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No one will remember if a game is late, only if it's great.


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And they're still the ****. I think it takes a very, very negative person to say that the last 3 Elder Scrolls were anything short of phenomenal.


Bethesda is proof that bugs don't necessarily break games.


And so is Missingno, but that's another matter entirely.


I'm sorry, but that's simply not very accurate. The reason that Oblivion and Skyrim are so popular has nothing to do with how finished they are at release, but everything to do with the fact that there's simply no competition.


No other company out there is releasing games where you can simply say "screw you" to the main story and go do whatever you damn well please in a huge open world. If a competing company started releasing a more finished product of the same genre, then Bethesda would be SOL.

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But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


I will simply say the same thing I'm sure many others have already said.


Sorry, but you don't get to speak for the majority. Especially when the MAJORITY kept playing.


I don't want to be hypocritical by claiming that the majority DO like this game, but the numbers speak for themselves.


Just because YOU didn't think it delivered, doesn't mean EVERYONE or even MAJORITY agree. Call me fanboy or w/e you want, the point remains the same.

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Sorry, but that is just not true, both WAR and AoC are actually really good games now, but people arent going back, they had their chance and blew it.


Agree wholeheartedly. Most people want to get in on the ground floor of a mmo, and if that game's not ready most of them aren't coming back. This has been proven over and over again.

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Im not on about the actual style , zoom in on your SWTOR character and see how the actual material of the gear looks , it looks like smeared watercolour its been painted with.



And this is FACTUAL, as in beta there was decent textures.



NB:- please no one give me "oh that was beta" , at launch you dont take out graphics that have been shown in beta.


<heavy sarcasm>

The ignorance is strong in this one, Master.


Quick my minion. recruit him to the dark side. We always need more cannon fodder who will believe that the promised land is at the other side of that machinegun covered wasteland.

</heavy sarcasm>


I guess you missed the explanatioin that the high resolution textures were temporarily pulled because they caused performance issues? Which incidentally they did? And that they would be returned as soon as the performance issue was resolved?


Personally I would also like to hear your qualifications when it comes to designing mmos, or to programming them. High concurrency database programming? Computer animation? Network optimisation? GUI design? Anything really beyond pushing a mouse around?


Or should we conclude that you are another of those armchair critiques for whom that blog was written: Why the bleep did they not patch my bug (and why you are an idiot if you have to ask)? (and yes, that is paraphrased from the actual title)

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Agree wholeheartedly. Most people want to get in on the ground floor of a mmo, and if that game's not ready most of them aren't coming back. This has been proven over and over again.


How does WoW fit into that theory.


People have gone back to wow a billion times over.

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Yet WoW survived for 4 years without ever having a casual end game, where during vanilla it was less then 15% that actually tried Molten Core. That number didn't go up very much in Burning Crusade. Though it did go way up with Wrath.


Anyways the point is there is a large segment of players are not interested in end game, and have more fun leveling characters. Looks like to me that Bioware wanted to target this market.


Please don't confuse "end-game" with raiding, because there's a lot more that could be implemented in end-game than raiding. Raiding is really going to limit this game's population, and it's a shame the devs haven't figured this out yet. Maybe D3 will teach them, but by that point it will be too late.

Edited by Marlaine
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Yeah I heard somewhere the game was supposed to come out in march of this year, I think with 3 extra months to polish it, it would have been a very good game.


But as it is, the only good thing I can say about it is that I had fun leveling for a while, and that's it. Most definitely not living up to the hype.

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That's because Diablo has no series of major motion pictures coming out starting in 4 days that are a perfect opportunity to advertise their game.


But then again I stopped playing the Diablo series after part way through the first one. Wasn't interested.


BTW, how did you miss the polish on this baby?

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But as it is, the only good thing I can say about it is that I had fun leveling for a while, and that's it. Most definitely not living up to the hype.


So, at what point did you quit? Level 50? Early level? Somewhere in between? Did you quit because there was nothing else to do other than raids? Or maybe those raids weren't ready yet?


A bit more context could help to define your argument.

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Well, wow was extremely polished at release, thus supporting my argument.

Hahaha, no it wasn't. It wasn't nearly as smoothe as TOR. It had bugs and glitches that caused some Computers to crash every 10 minutes. It just had no competition other than SWG, which had a bad 1st week. And then about a year in it began to fail....

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Well, wow was extremely polished at release, thus supporting my argument.


lol no it wasn't


It was just not contested by some massive game like WoW to compete with.


People were not freakin' out about how it didn't meet their standards because there wasn't 14 mllion people playing MMO's at that time.


It wasn't polished, it just had no competition.

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lol no it wasn't


It was just not contested by some massive game like WoW to compete with.


