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Gunslinger - why no class should touch our DPS.


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Not sure if somebody has mentioned this but annoucements by developers in beta said it was their intention for pure dps classes not to have signifcantly higher dps and than hybrid classes using their Dps roles. They went on to say they did not consider say 5% extra significant.


Heavily disputed at the time by beta players but the developers made a good case for it, partly on the grounds that player could not spec dps and their healer/tank spec at the same time. Also if one /two classes could out dps others they would be the only desired class for progression in Ops etc. Lastly pure dps have 3 dps trees, so can have more flexibility in how they do their dps, some situations favour aoe's some dots and some single target sustained.


Their maybe a cover issue that needs to be dealt with but the basic arguement pure dps > hybrid dps is a none starter for this game.


I read this also and the argument that SCRAPPER also is a Smuggler and has gotten the NERF bat 3 times now.

1. Burst nerfed.

2. Armor Pen nerfed and this hurt PVE/PVP sustained damage also.

3. Surg nerfed was our main stat for Burst or Sustained damage.


Also there are like 10 Gunslingers to 1 Scrapper and Scoundrel is the least played classs.


All in all Bio Ware has gone out of its way to destory the Smuggler as a whole.

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Just bc you can only DPS doesn't mean you deserve to be able to out DPS others. That train of thought is just wrong. Also, you are=to snipers who can CC driods. There aren't many classes that have CC of non-droids. Other ranged classes have their DPS reduced greatly when moving also.
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In full Rakata gear as full DF spec, I out dmg everyone. No if ands or buts. That includes our sentinel, sage, and commando in equivalent gear.


If you aren't putting out higher dmg than everyone else, you are either undergeared, or are not playing optimally.


Uh rakata gear has no expertise, I call BS on you out DPSing PVP gear ppl in PVP.

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Just bc you can only DPS doesn't mean you deserve to be able to out DPS others. That train of thought is just wrong. Also, you are=to snipers who can CC driods. There aren't many classes that have CC of non-droids. Other ranged classes have their DPS reduced greatly when moving also.


Uhh "only DPS doesn't mean you deserve to be able to out DPS others"... so we shouldnt be able to out DPS classes that do more than just DPS? Really? Then why play the class?


There are no droids in PVP... this ability is pointless as is your post.

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