has a 20 second lockout on it, and the stuns and interupts that have cooldowns. Sorry i forgot we are talking about an imaginary sorc that doesnt have cooldowns and ignores the GCD.


Do i have to make a video for you about how easy i kill Sorc on my BH? I can leave the keyboard for 20 seconds, come back find im at 1/2 health and have a full resolve bar. 1 CC later they are dead.

Edited by da_krall
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Use ure Bubble, use your stuns, use your interrupt, use ure bubble, use ure bubble!


Do i have to make some kind of Videoguide for you to see how easy i kill BHs with my Sorc?


bubble, gone in one hit at 50, and you still take as much as you absorbed. Ston, works one time, if the target has no resolve, which in a wz they typically do. interupt only works on long casting time abilities, if ability delay doesnt get you... see number 1

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Not if you are worried about force lightening it is not, it is the same thing...


If you stand with your sorc all the time at one place spamming one button, not using ure bubbles, ur stuns,ur interrupt (which bh hasnt) you have failed, but i guess u know that allready, cause you really cant be that stupid.


I play both BH and Sorc, while BH has no Chance getting out of sight, its very easy with your sorc. You have to play your sorc in Peek-a-boo style, very easy, very deadly.


Ever tried running away from a sorc with a BH? For sure not, because you dont even know how a BH is played.


Ure just the random noob that only sees the 3 Tracers the BH shoots on you, then you run away and get killed by 3 other skills and guess what their name is not Tracer Missle.

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Against equivalent geared healing mercs there is no way a sorc can dps you down if you're healing yourself. Even with mind snap and stun, they just don't have the burst. Especially when you 'break' free from the stun. I don't know how many times I've called for backup against geared healing mercs on mumble because they sat on the node spam healing. They make really good alderan guards for this reason.


There is a reason why people are calling mercs the unkillable healer due to their high armor and mobile channeled healing.


Sorry but people are actually calling any healer worth his/her salt in a 1v1 unkillable, Not just merc healers. It all depends on how good you play your class and understand the other classes that wins fights.....

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If you stand with your sorc all the time at one place spamming one button, not using ure bubbles, ur stuns,ur interrupt (which bh hasnt) you have failed, but i guess u know that allready, cause you really cant be that stupid.


I play both BH and Sorc, while BH has no Chance getting out of sight, its very easy with your sorc. You have to play your sorc in Peek-a-boo style, very easy, very deadly.


Ever tried running away from a sorc with a BH? For sure not, because you dont even know how a BH is played.


Ure just the random noob that only sees the 3 Tracers the BH shoots on you, then you run away and get killed by 3 other skills and guess what their name is not Tracer Missle.


lol 3, you must really be crazy, I sit there in WZ and watch as all you see is tracers, no GC from anything else. If you are a tank BH you cant run from them, you get harpooned right back.

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I wouldn't, because it will never work, but you can run away as sorc from a BH very easy, thats the point. Using some Braincells might help.


you wont need too. You do more damage then we do so you SHOULD kill us.. If you cant, there is really no help for you.


We do steady damage, you can burst us down.

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Bounty Hunter Mercs tracer missle is also a disadvantage to us also though no matter if we have no cd on it because if it is interupted then we have lost our ability for wat ever secords the interupt is for and tbh as my bh i can kill sorcs pretty easy
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Bounty Hunter Mercs tracer missle is also a disadvantage to us also though no matter if we have no cd on it because if it is interupted then we have lost our ability for wat ever secords the interupt is for and tbh as my bh i can kill sorcs pretty easy


huh? if it is interrupted you actually just switch to something else for 4 whole seconds, 2 whole ability cycles... That is not a disadvantage, it is an advantage..

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you wont need too. You do more damage then we do so you SHOULD kill us.. If you cant, there is really no help for you.


We do steady damage, you can burst us down.


As mentioned before, play peek-a-boo with BHs, i do that too playing my sorc,it works 8/10 Times. If thats to much buttons for you better continue spamming one button and crying on forums.

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