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Juggernaut PvP Video, 6k AoE Crits: Why Juggernaut DPS aren't terrible


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It's good, but it's not OP like everyone says it is. You die just the same as any other DPS


Operatives and Ret pallies (s6) would like to have a word with you!


No but seriously, you hit the point I'm trying to get across spot on. There are other viable specs for juggs to play in pvp, people are just a bit too rigid in their train of thought at the moment.

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1 trick pony, set up, smash, set up, smash. Pocket heals + pocket guard renders this build invincible.


It's a faceroll spec, show me something in SWTOR that isn't.


Also he is in Shii-Cho form 90%+ of the time, can't use guard. Someone else is guarding him some of the time.

Edited by Kolbenito
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It's 100% obvious what a Jugg/Guardian is about to do if they hit their relics. It's the players fault if they stand in that or don't hit any kind of defensive cooldowns/stuns.


That's like saying Sniper/Gunslinger Airstrike needs nerfed just because you stand in the AoE for it's full duration, which btw hits for 4K per tick and usually comes out to 12K+ damage with relics/adrenals popped.


An instant AE (with only a very slight delay from animation and 5m range, granted) is a wee bit harder to avoid than a long cast with a huge ground marker and beams everywhere. Plus, any jugg/guardian with experience will do this after a root leap/choke/freeze combo (for snare) and your stuns CDs are not gonna last the 15 seconds and are mostly very visible.

As a Shadow tank, I usually save my speed burst for when I see it coming and that helps, but most classes don't have that and are stuck with the snare/root effects. If you trinket out of it, they just push/leap again and you're done for just the same.


Properly played, a Smash/Sweep is one of the most damaging ability in the game currently, almost unavoidable, instant, AE with a 5 player hit cap, and always crit (which means shielding won't help either no matter what btw since 100% crit pushes shielding off the table completely). It's also on a 15sec CD and the 2 abilities boosting it are on a 21s and 1m CD, but while they help, they're not needed per se to already do a lot of damage. Means during a 1 minute fight, you can do 3 crit boosted sweeps.


In all videos you see about this setup, no matter how well or badly the character is played, this ability is what defines them, and that's it. A vigilance spec is way more interesting to watch (and play) any day of the week.

Edited by Kemorand
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An instant AE (with only a very slight delay from animation and 5m range, granted) is a wee bit harder to avoid than a long cast with a huge ground marker and beams everywhere. Plus, any jugg/guardian with experience will do this after a root leap/choke/freeze combo (for snare) and your stuns CDs are not gonna last the 15 seconds and are mostly very visible.

As a Shadow tank, I usually save my speed burst for when I see it coming and that helps, but most classes don't have that and are stuck with the snare/root effects. If you trinket out of it, they just push/leap again and you're done for just the same.


Properly played, a Smash/Sweep is one of the most damaging ability in the game currently, almost unavoidable, instant, AE with a 5 player hit cap, and always crit (which means shielding won't help either no matter what btw since 100% crit pushes shielding off the table completely). It's also on a 15sec CD and the 2 abilities boosting it are on a 21s and 1m CD, but while they help, they're not needed per se to already do a lot of damage. Means during a 1 minute fight, you can do 3 crit boosted sweeps.


In all videos you see about this setup, no matter how well or badly the character is played, this ability is what defines them, and that's it. A vigilance spec is way more interesting to watch (and play) any day of the week.


I agree except on the score of smash/sweep being on a 15 second Cd, they're actually on a 9 sec C with talents.


Anyway, I'm working on getting clips for a larger vengeance video since that's what people seem to want to see regardless. No rage at all =P

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Properly played, a Smash/Sweep is one of the most damaging ability in the game currently, almost unavoidable, instant, AE with a 5 player hit cap, and always crit (which means shielding won't help either no matter what btw since 100% crit pushes shielding off the table completely). It's also on a 15sec CD and the 2 abilities boosting it are on a 21s and 1m CD, but while they help, they're not needed per se to already do a lot of damage. Means during a 1 minute fight, you can do 3 crit boosted sweeps.


Just want to point out that your misinformed. Smash is a force skill, and as such does not have a roll for shield chance or defense chance. It only does a roll for resistance; so it either hits(or crits in the case of 100% crit talents) or is "resisted".


Crit's only push shield chance off the table IF the person with crit chance has obscenely more crit chance then the enemy with shield chance. Also: this only applies towards weapon damage attacks as well.


In a nutshell: The two classes which shielding will provide the most mitigation against (as a whole) are Snipers/Marauders/Juggernauts (and their mirror classes) as they do the most weapon damage attacks. Other classes have more means of bypassing shield chance directly. (I.e. internal damage, elemental damage, etc).

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