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Make my class easier to play.


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Seriously. There are way to many buttons. I just want a one button rotation. Lets make a new attack, call it tracer strike. Its a no cooldown, high damage attack that i can just hit over and over again. Also, lets make it a saber throw, that way i dont actually have to follow the target, i can just stand there and hit "Tracer Strike" instead of actually trying.
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I see what you did there... In all seriousness though, I think it's good that there is such a variety in class difficulty. That way, the people who are lobotomized have an opertunity to be at least on almost equal footing with everyone else. While those of us who get bored and quit from that sort of playstyle can play something different.
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know what the raving is about. If a heal specced sorceror can take down a grav round spammer, I doubt a knight or warrior will have much trouble.


But you are right, something needs to be done to make knights a more viable class. I have a sentinel specced for Ataru form, and I find it very difficult to solo on my own, and impossible to take on elites. Either the sentinels are underpowered compared with the game, and unbalanced, or the ataru branch is underpowered compared with the juyo branch, which is even worse, because the class is unbalanced with the class! Knights/warriors are the only melee class in the game, and it shows in both PVP and normal play.

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We need heavy armor, 50m range on our "Tracer Strike" ability, a self-buff that gives us 10,000% HP boost and 10,000% strength, 100% crit chance, 900x critical multiplier, and 300% constant move speed increase.


Until they do those things, Marauders will be broken! FIX THIS BIOWARE!

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I wish, games were alot more fun when you're clueless.









I remember the day I discovered theorycrafting. Games were never the same for me after that; it just turns everything into min/maxing.




On topic, this class is really, really hard and it takes way too long to learn how to do anything. I don't know what keybinds are. How would I move without my keyboard?



Edited by Kibaken
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I remember the day I discovered theorycrafting. Games were never the same for me after that; it just turns everything into min/maxing.


I remember the days where i got excited over the ****test green drops in wow vanilla back in 2004 not to mention getting the most useless enchant "beastmaster" for 50s

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lol troll thread


Seriously, I like the complexity of the Marauder, and I think most of us who rolled marauder did. But I wish there was more payoff for mastering said difficulty.


And I wish we weren't so prone to knockbacks. We have counters to being kited, but in huttball, getting knocked off the platform is so awful, and it happens SO often. I feel like every single other class has knockbacks.

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