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That scene with Qui-gon jinn..


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In Episode 1 during Epic duel betwen Jedi master Qui Gon , jedi padawan Obi Wan and Sith lord Darth Maul, there was scene when force field opens up and blocks way temporarly.


Qui gon suddenly stops and begins medidtating, while Darth Maul is lookiing at him and slow walking ..


Does Sith uses some kind of force manipulation or mind trick on him ? Or qui-gon is just restoring his power?? I was always confused with that...:rolleyes:

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He was meditating, finding his center, calming his emotions. That scene shows the difference between Jedi & Sith, even though it didn't really work out for Qui-Gon...


This, plus the fact that Qui-Gon is no longer a young man. He is clearly tired out by the fight when he makes it onto the ship after the first encounter with Maul in the Tatooine desert. The events and discussions up to this point create an undercurrent that Qui-Gon is tiring and no longer a match for a young, powerful opponent. Thus, the significance is not just that he is finding his center and calming his emotions but that he is also taking what time he can in order to rest before the fight begins again, especially since he and Obi-Wan have gotten separated by the force fields.

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This, plus the fact that Qui-Gon is no longer a young man. He is clearly tired out by the fight when he makes it onto the ship after the first encounter with Maul in the Tatooine desert. The events and discussions up to this point create an undercurrent that Qui-Gon is tiring and no longer a match for a young, powerful opponent. Thus, the significance is not just that he is finding his center and calming his emotions but that he is also taking what time he can in order to rest before the fight begins again, especially since he and Obi-Wan have gotten separated by the force fields.


Hmmm... geee.... "age matters not..." Master Yoda was over 900 when he battled Dooku and the Emperor...

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It does for Human Yoda was .. i dont know the name of race ^^



Nobody know what race Yoda is - he's just a yoda. And your answer is false. The force sustains and maintains you - age matters not. Some of the greatest Sith Lords were centuries old and still held their own. The force sustain and maintains...

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One can see the type of things BioWare drew on to make the Jedi and Sith abilities.


You can see Qui-Gon in the break of battle, meditating and calming himself, allowing himself to focus. Similar to the Jedi Knight's restoring ability, I forget the name at the moment..


But when the combat breaks, Maul focuses in on Qui-Gon and lets his emotions flow. He prepares for battle by letting his anger simmer and he even taunts Qui-Gon when he hits the forcefield with his lightsaber. Similar to the Sith Inquistor's restoring abiltiy "Seeth."

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Right things clear now thx gys ! ;) tho i was shocked how easly Darth Maul killed him. Like Qui Gon was scared during most of duel....


The reason why it seemed that way, at least from what I remember, is due to Qui Gon's preferred form being Ataru which used rather broad strikes and the cooling pit being such a confined area hampered his movement quite a bit.

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Qui Gon Jin was an idiot, but that goes for all the characters of EP1 - 3 except Palpatine. Apparantly he was so expert with the force that everyone around him drops to single digit IQ levels.


That said, Qui Gon was clearly exhausted during the fight and needed to rest so he could stupidly continue to fight an opponent that can out last him... rather than simply wait for Obi-Wan to catch up to him.


Or... you know find the switch that turns off the goddam forcefields...

Or... you know Obi Wan using that Force Speed the so aptly demonstrated at the start of the movie...


Sigh, the stupidity of George Lucas reigns supreme.

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Qui Gon knew he was beat if they got separated. So he started meditating like his old master had taught him. This allowed him to focus and retain his spirit presence after death.


Same as Obi Wan did during the fight with Vader. He found his center, so his spirit carried on to help Luke afterward.


Qui Gon told Yoda this during his meditation at the end of Revenge of the Sith, and Yoda then taught Obi Wan.


THAT AIN'T NEW BABY! - Terry Tate, Office Linebacker

Edited by Screamster
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Qui Gon Jin was an idiot, but that goes for all the characters of EP1 - 3 except Palpatine. Apparantly he was so expert with the force that everyone around him drops to single digit IQ levels.


That said, Qui Gon was clearly exhausted during the fight and needed to rest so he could stupidly continue to fight an opponent that can out last him... rather than simply wait for Obi-Wan to catch up to him.


Or... you know find the switch that turns off the goddam forcefields...

Or... you know Obi Wan using that Force Speed the so aptly demonstrated at the start of the movie...


Sigh, the stupidity of George Lucas reigns supreme.


Qft. I wish he could swallow his pride and invite more (better?) minds in to the creative process.

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Qui-Gon: Jedi Knight, Jedi Guardian Advanced Class, wields single saber

Darth Maul: Sith Inquisitor, Sith Assassin Advanced Class, weilds double bladed lightsaber.


When the field went up and stopped them from fighting, Qui-Gon used "Introspection" and Darth Maul uses "Seethe"


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Lol...I love when people call Lucas stupid, especially when they are a fan of SW.


When he was younger .... and less senile .... he was okay.


Now, not so much.


I don't "hate" him or even remotely dislike the bloke. To be fair I didn't dislike the prequels (what can I say, I like action and pointless scripts that make no sense and scenes stolen from the first 3 movies ... come on, you all saw them).




I can't say every decision he has made has been a good one. His constant changes to the originals served no purpose at all and are not the signs of a man with a full picnic so it's safe to assume he's lost a few sandwiches along the way.


So while I didn't dislike the prequels (to be fair, there are a hell of a lot of movies out that are a lot worse ... Flight Plan, Open Water, The Village, Sharktapus ... need I go on?) they are also far from being fantastic movies.



I was lucky enough to be a bit smaller than I am now when the originals came out and watched them then. Can't say I saw the need for any changes (except maybe Luke having a haircut and someone maybe removing C3PO's voice box).

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I like how people like to hate on Maul because he died in the first movie. He defeated two Jedi, and one of them should have been on the Jedi Council. The other eventually was on the Jedi council. (here come the haters.)


popularity trumps movie survival. (They've brought Maul back. Where's Qui Gon's return?)

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Lol...I love when people call Lucas stupid, especially when they are a fan of SW.


Lucas - A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.


EP 4 - 6 are masterpieces of work that follow this logic extremely well.


EP 1 - 3 are complete trash with screenfuls of garbage effects for no goddamn reason and the story is awful.



There is a difference between a fanatic and a fan. The latter is able to realise the mistakes of their idols and accept them. The former are the fools that keep buying multiple releases as Lucas adds more and more garbage on the screen.

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Hmmm... geee.... "age matters not..." Master Yoda was over 900 when he battled Dooku and the Emperor...


age mattered not when Jedi were "luminous beings" and not "crude matter" if you wanna do a yoda rap. but in the prequels, all jedi do is swing swords around and fight. so yeah when you are a swordsman in a hand-to-hand fight your age matters a lot, whether you are a jedi or a muggle.


none of yoda's OT quotes applied to swordfighting or martial combat. they ALL applied to mysticism, the arcane, and spirituality. which makes for a jarring disconnect when you juxtapose puppet yoda and CGI yoda.

Edited by JDTC
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Darth Maul was trained by Sidious to be a killing machine. His whole goal in life was to defeat a Jedi Master.


However, he was warned repeatedly by Sidious not to be too prideful or gloat until the job was said and done. Hence, his defeat at the hands of a lesser dualist (Obi-Wan) while killing his Master (Qui-Gon).

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