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New Classes & Races.


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Lets see if its even possible...


I have seen posts like this before but I will post some ideas on this as well as open it up for other input.


Races are easy there are TONS AND TONS of possibilities but classes gets tricky.



Class Ideas:


Thug / Berserker: Melee based non-force user.

Races: Human, Cathar, Twi'lek, Rondian, Cyborg, Chiss, Trandoshan

Armor: Medium Armor (possible tank AC with heavy armor)

Weapons: Uses vibrosword, vibroknife, techstaff, and other melee weapons.

Style: Utilizes brute strength and dirty fighting techniques to win in battle.

Stats: Strength as a main stat.

Faction: Easily placed into both without any retcon

Resource: Rage


Starting area:(1 - 10)

Republic: newly repopulated quarter of Coruscant

Basic Story: Starts as newly recruited thug for the newest crime syndicate on Coruscant.

Upon completion of prelude heads to upper levels for chance at redemption and becoming a feared warrior for the republic


Imperial: Either another part of Hutta or a previously un known level of Nar Shaddaa

Basic Story: Pumped full of stims at a young age used as a kill-bot for ruthless gang when a vision, dream or moment of clarity offers a chance to turn on captors and fight your way out of the living hell you find yourself in. Eventually being taken to Drummond Kaas as bounty, then being used as servant of death to your new master, a corrupt imperial agent.




Ok im out of ideas and I tried to be thourough. I am sure there will be some people that want to tell me why my ideas are bad and thats fine but lets focus here on NEW class and race ideas/combos.

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Droid Class


-Uses Aim as its primary stat.

-Uses specific-to-Droid gear mostly (motors and soforth), with a few additional boltons for a customizable look and more stats.

-Additional Shoulder Mount weapon slot, allowing for "dual-wielding" and shield/offhand equipment simultaneously.

--Shoulder mount weapons can equip only certain droid-specific blaster rifles.

--Armor slots and stats are fewer, to compensate for additional weapon stats.


Races: Instead of races, droids have manufacturers. Each manufacturer has different base colorization and decals. Customization options change head/height details.


Genders: Labeled "Soprano" and "Baritone" rather than Female/Male. Romance options are a bit more... creative.


Resource System: Memory. Instead of using and recharging memory, blocks are occupied by given abilities over an arbitrary number of cycles. 8 blocks available. Cycle time is pegged to some default number of seconds but can be altered.


Example Abilities:


Generic Attack -

1 block, requires 5 cycles

No cooldown

Blast enemy with all ranged weapons for X damage.


Ultimate DPS Stance -

4 blocks, lasts until switched off

Cooldown X seconds

Increases damage by X%


Overclock -

Cooldown X seconds

Increases the rate at which cycles refresh by 100% for X seconds.



Two advanced classes (names/flavor unique for empire/republic, as usual)


Battery (Droideka)



Main hand - Assault Cannon

Off hand - Shield/Power Generator

Shoulder - Shoulder-mounted Blaster Rifle




Tanking, slightly more at range than vanguard/powertech, but with less mobility


DPS, focused on long-distance burst damage with the Assault Cannon

-Efficiency (shared)-

DPS, focused on shoulder-mount attacks and talents that reduce memory costs and improve cycle speed.



Assault (Magnaguard)



Main hand - Techstaff

Off hand - Off-hand Blaster Pistol

Shoulder - Shoulder-mounted Blaster Rifle




Healing. Multitarget isn't handled via AOE heals predominately, but rather with multiple single-target HOTs running simultaneously (each taking up memory)


DPS, focused on techstaff melee and short-range blaster attacks.

-Efficiency (shared)-

DPS, focused on shoulder-mount attacks and talents that reduce memory costs and improve cycle speed.

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Echani unarmed force duelist? Its a fighting style and way of life, so it doesnt need to be restricted to one race. Basically your standard RPG Asian themed monk.


Duno what the Empire mirror would be... Dashade? Lol.


Edit: And dont anyone give me any of that Panda crap, monks have been classes in RPGs(like Bioware RPGs) for years now.

Edited by Achromatis
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Republic senator-dps/control role

In the time of the old republic even senators need to be able to defend themselves.

The child of a popular outer rim world is thrust into the galaxy after their farther is killed.



Primary stat: cunning

Weapon:pistol rifle and non force focus


Advanced classes:


Diplomat: A focus on inspiring allies and use of a pistol the diplomat focuses on supporting their allies in battle while using their weapon to strike at potential threats.


dictator: using a rifle and focusing on demorlising enemies the dictator can cause enemies to loose their accuracy,speed,power anything that would give them the advantage, in times of war many senators have seen the need to use tatics that would otherwise be considerd extreme, but this doesn't mean these senators arnt working for the common good.

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