People were not freakin' out about how it didn't meet their standards because there wasn't 14 mllion people playing MMO's at that time.


It wasn't polished, it just had no competition.



Get your facts straight. Wow was extremely polished for its time. Ofc for today's standard it would be a joke.

Edited by Demorase
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lol no it wasn't


It was just not contested by some massive game like WoW to compete with.


People were not freakin' out about how it didn't meet their standards because there wasn't 14 mllion people playing MMO's at that time.


It wasn't polished, it just had no competition.


OK, believe what you want to believe through whatever skewed lense you want. I should add that I HATE wow, with a passion, but only a fool is unwilling to recognize the fact that it's the most polished mmo ever released.

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I think a few people might disagree with this. In fact, I'm finding more and more that the voice acting is detracting from having a really good game.


It completely limits our race selection to human/humanoid. We can't play a Wookie or Trandoshan or whatever we want because there's not enough voice acting to go around.


I would happily trade voice acting in every single quest for better looking environments, night and day cycles on every planet, weather effects, NPC's that do more than stand in the same spot 24/7, wildlife, trees that sway in the breeze... so much missing.


I'm still enjoying it, but it's very very sub par.


There isn't a measuring device on Earth that could possibly measure how much I disagree with you.


I am so glad we have an MMO that isn't "READ THIS BLAH BLAH BLAH". Hearing the voice and literally watching it happen has made this one of the better games I have ever played.

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There isn't a measuring device on Earth that could possibly measure how much I disagree with you.


I am so glad we have an MMO that isn't "READ THIS BLAH BLAH BLAH". Hearing the voice and literally watching it happen has made this one of the better games I have ever played.


As with all things in life there is a middle ground. I think the voices and movies are good, but they get very old having to listen to some BS story when all you have to do is kill 10 rats.


I think it would have been smarter to have the movies for the main quest storylines, and something along the lines of a mission terminal for grind quests. That would also free up a lot of time and money for other game concepts to enhance the longevity of the game.

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what are you lol oking about? It's a well known fact that wow's polish is the secret to its success, particularly at launch.


Falling through the world, being stuck for 5+ minutes every time I try to loot something, even though my pings were around 100-150ms, and a myriad of other problems. Being given nearly 2 months worth of free time because the game was so polished :rolleyes:

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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OK, believe what you want to believe through whatever skewed lense you want. I should add that I HATE wow, with a passion, but only a fool is unwilling to recognize the fact that it's the most polished mmo ever released.


Now, Maybe it is more polished, but wait doesnt it have 7-9 years on other MMOs? If its not polished by 7 years you gotta problem. But at release/Launch Day it was absoloutely terrible.



Don't make stuff up.

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Have to agree with the OP. This game could have been the fabled "WoW Killer MMO", but it's not anywhere close. It had an IP that rivals Warcraft with the fanbase numbers to match if not beat. It had a development company behind it with the capability to create great games. But once again the money handlers didn't have the faith in their dev team to let them run the show.


So dissapointed :(

Edited by Saetun
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Have to agree with the OP. This game could have been the fabled "WoW Killer MMO", but it's not anywhere close. It had an IP that rivals Warcraft with the fanbase numbers to match if not beat. It had a development company behind it with the capability to create great games. But once again the money handlers didn't have the faith in their dev team to let them run the show.


So dissapointed :(


This is so full of assumptions and general blathering I can't put together a rational thought to disagree with you...





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Falling through the world, being stuck for 5+ minutes every time I try to loot something, even though my pings were around 100-150ms, and a myriad of other problems. Being given nearly 2 months worth of free time because the game was so polished :rolleyes:


Most of the issues you speak of are purely in relation to the massive overload of the servers because so many more people wanted to play than they were prepared for. Those issues had NOTHING TO DO WITH POLISH! Your two months gametime? 100% purely due to queues and customer overload.


Personally, I only fell through the world once, and most people were not affected by that bug, although I do admit it existed. But any game that big is going to have at least some bugs. But if you're going to call a game buggy and unpolished due to one bug, then that's your problem for not comprehending the big picture.

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If this game had a proper xLFG system like Rift has, if this game had more fun pvp warzones, if this game had cross server PVP, if this game had more fun dailies to do, if this game had more unique armors, if this game had better open world pvp, if this game wasnt such a pain to switch to another planet. etc


You get the point. This game is missing many features that are standard in most mmos. Features that the game should have launched with. This is 2012, we seen many mmos come and go, you think they could have looked at the successful mmos and took some features from them.

Bioware/EA only have a few more months til Diablo 3, TERA and Guild Wars 2. If this game does not change for the better and incorporate many features that are standard in other mmos, This game WILL FAIL.

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